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October 18th, 2020

[info]s_spellman in [info]madisonvalley

Chloe & Dad (Lucifer)

Hey guys! Trixie had asked me to go trick or treating with her as a way to help me feel better about Sam being gone. I hope that's ok. I didn't mean to take anything away from you, Chloe. Would it be ok if she stays over with me at the Settlement? She'll be perfectly safe since there's a really real valkyrie there.

[info]sonofedith in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Clint Barton and Open
What: Supply run
When: Monday morning
Where: Lowe's
Warnings: Probably low
Status: Open/Ongoing

Lubricants, Ropes, Chains, Screws, and Tie Downs on aisle 15. )

[info]allflashnoheat in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Dorian Pavus & Open
What: Enjoying a day off
When: Sunday Afternoon
Where: Somewhere downtown
Warnings: TBD
Status: Open/Ongoing

I render flesh, not heal it. )

[info]godsfave in [info]madisonvalley

You know what's frigging awesome? MY CAR SHOWED UP, BABY IS RIGHT WHERE SHE BELONGS AGAIN! Today is a pretty good day, I gotta say.

[info]the_broken_one in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Lizzie & Brooke
What: Girls having yummy stuff
When: Friday afternoon (backdated a bit)
Where: Starbucks
Warnings: Doubtful
Status: Closed/incomplete

Apple spice and everything nice )

[info]tasergoddess in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Darcy Lewis & Steve Rogers
What: Netflix & Chill (ish)
Where: Darcy's house
When: Sunday evening
Warnings: Nope
Status: complete

~+~+~+~+~ )

[info]butwewill in [info]madisonvalley

I haven't spent a lot of time in this part of the country in this time of year, but I'm starting to become a fan. It's nice out.

We should have some people over soon.