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June 21st, 2020

[info]ladyoftherose in [info]madisonvalley

[left for Phil at the breakfast table]

[a fresh made from scratch breakfast, fresh made coffee, a small succulent that looked like a rose, a small gift and a note]

I love you. Thank you for being an amazingfather. Let me know what you want for dinner!

💚 Klara

[info]alethiometer_ in [info]madisonvalley

( Nick Fury )

Thank you for being my guardian. You're a better father to me than mine ever was.

Happy Father's Day.

[info]force_awakens in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered to Anakin]

I know it is an Earth holiday, but I want to wish you a Happy Father's Day. Luke was like a father to me and Leia a mother. Obi-wan is in in great hands with you and Padme.

[info]butwewill in [info]madisonvalley

[Delivered to Nick Fury]
A framed picture of Lyra hugging him at the feast in Amber, with a card that reads, "Happy Father's Day, "Dad". - NR

[info]tigressheart in [info]madisonvalley


How are things going?

[info]tigressheart in [info]madisonvalley


I know you're not actually our father, but you are our guardian and it seems today is a special day for male guardians and fathers so I hope it is a good day for you.

[info]evenstar in [info]madisonvalley

Adad (Elrond)

This place is odd as it only has one day to celebrate fathers. But as we are in their world, I would like to give you celebrations on this day.

[info]tauriel in [info]madisonvalley


I know that this day must be hard for you without your uncle here so I would like to invite you out somewhere to distract you.

We can also just go out into the main room and try to figure out that television thing and DVD player and watch films and order food.

[info]phryne_fisher in [info]madisonvalley


My dear lady, I would very much like to meet you and get to know you better.

Would you have time for lunch?

[info]madisonmod in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Everyone!! (Especially Harry H., Katie M., Merlin, Sonya B., Hermann G., Johanna M., Kendal C., Terezi P., Kitty P., Isak V., Jill M., Usagi T.)
What: Birthday Party!
When: Sunday, June 21.
Where: The Park

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