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June 3rd, 2020

[info]colestewart in [info]madisonvalley

WHO: Cole Stewart and OPEN
WHAT: Cart Crash
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WHERE: Walmart
WARNINGS: TBD, probably low
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~ )

[info]tribridfreak in [info]madisonvalley

[Voice Post]

Someone please tell me they have seen or heard from Landon. Please, don't let him be gone. Please. I can't take it. I can't-

The is a scream followed by the sound of breaking glass and Hope shatters her window a solid dose of Mikaelson witch mojo.

[info]worksbestalone in [info]madisonvalley

Since I arrived here I've noticed a number of posts addressing missing people. So how often do people go missing? About as often as people turn up here or more? Is there a pattern to it? Is it random or do people choose to go back to their own universes?

And now that I'm settled in, as much as I'm willing to allow myself, suppose I should stop being so bloody anti-social and speak to more of you lot. This social media thing is new to me, I'm not used to it. Just give us a bit more time, yeah? Or some lessons. Either or.

[info]history_hacker in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Everyone!
What: Food Club
Where: The Community Center
When: Wednesday Evening
Warning: Probably low (will lock if necessary)
Status: Open/Party Post

~+~+~+~ )

[info]mel_halliwell in [info]madisonvalley

So I am still working on the decades movie week here at the theater and getting things set up. I am thinking a different decade each day for a week….will be showing 3-4 movies from that decade. I am almost done with the list of movies and just obtaining the movies now. There will also be treats dedicated to each of the movies shown. We will start with the 1940's and work the way up to 2000's. A week of incredible movies. Once I get things figured out I will let you know ticket prices and times. If anyone wants to help with coming up for a treat menu for each movie, please let me know. Or if you want to help out regardless, that would be great too. The more the merrier. And I am thinking that this would be outdoors. Since it's summer and all.