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January 7th, 2020

[info]slayer_savior in [info]madisonvalley

I know the portal has only been open for about two days now, but has anyone checked it out yet? Is it worth poking around in for a bit? I could use a bit of excitement.

[info]ofthelilim in [info]madisonvalley

For a change of scenery, I'm thinking of checking out that portal.

You want to come with, little human? It could be fun.

Also, we should go on vacation with Penelope and Penny. I think it could be fun.

[info]pretendtobeokay in [info]madisonvalley

I get to skip school tomorrow and visit The Shire!

[Filter to Penny & Lyra]
We should go on a trip! Maze already talked to Penelope, but Lyra, who is your guardian?

And where should we go?

[Filter to Lucifer]
Maze said I can skip school tomorrow and go visit The Shire with her. You can come too, as long as you won't be a grumpy pants.

[info]thecanary in [info]madisonvalley

Now that we're through the holidays, are there any events you guys want to see at Verdant? We haven't done an open mic or karaoke night in a while.

[info]anameforherself in [info]madisonvalley

I'm not sure if it's been noticeable, but I decided it was time for a career change here in Madison Valley.

Near the end of the previous decade, I took a job at Hilliard Lyons Investments. As you can imagine, it wasn't easy, but I'm hoping to establish some strong connections and bridges. While we, as refugees, seem to be thriving, I believe building a more stable and concrete agreement regarding investments will only make lives better.

My goal, in the end, is to provide a reliable means for educational loans, home equity, and continued business growth that has also been approved by the town itself.

Our relationship with the citizens in Madison Valley seems to be moving in a positive direction, which could open more opportunities for all of us should this go well.

[info]anicyblast in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered to those sensitive to or capable of controlling the elements]

I'm sure there will be some of you that I haven't had the pleasure of meeting just yet, but I'm curious to learn about your connections with the elements of Madison Valley.

Do they speak with you regularly? Are they a feeling? Are they tangible and accompany you?

[info]vexingsituation in [info]madisonvalley

I wish I had known about these around Christmas.