May 2024



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May 11th, 2019

[info]avocado_atlaw in [info]madisonvalley

Karen Page, you better not have been sent home for good.

Yes, I know she can't see this.

[info]avocado_atlaw in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Foggy Nelson and Matt Murdock
What: Meeting for drinks.
Where: Lou's.
When: Backdated to Friday, May 10.
Warnings: Low.
Status: Closed | Incomplete

... )

[info]cantfindgod in [info]madisonvalley

I miss Tulip terribly. I know she would have never left on her own, not after Aiden's birth.

But I still miss her, no matter how long she's been gone.

( Ariadne )

Would you care to get some drinks?

[info]bluelion in [info]madisonvalley


VICTORY IS MINE! She said yes to Prom :D

[ooc: pretend the pic is of molly & lance]

[info]middlecharmed in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Everyone!
What: Mother's Day Brunch
Where: The Musain
When: Sunday, May 12 (forward dated)
Warning: Likely none but will lock if necessary
Status: Open/Party Post

~+~+~+~ )

[info]12percentplan in [info]madisonvalley

I don't like May. Fucking stupid month.

[info]earthangel in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Isaac Lahey and Derek Hale
What: Isaac’s arrival
Where: Town & Country Florist; then the park
When: Saturday late afternoon
Warnings: nope
Status: complete gdoc

~+~+~+~+~ )

[info]freelancerwash in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Agent Washington and Agent York
What: Wash is pissed off and walked out
When: Saturday Evening
Where: Wherever on the streets Wash has stormed off to
Warnings: PTSD, talk about injuries, almost dying
Status: Closed/in progress

Read more... )

[info]unhookingstars in [info]madisonvalley

At least I can always find company in wine.

[info]eretriatherover in [info]madisonvalley

[ooc: after this]

Really, Dome, you dump newcomers into my shop and wreck half a day's work for tomorrow? Now I'm gonna be here all night.

[info]fightlikeone in [info]madisonvalley

[Private to Elena Michaels and Erin Shepherd]
Hey, so... I ran into Isaac while I was out. He just arrived in town. From right after I turned him, so younger than you knew him previously.

I invited him to live with us. He's going to need a lot of support.

We're running a couple of errands and then we'll be home.

[Private to Chris Argent]
Chris - Isaac's back. But he's younger. Hasn't even gone through his first full moon yet. Just wanted to warn you so you can warn Allison. He's going to live with me. I'm going to do better this time.

[info]changingreality in [info]madisonvalley

Hargreeves Siblings

Hey guys, just a warning, I guess?

Vanya has a...facetwin? One of those people who looks exactly like her even though we've never met her before in our lives. Her name is Ariadne and she does not seem as thrilled to be the Jessica to her Elizabeth as I would be.

[info]earthangel in [info]madisonvalley

So I just appeared in this town earlier and now I'm being told there are apparently fictional characters running around.

... what the hell?

[info]coldest in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Leonard Snart [info]coldest & Sara Lance [info]thecanary
What: Work Visit
When: Saturday, May 11, late night
Where: Verdant
Rating: Reader Discretion is Advised
Warnings: Spoilers for Legends of Tomorrow. Leonard and Sara both think it's okay to use foul language, flirt with most things breathing, and then there's the possibility of kissing, touching, maybe even a little fondling. Leonard hopes at least.
Status: Closed/Complete

I came to claim my free drink. ) 

[info]ninjaattorney in [info]madisonvalley

[Slightly drunken texts to Julia Wicker]
(Backdated to Friday night after driiiiiinks with Foggy)

- Hi
- You're not allowed to leave ever ok?
- The stupid dome can't have you
- Or Foggy
- Just so you know
- Also I like you a lot
- Also just so you know
- Is this annoying yet?
- Probably is
- Sorry