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April 16th, 2019

[info]hergiftisdeath in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Buffy Summers and Kim Possible
What: Matchup
Where: The gym
When: Tuesday night (Foredated)
Status: Matchup; Incomplete

Working out anyone? )

[info]blackwellninja in [info]madisonvalley

Spring is one of the best times to be into photography. Everything coming to life again and sometimes you can catch that one flower before it opens. It's amazing to experience.

[info]giftwithmarks in [info]madisonvalley

I'm sure the bakery will be busy this weekend for people picking up their treats for parties and stuff. I'm actually looking forward to a bit of that normalcy.

[info]anameforherself in [info]madisonvalley

It's been a while since I've been in a position where having something akin to social life was difficult.

Things have been busy at the hall but that's something I couldn't ever complain too much over. If anything, I'd be more inclined to complain about the lack of free time.

Although I'm happy to say that any and all open dates for the remainder of 2019 have been booked. That, of course, includes any events that any of my fellow refugees may want to be scheduled. I may or may not make sure to put in for a few days ahead of time.

There are perks to being in charge.

Am I going to get to see your master skill at egg hunting this weekend?

[info]pennyone in [info]madisonvalley

While making a brief stop at the local grocer, I heard a woman throwing quite the fit over the store lacking a specific type of candy.

The employee did handle the situation well. Truthfully, it was impressive. I could only imagine someone getting that upset in the likes of Gotham and it not ending well at all for anyone.

I will be up earlier than usual as I had intended to make a special birthday breakfast for Cassie. Is there anything I should stay away from?

With the latest news, should we begin preparing a room for a proper nursery? Perhaps as an up-and-coming gift for Diana?

[Tim DW]
I am going to assume that you are taking care of young Cassie's dinner plans for her birthday. I've already planned breakfast and lunch.