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March 5th, 2019

[info]anicyblast in [info]madisonvalley

Though my message is a bit late, I hope you enjoyed the tea basket I sent yesterday for your birthday.

[info]killerofparties in [info]madisonvalley

Watching some of the serial killer-based documentaries on Netflix has been...interesting. I guess that's the word I want to use. The research is decent and that's saying something. Usually, when you watch these sort of programs, they always try and make it entertainment.

These aren't meant to be watched over family dinner on a Sunday. They're meant to inform and educate. It's bad enough how people idolize some of these killers.

Don't get me wrong. They're fascinating individuals, but not in the sense of wanting to follow in their footsteps. Their way of thinking, the way their minds function and process emotions -- I could probably go on for hours, but I'll spare the world.

That said, I'm settling in with my pancakes and true crime podcasts for the evening. Yeah. That's right. I'm the epitome of a wild child.

[info]nevergotnolove in [info]madisonvalley

So, just how many things exist in this place that calls for some kind of party?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not really complaining about them. Free food is free food.

I just know that not even Auradon threw this many parties and they were the happiest damn place in the world.

At least, they wanted you to think that.

[info]bowchickawow in [info]madisonvalley

So, I ran into that Rogue chick.

And I walked away looking better than I did after a round with Tex.

I say that's a point for me!

[info]withmyhead in [info]madisonvalley

This celebration, Maudi Gras, definitely has some different, tasty foods I haven't experienced before. Also, those colorful, unique beads.

[info]littlestduck in [info]madisonvalley

All that food the Rogue cooked today was so delicious. I was glad I had a chance to experience it.

[info]deathisnice in [info]madisonvalley

Who: DEATH and Open
What: Chilling
When: Evening
Where: Fountain
Warnings: It IS Death
Status: Open, In Progress

Death was Bored. )

[info]soldieroftime in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Setsuna and DREAM
What: Date Night
Where: Red Pepper
When: the other evening
Warning: Excessive adorableness.
Status: Completed GDoc

If you need me, me and Neil'll be hangin' out with the dream king )