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February 23rd, 2018

[info]fallinflame in [info]madisonvalley


What's this I hear about you not wanting to train the little demon?

[Adam Young]

I suppose I should have said hello well before now. But I'm really not the fatherly sort, you see.


I'm so bored. Somebody tell me something interesting. Or take off your clothes. I don't care which.

[info]likeridinabiker in [info]madisonvalley

Just remember if you lot doing the whole 'Rainbow Tour' of colorful shots until you puke, I will reserve the right to mess with you and kick your ass if you are a dick.

Just saying.

[Hey V]
So, I've been studying kind of. I want to take my GED but I don't want to tell Wes until I've got the certificate. I don't suppose you could help me.

[info]harvelle in [info]madisonvalley

[Adam Vasic]
Hey, so there's this pub crawl thing happening tonight, if you're interested in coming along.

[info]stellathegreat in [info]madisonvalley

I'm learning this place has some awesome people in it and that it also has some people who are way too full of themselves. It feels just like home. I was almost worried it was going to be all sunshine and kittens..phew!

[info]unassumingomega in [info]madisonvalley

Thanks to Blake I have a real wardrobe beyond jeans. I'm still scared by this. He made me buy a real dress Today.

I have something for you

[info]risky_touch in [info]madisonvalley

Tonight I drink. Tomorrow I make a big southern brunch to kill the hangover. I'm too tired to even cheat and skip the hangover. I'm glad I work in the back but some days people just get on my last nerve.