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July 29th, 2017

[info]12percentplan in [info]madisonvalley

So...who has ideas where I can work if I have to bring a toddler talking tree with me? Because holy shit Groot so can't be left alone on his own for more than five minutes. I mean he almost burned the apartment building down by putting a bunch of paper and shit in the oven. I thought about trying to get a job at the gun shop but heh, Groot, guns. Same thing with construction. And pretty much anywhere I considered.

But if I don't get some sort of job I'll be living in a box soon.

Then Groot will probably burn that down.

it was so much easier being a smuggler

[info]howlinglupin in [info]madisonvalley

WHO: Hermione and Remus
WHEN: recently, though after Alternate Universe time
WHERE: Hermione and Oz’s apartment
WHAT: Remus and Hermione have a chat about Harry and his books
WARNINGS: none really
STATUS: gdoc turned comm! Finished in comments.

where is my mind? )

[info]building_dreams in [info]madisonvalley


Anyone want to place bets on the next time the dome is going to screw with us? Maybe next time it'll be something fun like that cruise people have talked about.

[info]codetoliveby in [info]madisonvalley


Well, the house is looking to be in decent shape. Frame's up. Going to start in on the next phase after this weekend. It's been nice working with my hands.

[info]sonya_blade in [info]madisonvalley

WHO: Sonya Blade (with Cassie) and Everyone (multiples welcomed/encouraged)
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: The park
WHAT: Cassie's 2nd year birthday
WARNINGS: unlikely, but TBD
STATUS: Open: party post

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[info]iscrewgirls in [info]madisonvalley


Want to go dancing with me on Tuesday? I need to just have a dance then have a really good fuck kind of night and I'm not feeling grabbing a random girl for it.