May 2024



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May 31st, 2017

[info]meridadunbroch in [info]madisonvalley


I don't want to go to the prom. Sounds too much like the fancy dress balls my mum made me dress up for.

[info]maundersee in [info]madisonvalley

I found a dress for the prom! I've never worn anything like it before.

Cut for image, not filtered )

What do you think?

[info]alphatalia in [info]madisonvalley


Are you and Isaac going to the prom?

If so, and if you haven't found a dress yet, I wouldn't mind going with you.

[info]_mizpah in [info]madisonvalley

As I have told some of you, my Substance Abuse center will be opening in almost exactly a month now.

I am looking for employees and volunteers who would like to help out. Some experience with addiction, or counseling would be preferred, but everyone who is serious will be considered.

Former addicts are welcome to apply.

[info]heroicsoul in [info]madisonvalley

Right, so, what makes a person evil? Is evil genetic? Is it something you're born with? Or is it something you learn in life?

I mean, if I have a kid, am I going to pass that on to them?

[info]dwarvenranger in [info]madisonvalley

I have been thinking on this a lot since Monday.

It was a very strange, but powerful thought to know that there is a full day set aside once a year here for mourning those that are gone. Strange because back home, we Dwarves have ceremonies at least once a season where we remember our fallen. Powerful because of how many truly did take part in some sort of remembrance.

I mostly stayed in the woods or inside my dwelling because having a full day dedicated to nothing but honoring and remembering put me in a somber mood as I thought about my uncle, Thorin, and my brother, Fili. They were good, strong and honorable dwarves, but no one in this world knows of them so their deeds are not remembered here.

It was a difficult thing to think of.

[info]chivalrysstupid in [info]madisonvalley

I'm sorry.

I'm glad you didn't bleed to death like I expected. Which is a terrible apology. Sorry

There are a couple of you I would like to apologize to but I don't know your names. One of you burned me and one...well sorry about the phone.

[info]dagny in [info]madisonvalley

I will cry if no one gets this )