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December 9th, 2013

[info]bythesoundngsea in [info]madisonvalley

WHO: Buffy Meissonier and OPEN
WHAT: Listening to her feeds from the police station and the Council Chambers
WHEN: Monday morning
WHERE: Her room, then on her way to work and at the Courthouse
WARNINGS: TBD, likely low
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

[info]bythesoundngsea in [info]madisonvalley

[Text Message to Georgia and Shaun, after this.]

>> Guys.
>> Guys.
>> You need to hear this.
>> I've got a feed from the Council chambers on Friday.
>> I'm e-mailing it to you.

[info]crossbowed in [info]madisonvalley

WHO: Daryl Dixon and OPEN
WHAT: Hating the Snow
WHEN: Monday
WHERE: Main Street, finally the coffee shop
WARNINGS: Language, possible talk of Zombies
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+ )

[info]die_as_myself in [info]madisonvalley

WHO: Peeta Mellark and OPEN
WHAT: Grocery shopping, and thinking
WHEN: Monday, after work (around 2pm)
WHERE: At the grocery store
WARNINGS: Hunger Games warnings
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

[info]fromtheseam in [info]madisonvalley

WHO: Gale Hawthorne and OPEN
WHAT: Looking for work
WHEN: Monday morning
WHERE: Subway
WARNINGS: Hunger Games warnings
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+ )

[info]fromtheseam in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered to Katniss]

I found a job. At a coal plant. Figures, huh? I work 8-4:30 Monday through Friday. They give you the whole weekend off!


What's a union? And why are they taking my money?

[info]evancelot in [info]madisonvalley

"You've been here for sixteen hours, go home Vance. Get some sleep in an actual bed. It'll be fine. The world isn't going to stop. Mountains aren't going to fall. And your patients will still be here when you wake up."

Otis. Otis, you fucking liar. You got everything wrong but the buggery bloody goddamn mountains.

I hope whomever is responsible reads this. Do you? Who is taking care of Mr Rebeck when I don't show up for work? It had best not be Glasses Trainee. Have you an ounce of decency you'll remove Glasses Trainee before she's permitted near any ailing patient with wand or vial.

I like Mr Rebeck, his wife brings pies.

[info]mirroredphoenix in [info]madisonvalley

Filtered to Anna, Bonnie and Caroline

I think the four of us should get together for dinner or something tomorrow -- you know, just have some girl time.

[info]truehuntress in [info]madisonvalley

Filtered to Dean, Sam and John

Dinner. My house, tonight. All four of us.

[info]iamnotfood in [info]madisonvalley

Damn dude, I'm about to be returning to my roots and shit. Mi papá is gonna be all sorts of pissed he slaved his ass off just so I could pick fruit and shit when the season starts. Or if I stand out in front of the Home Depot and see if anyone wants to hire cheap labor.

That's all sorts of bullshit.

[info]ldragomir in [info]madisonvalley

Filtered to Rose, Dimitri and Christian

Which of us are making dinner tonight? I'm craving Thai food, but I'm not sure there is a delivery place or even if we have the ingredients to make our own Thai at the house.

[info]the_bloodless in [info]madisonvalley

Stories and tales; in them we find the heart of a civilization, the soul of a culture. All the sorrows, fears and hopes of life can be found in the stories we tell, and in the way we tell them. In my world, it is said that my people know all stories, and before I came here, I very much believed that to be so.

But here, there are so many that I do not know, tales from cultures my mind hasn't even dreamt of, of people beyond the boundaries of my imagination. If we are to come together as allies - if not friends - in this place, should we not share a bit of our worlds? Should we not tell the stories and songs that make us who we are? I have shared a few over the time I have been here, and would be more than glad to do so again, but for now I should like to sit back and listen, while you regale me with your tales.

So, begin!