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December 7th, 2013

[info]elodin in [info]madisonvalley

What motivates you to do the things you do?

[info]eternalmagic in [info]madisonvalley

Filtered to Rebekah and Hayley

I don't

I can't

Will you teach me to defend myself? To fight back so whenif my magic goes away I can still protect myself? I know Klaus and Elijah have promised to protect me, but if my magic goes away and I'm just a teenager again, I don't want to be helpless.

[info]fromtheseam in [info]madisonvalley

Where can I find a decent bow, or wood to make one? I'd rather have one already made, they're tricky.


Let's go hunting.

[info]potterjpotter in [info]madisonvalley

So how am I supposed to deal with this?

Oh, hi, I'm dead, pass the bloody peas?

[info]prideof2 in [info]madisonvalley

So I don't fucking get it.

Football's supposed to be all about fighting to protect your quarterback so he can score, or fighting to take out the other guy's, right?

So what the hell do they penalize you for unnecessary roughness for? Roughness isn't unnecessary if it's what you've gotta do to win.

[info]onmyown in [info]madisonvalley

I have a job! I'll be working at That Book Place, over on Clifty? It seems like such a lovely little shop, and I start on Monday.

[info]hersinwaslove in [info]madisonvalley

Characters: Amara and Cassie
Setting: Wandering town.
Summary: Amara is very confused and scared.
Status: Open; Incomplete
Rating: Lowish. Possibly becoming higher for self-harm?

It was confusing. )

[info]cassiopeiablack in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Cassi and Pollux Black
What: A difficult conversation
Where: Pollux's study
When: Saturday afternoon
Warnings: None so far

Read more... )

[info]agelessbeauty in [info]madisonvalley

Filtered to Stefan

We need to talk.

In a good way!

Not the OMG we need to talk because everything is over way.

[info]mouthisalive in [info]madisonvalley

Well, this is definitely new. I'll have to get a feel for this place.

Bo? Kenz? Hale? Any of you here?

[info]cuthbertallgood in [info]madisonvalley

I'd like to officially invite all of you folk to attend our Solstice Festival.

It will be held on December 21st, as your calendar tells it. There will be a great many market stalls, music and other entertainments from the early morning, contests including a running race and a riddling contest in the afternoon, and then a great feast after dark.

On the longest night of the year, let us set aside our differences and come together to celebrate and to look ahead through the darkness to the coming spring. I hope to see all of you there!

[info]leishacamden in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered to Justine]

Can I talk to you?

[info]adaptvimmnities in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered: George]

Hey George.

Let's blow some shit up.

[info]neverhurthim in [info]madisonvalley


How are you doing? Settling in okay?

[info]die_as_myself in [info]madisonvalley

I found a store today that sells painting supplies for pretty cheap, and I bought some things and went down to the river. I tried to paint something pretty, you know? Something that's not...that doesn't...

I ended up painting Mags. Right before she died. Before I killed her by being stupid.

It'll never go away, will it? Not ever.

[info]thesummerknight in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered to Lily]

I found some decent strawberries. At the store. They're not as good as fresh, but they're better than most of the ones you find this time of year. With a little sugar they'll be great.

Thought we could have them while we watch a movie tonight or something?

[Filtered to Shaun Mason]

How's the bike working out?


God, it feels like the sun is never coming up in the morning. What was it, 8:15 this morning? And I nearly fell on my butt when I left the house - someone really needs to scrape the walk a bit better.

[info]die_as_myself in [info]madisonvalley

[Peeta Mellark's Journal, Unpublished]

I worry about her. I can't help it. She doesn't like to talk much, and that's okay, I can handle the words when they're needed. But I know Gale arriving has to be hard on her, and it's got to be bringing up all sort of terrible feelings about Prim and her death. And she's just closing up. I can be there for her, and I always will be. I'll be there beside her until the day I die, whenever she needs me. But I don't know how to help her more than that. I don't know how to make her stop hurting. How to stop the bad things that keep happening to her. And that's all I want to do.

I can talk to her about hope, and how things are going to get better. How they have to get better. But she doesn't believe it sometimes, I can see it in her eyes. And I don't know what else I can do. I don't want to smother her; Katniss has always needed her space when stuff like this happens.

It's so hard. She doesn't know all the stuff that's come between us in the last year, or the stuff that's brought us together. I don't quite know how to act around her. I keep forgetting all the things about me that she doesn't know anymore. All the things we shared in 12 after getting back there. I miss that. I miss being comfortable with her. I miss her being comfortable with me.

But it doesn't matter. I love her, and I'll be as patient as she needs me to be. I'm not in any hurry. Sometimes it's hard to believe, but I'm still only nineteen years old. Sometimes I feel much older than that, but I'm not. And I have time. Plenty of time.

I only wish I knew how to give her what she needs.