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November 28th, 2013

[info]mahelt in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered to Georgia Mason]

I misjudged you.

I understand better now what you have to say about my time.

[info]youwontlikeit in [info]madisonvalley

Happy Thanksgiving, for those of you celebrating the holiday today.

As a general warning, if you have issues with crowds and feeling claustrophobic, try not to go to the stores tomorrow. Black Friday sales will have places like Walmart swamped with locals jockeying for Christmas gifts.

It promises to be an unpleasant experience for anyone who has never been in that situation before.

[info]apocaprincess in [info]madisonvalley

A whole town that survived the Virus? How is that even possible? Almost everybody died.

Jason? Zoe? Oh please be here.

[info]humane in [info]madisonvalley



[info]drunkstrategist in [info]madisonvalley

What the hell is this!?

We’re done playing games. It’s over.

They claim they don't know what I mean but if this really is a Capitol know what do what the fuck you want, but you leave those kids alone. It’s enough.

[info]die_as_myself in [info]madisonvalley

Death is something that happens to everyone. We can't stop it, although most of us want to put it off as long as possible. But it's not death, or how you get there that really matters in the end. It's how you live the life you were given, and how much you've loved. Because's the strongest thing there is. It's stronger than the Capitol, or the torture, or the pain that's a natural part of living.

Love and hope go hand in hand and as long as you have them you're stronger than anything the world can possibly throw at you.

Because the world will go on. Life will get better. Because things can only stay dark for so long before something snaps and good takes over, and the sun comes out again. I've seen it. And I have faith in it, because I know how strong love is. I know how strong people can be. I've seen it.