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September 7th, 2013

[info]truehuntress in [info]madisonvalley

Filtered to Winchesters and Castiel

Sam's gone.

[info]ex_darkwitch503 in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Cassie Blake & Diana Meade
Where: The roads and then to a hiding place
When: Back dated to here
What: Running Away
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress.

They were not doing this. )

[info]huntresslegend in [info]madisonvalley

What's a girl got to do to find a little fun around here?

[info]cassiopeiablack in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered to Pollux Black]


[info]lovekillsdinos in [info]madisonvalley

WHO: Thomas Raith and OPEN
WHAT: Attracting attention - hey, he's a Raith.
WHEN: Saturday afternoon
WHERE: The Farmer's Market
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

[info]oscarwilde in [info]madisonvalley

For those of you who don't know already, I'd gotten myself a job at Astro Books, a seller of comics and books. Recently things have been a bit awkward, obviously, as new arrivals have not been arriving and as far as stock is concerned, what we have is what we have (and people seem more concerned with groceries than Captain America issue 10, as far as I know. But! It is a used book store, so we do get new things in from time to time. You know, until Madison's economy collapses entirely because everyone seems more concerned with vaccinating immortals and creating social inequality in place of, you know, protecting local businesses and daily life.

I'm waiting for the between-war-Germany-style inflation to strike, myself. Or are we skipping that and moving right on to Police State

Anyway, among the stakes of Dungeons & Dragons rule books and Essential Incredible Hulk Volume 1, I found a rather interesting book by Alan Moore called 'The Mirror of Love'. It seemed, to me, rather out of place wedged between mad scientists and elves so I took it down and gave it a read.... And -- it's a book of poems about positive and negative figures who have been historically important to literature or society and the position of homosexuality within it. I found them very inspiring, even though I was rather shocked to discover them in this place and from the same hand that brought us V for Vendetta and From Hell.
None of the poems are titled, but at the back of the book it explains who they are written about -- Sappo, Shakespeare, Gertrude Stein...

And on page 46, accompanied by a picture of his lipstick stained tomb, is the poem written for my dear, dear Oscar.
Read more... )

[OOC: I'm basing the bookstore on LIBRAIRIE ASTRO, my local comic/fantasy/sci-fi book store. Because it's easy. It's pretty cute and I've always been fond of it, so there you go]

[info]afterthendtimes in [info]madisonvalley

Filtered to Cuthbert Allgood:

Are you still here or do I have to start searching for you?

[info]neverhurthim in [info]madisonvalley

Filtered to Elena, Jeremy, Damon and Klaus

Have any of you seen Caroline or Lydia? They went out earlier and haven't come back and I've searched everywhere. Twice.

[info]lovekillsdinos in [info]madisonvalley

Filtered to Justine

Guess what?

[info]nelyafinwe in [info]madisonvalley

I am told that this thub thubg thing shou;d should be used to communicate with others who are out there i do not understand the purpose

Why would it not be better to communicate whete where i can see the face of nu my pei people

They gabe gave me this thing and placed me at the door of chambers that are not my own
It wpi;d would be better to have explsined explained the place and the metal creatures

Ai iy w\\\

... tch what is this foul thing

[info]the_bloodless in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

Did you speak with Master Elodin, sir?

[info]sharoncarter in [info]madisonvalley

WHO The Winter Soldier & Sharon Carter
WHEN Saturday Night
WHERETheir Kitchen
STATUS Closed - Ongoing in Gdocs (will be updated)

Dinner at 8 )

[info]cassiopeiablack in [info]madisonvalley

To anyone who might have been concerned about me: things are somewhat better, now. Or at least improving.

It's interesting that there are so many different kinds of magic here, isn't it?

[Filtered away from Pollux and Cuthbert]

Has anyone seen or spoken to Cuthbert Allgood in the past few days? Please let me know if you have.

Yes I'm aware that near half of my public-broadcast telephone messages are asking after people who are either missing, won't speak to me, or both, and yes it's troubling.