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Oct. 31st, 2018


Who: Mary & Sollux
What: Getting that Trick or Treating experience
Where: Hinkles to start
When: Halloween
Rating: TBD
Status: Closed; Incomplete

Mary hadn't been Trick or Treating in a long time. )


For all you classy bitches out there:

cut to protect friends list )


from your neighborhood Necromancer!


Oct. 30th, 2018


[Family Filter]
It occurs to me that we never actually made plans this year for tomorrow. What are we doing?
[Poe Dameron]
You, me, and a bottle of wine Friday night?


Who: Lissa Dragomir and Adrian Ivashkov
What: Family Time
When: Monday Night
Where: Adrian's Apartment
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/On-Going


Anyone who had a heart would be there for youRead more... )


I've discovered my Song Spire tree sounds utterly delightful in the colder air. I am looking forward to winter and what it will sound like then.

Oct. 29th, 2018


Forward Dated To Tuesday Morning

Rose and Mason

We need to talk, now.

Rose, I was trying to give you time to settle but there are things you both need to know sooner rather than later.


Come to my place? Meeting time to fill in the others on how much things are so very different.

Adam and Chris

Can you meet me at my apartment as soon as possible?

There's a potential situation so we need to introduce Rose and Mason to you guys.

Jill and I want the two of you to stay in charge, but I need your help setting up detail for Adrian. He has agreed to take on Mason as his guardian, but Mason doesn't know everything yet.

Rose cannot be placed with Adrian.


Uh...what happened to the ski lodge?

Rose? Eddie?


[Lissa, Jill]

Look, I know you guys want me to have a Guardian, and I know you guys both have one, but please don't stick me with Rose. I couldn't take it.

I'll take the next dhampir who shows up, I promise.


There are some colors that you just can't reproduce on canvass. You can see them in your mind, but no matter how hard you try, you just can't make them real. Is that how love is? Only in the mind, but never real?


Well. This is definitely not what we had planned for the honeymoon.


That was not supposed to be a teleportation spell. How did I end up here?


What the...

I thought this was a dream.


It's so weird to think that I'm actually going to be shopping in the infants section now.

I'm pretty okay with the universe letting me be a father at this point -- well, mostly -- but sometimes I stop to think about things and it's like whoa, this is actually real.

Oct. 28th, 2018


I need to find someone who would like to join me on Halloween. I've never spent one alone and I don't plan to do it this year.


WHO Pepper Potts Hendrickson & Ryder
WHAT Checking in
WHEN Sunday evening
WHERE The Hendrickson house
WARNINGS TBD but probably none
STATUS Closed | Incomplete

~+~+~+~+~ )


Who: Leo Fitz and Phryne Fisher
What: A run-in at Walmart
When: Sunday evening
Where: Walmart
Warnings: None
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Back home, my keyblade can be used to unlock pathways between different worlds. I thought maybe it could be used to unlock the Dome, too.

It can't. I just tried. Nothing happened.


It is almost Halloween. Decorations are done at home and work, costume obviously done, work costume done too.


I actually broke an arrow this week. I'm rather sad. Guess it's an excuse to buy more


If anyone needs any woven scarves or warm blankets, i'll be working extra hard to make some in the next few weeks.


The plants are settling in for the long winter. It's quiet, now.


Who: Ian Gallagher and Isak Valtersen
What: Catching up
When: Saturday evening
Where: Isak's apartment
Warnings: Talking about mental illness, sex, prostitution, drug use, other illegal stuff but it's all just talk, nothing's actually happening.
Status: Closed, ongoing.

Read more )

Oct. 27th, 2018


( Padme Amidala )

How about we order take-out and watch Netflix?


Who: Shadow Moon and Mr. Wednesday.
What: Having a drink.
When: Saturday, October 27.
Where: Lou's.
Warnings: TBD.
Status: Closed | Incomplete

They overtook me down in Juarez, Mexico. )


[Carolina, Wash, and York]
Hey, so, I have something that belongs to at least two of you.
So, weird question. Have any suggestions for a projector? For a hologram?


Those of you who are from my universe probably know my radio show, Trish Talk. Well, I have exciting news. A new, updated Trish Talk is coming to Madison Valley! Tune in to WORX on weekday mornings to hear a mix of news and investigative reporting alongside culture, interviews and opinions.


Who: Rose Hathaway and Adrian Ivashkov
What: Running into each other and Adrian is dealing with a massive hangover. Oh boy.
Where: Streets in Madison
When: Saturday afternoon
Rating: TBD
Status: Closed; Incomplete

And Rose knew this was her fault. )


Who: Erin and Adrian
What: He's day drinking
Where: Green Roof Treasures
When: Yesterday
Warning: TBD

Read more... )


What: Moves in the Park
Where: The Park
When Tonight
Warning: None. This is family friendly. Don't make me lock this.

This was the last outdoor movies in the park before it got too cold so she wanted to go all out. )


[Kate D.]
I hate you and you are going to die.

Just sayin'.


Holy shit! This again?

Is anyone I remember still here?

Oct. 26th, 2018


Who: Delirium and Haymitch
What: Random encounter/magic show
Where: Park
When: Friday afternoon
Warnings: likely none
Status: closed, in progress

Read more... )


It looks like I'm a long way from Adventure Bay!

I really hope the guy who gave me the phone was right about no one missing me at home, the pups would be really sad without me! I mean, they can take care of each other but it's probably bad enough that I'll miss them without making them miss me too!

I've got to say though that at least if I'm here I showed up in time for the weekend!


Who: Trish and Leia
What: Random encounter
Where: main street
When: Friday afternoon
Warnings: tbd
Status: closed, in progress

Read more... )


[Filtered against Rose]

I am going to go get drunk.

Very, very, very drunk.


So, let me get this straight:

1.) We can't leave because there is a barrier? Obviously, they have never met me before. Escaping is kind of a specialty of mine.

2.) They can't explain how we got here and they can't send us back. Great way to kill the travel buzz I had going on, but hey at least no jetlag. And stop me from freeing Dimtri too.

3.) I have my own apartment and 1,000 bucks for...nothing? Can't argue with that even if this whole thing put a major kink in my plans. Just saying.

And I still plan on trying to get the hell out of here, because Dome? I have somewhere to be and someone counting on me.


Who: Nyssa al Ghul & Chris Argent
What: Random Run In
Where: middle of town somewhere
When: late last night
Warnings: tbd
Status: closed, in progress

nyssa looked a little like a creeper )


Message to Han )

Oct. 25th, 2018


Who: L. Tucker and Link
When: Thursday
Where: Town/Tucker's Apartment
Warnings: It's Tucker, so language. You might lose some IQ points. Not as many as you would if it was Caboose.
Status: Closed/In-progress

Like a link to something? Dude. Kind of cool. )


Who: Carl Grimes and Carson Beckett.
Where: The clinic.
When: Thursday afternoon.
What: Judith has a cough.
Warning: Likely low.
Status: Closed | Incomplete.

... )



I got a ward or something!

Wait. That's like a kid, right? Like...someone I look after, right?



Who: Kristof Nast and Foggy Nelson.
Where: The law firm.
When: Thursday, noonish.
What: Foggy offers lunch.
Warnings: Likely low.
Status: Closed | Incomplete.

... )


Special treat for Halloween at Verdant.

Poison Apple cocktails.

Cut for image not filtered )


Who: Church and Charlie
What: Surprise!
Where: the Arcade
When: Thursday
Warnings: Language, who knows
Status: Closed, in progress

Read more... )


Who: Phil Coulson and Pepper Potts
What: Some kind of conversation
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Outside their offices
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/ongoing

~+~+~+~ )


Sometimes this place makes me remember living in a shack in the middle of nowhere fondly. There's just so many people.

The onions passed inspection.

Oct. 24th, 2018


Anyone have any leads on a media outlet in town looking for a new voice?


I'm really digging my blue hair. I'll miss it when it washes out. My costume this year almost topped last years. Almost.


Who: Kenny and Rangiku
What: Job Talk
Where: Dionysius' Den
When: Evening
Warnings: Language? XD Boobs?
Status: Closed, in progress

Boobs sell booze! )


( Sif )

I enjoyed having dinner with you. Would you care to have dinner again sometime?

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