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Jun. 3rd, 2020


Since I arrived here I've noticed a number of posts addressing missing people. So how often do people go missing? About as often as people turn up here or more? Is there a pattern to it? Is it random or do people choose to go back to their own universes?

And now that I'm settled in, as much as I'm willing to allow myself, suppose I should stop being so bloody anti-social and speak to more of you lot. This social media thing is new to me, I'm not used to it. Just give us a bit more time, yeah? Or some lessons. Either or.

May. 23rd, 2020


I really need to stop getting comfortable. Every fucking time...

So where is "here" exactly?

May. 19th, 2020


Was most certainly wondering when that homesick feeling was to kick in. Suppose I didn't expect it to hit so soon.

I'm almost missing having to use wards to keep the doxies away.

I understand we aren't incredibly close, but I could use a bit of advice from you when you have a moment.

May. 12th, 2020


Fireball is a necessity at the moment.

May. 7th, 2020


Does this kid thing get any easier?

And is anybody else weirding their kid out in addition to being weirded out by them?

Apr. 11th, 2020


Who: Everyone!
What: Art & Music Festival
Where: The Park
When: Saturday afternoon/evening
Warnings: let me know
Status: party post!

~+~+~+~ )

Apr. 9th, 2020


[Filtered to Nick Jakoby]

Hello Mr. Jakoby. I am not sure if you remember me from your last appearance here in Madison Valley, but we had spoken. My name is Fury.

Apr. 8th, 2020


Happy birthday to me! I can't believe I'm now 16 years old!

Apr. 4th, 2020


Hello, luvs. My name is Nimue. So very glad I found my way here, and this is a fascinating device. Now tell me. Where might I find Merlin?

Mar. 29th, 2020


I'm actually starting to like this place. I've got a good job, my own place with actual windows. I'm even thinking about adopting a pet. Who knew getting pulled into another universe would be so awesome.

I don't even need to ask how many of us have it better here.

[Elena and Kitty]

About that offer from the full moon. Is there any way I can take you up on it? And maybe talk about something more pack like?

Mar. 22nd, 2020


Ooh, Ward's gonna be pissed when he comes out of the Loaf 'N Jug and I'm not there.

No way is he gonna believe me or let me blame it on magic. That's what this is, right? Magic?