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Oct. 23rd, 2013


[Filtered away from all vampires, werewolves, and supernatural creatures except for Harry Dresden]

[Filter changed to OPEN TO ALL]

So, what is it we're looking at here? It seems from reading that there's some big problem between magical and non-magical people. Do we have a list of what's here? What isn't? Weaknesses? Strengths? I'm not asking for any reason other than it's good to have the knowledge and to know what's going on. The more we know, the less we fear.

Oct. 20th, 2013


The medical advances in this world are simply stunning.

The deaths from infection have plummeted due to the use of new antibiotics, and the deaths from heart disease, cancer, and other major killers have made such a drastic drop that I can see the human race achieving immortality in the near future.

Forgive me, the medicine in this time seems like a doctor's dream. I know medicine is not perfect, but it's shocking how far it has come.

In other news, the computer is an amazing research device.

Oct. 18th, 2013


That lady who only just arrived, Rose? She said that she was shot. That she died. So did Jeremy Gilbert, before he arrived here.

We're not all dead, that wouldn't make sense, but I do wonder. Do you suppose it works the other way? If someone died here, would they disappear and end up back home as if nothing had happened?

Oct. 13th, 2013


WHO: Max and OPEN
WHAT: Mapping Madison Valley
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: Around Madison

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Oct. 11th, 2013


There is a word in elvish, both the High Speech and Sindarin, called estel. It cannot be translated directly to the common tongue used here, as it is more a philosophical concept and thought than a word, but may be best understood as 'faith' or trust, and the hope that comes therein.

The elves hold estel as the belief that Eru Ilúvatar--the Creator of the World that Is--is good, and his designs will end well for all his Children, despite our troubles. Estel is a belief that cannot be destroyed by the ways of the world or the suffering that we face therein, as we are the Eruchin, the Children of the One, and He will not suffer Himself to be deprived of us. Not by Himself, our own folly, or any Enemies.

So we hold to estel in even the darkest times and it keeps us from being overcome by the hardships we face in Arda Marred. Despite everything, the Children of Eru see the good in the world, alongside its corruptions and in spite of them. It is the Unmarred within the Marred, estel is the ability to discern the truth of it.

Have faith. It will be well in the end of all things, even unto the breaking of the world.

Oct. 12th, 2013


Gilead falls. And I am left alone to wander, the last of my ka-tet.

I, Roland, must bury all my friends, or at least see them laid out. I must listen as the tales of Gilead fade into myth. I who must see my home die, and the world move on.

Cuthbert, would that you had not left me to face this alone, although perhaps that is ka too.

Oct. 10th, 2013


I sat by the river with my lute today, playing the sunlight on the water, and the fish swimming in the depths, and the long and ancient path to the sea...

And I was near to finding its Name, I think. All those parts, those parts that I find with my music, are near enough. Could it be so simple?

Oct. 8th, 2013


The woods here are lovely and deep, and on my walking I came across a lovely falls and a pool beneath. The water was too rough for swimming, but I sat on the shore and closed my eyes, and listened with my fëa to the sound of it. Eru is all around us, I think, even in this place so far from home, and I am glad for it.

I hope that my father will find peace, and likely he already walks with my mother in Tirion again.

Oct. 7th, 2013


I really like your nature documentaries. They're fantastic.




[Filtered; Fingon]

It's like talking to a wall with the mortals. They see little but their own emotions and never beyond what they desire.


Public Announcement

The spatiotemporally displaced young people now living in Madison Valley have determined their chosen representative. The winner of the election is:

Lissa Dragomir

Oct. 5th, 2013


I've lost count of the exact years that I've lived. Time does not flow the same for Elves or Men, so that in one hundred years of the Sun a decade will have passed for us, more or less. It's a season.

Men are new to the world, in my understanding. But three lives of Men have passed since we extended our hands to Men when they came from the darkness. We gave mortals civilization and now live beside each other, as time allows. Such as our existence is. You change and we .. do not.

I've never permitted myself to become overly attached to mortal existence. You all pass so quickly that in one hundred years I'll not remember names alone, but knowledge gained from those experiences. There are few individuals from the century past whose faces I recall with any clarity.

But the point then, is that this isn't home and the mortals in this place are not those we've brought from the darkness and into the light. Being here does not give my kinsmen nor I the right nor reason to enforce our laws, our teachings, or our governance on the land. We're merely visitors.

Say you their actions involve me. Tch. That my rights are being denied. I'm not human, and I don't live by your standards or your laws. In half a century most of you will be dead and the world will change again. That's the nature of men.

Kill this body. Kill it a thousand times. I will be reborn, and this world will still crumble and re-emerge changed.


[Filtered Against the Council]

So I'm curious. Why exactly are we letting the council set the terms? They've already made it clear that it isn't our best interests they have in mind. They want us to send a select group of refugees?

How is that anything short of keeping the numbers on their side? I've seen better displaces of democracy in schools of fish than I'm seeing here, at the moment.



There has been much discussion among us about the limiting of weapons and dangerous articles among the refugees. However, as we embrace the second amendment as much as any American, we are loathe to seize any weapons that you may have brought with you.

As we have been unable to come to any clear conclusion over what is to be done about this problem, we would like to meet with representatives at a time and place convenient to you. We are sorry that we cannot meet with all of you, but we feel it is better for security reasons to limit the number allowed in the council chambers.

So if it is possible, please choose - or elect - three representatives to come and argue your case before us on this matter.

Thank you,

Madison Valley City Council

Oct. 1st, 2013


[Filtered against the Council]

Who among us has medical training of any sort? I think it would perhaps be prudent if we set up our own medical facility, perhaps in the church, in case these doctors tire of healing us as well.

Sep. 28th, 2013


Who: Maedhros & Fingon
What: Playing with technology, talking etc.
Where: Fingon's rooms
When: Evening, 9/28
Warnings | Status: None | in progress

Read more... )


More than two months have passed, and still we find ourselves here. Although I find myself quite comfortable, I wonder how many of us are becoming complacent. Have we stopped looking for a way home?

I also wonder, does time here pass as it does in Faerie? Will we return home to discover that no time at all has passed, or will we find that ages have passed and all we once knew are dead and gone?

[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

When will you begin to actually teach me something? If you restrict my behavior as you have and teach me nothing in return, then I think our contract may soon be at an end.

Sep. 27th, 2013


It worked. I've received a much finer welcome this time than I did the last. I've got my own apartment, filled with all this world's marvels, and a new one of the little cards that passes in token of actual funds, and isn't that something!

I've never lived alone. It's perfect nice, like having a grand set of rooms high up in some palace or other, even if the ideas on proper...interior design are a little lacking.

My only complaint is that I still can't buy my own graf I should have said 21 but who'd believe that? If any of you folk care to visit and bring along a welcome gift of such nature? I can welcome you into my home and we'll have a good meal and suchlike.

Sep. 23rd, 2013


I have a theory that whatever bubble is around the town will pop after being pumped full of hot air due to everyone's run-away super-special egos.


Where might I acquire a horse in this land of yours? Mine has either not made the journey, or he has been transformed into a strange metal cart.

Sep. 18th, 2013


[Filtered away from the Council]

It's two months exactly since I arrived here. When I thought about what I'd be doing now I have to say that being stuck in a little town in Indiana, living in a church, in a world where Kenzo Yagai never lived and neither did my daddy - that's about one of the least probable things I could have thought of, isn't it?

Two months is a long time and they've probably stopped looking for me. I wonder how long Daddy will leave it before he has another daughter instead. I don't really want any more sisters anyway but if he thinks I'm not coming back then...the technology's there and when my generation are older it's the genemodded kids who are going to have the easiest time at everything so he can't give all the money to Alice, she wouldn't know what to do with it.

I still think we'll get home someday but it might take a long time and I don't know what home will look like when I get there.

Also? Is there anyone else here who's...awake at night? And I don't mean to drink in bars and things, just anyone whose sleep pattern isn't like normal.

Sep. 16th, 2013


I have been asked to play at the Art Festival this weekend, and have accepted the offer. It seems as if the town may finally becoming wise on the talents of those who have arrived here.

I will be playing in front of the Fountain, at Main and Broadway, for those of you who are interested.

[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

I will not be able to make lessons on Saturday, because of it. I beg your deepest apologies, sir.


There is a store here that has many, many mangoes. You need only go inside, choose the ones you like, and purchase them, just like at the market in Tirion. Only, when I asked how long they would have them, they told me that they carry them all year round.

What sorcery is this? How is such a thing possible?

It must be the hand of Eru himself.


So, apparently, I can't get drunk.

Which, on the one hand means no more hangovers. But on the other...I can't get drunk.

I've been cursed. That's got to be it.

[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

There are...TOLKIEN ELVES here.

Sep. 12th, 2013


So apparently with the river so close, it's not hard at all to sell good hooks and fishing equipment. I'll never get rich off of it, but if it's enough to buy food with, well, it's better than nothing. A little honest work feels good, anyway. So if anyone needs something? Hit me up.

[Filtered against Annie]

Also, this place...I'm not sure I want to leave. Annie's safe here. There's no Capitol after us, no one trying to kill us. There's no war. No living underground in bombed-out thirteen. No hiding from the sunshine.

And...I found books about us in the stores. Annie doesn't know they exist, so please, nobody tell her. I don't want her to know what happens, or more to the point, how it happens. It made me sick when I read it, that I died that way. Decapitation, really? I'm not afraid to die, but I'm so worried about Annie. Please, don't let her read that. And don't tell her about it.

But...I guess as long as we stay here, we're safe from that. Annie can get better here, she can be happy. She can maybe become less afraid. And I'll take care of her, which is all I want to do for the rest of my life. Maybe this is a gift, rather than any sort of kidnapping or terrible curse. I don't know.

I want a drink, but I think that's a really bad idea.

Oh, right. And...while I'm talking to everyone. What's magic? What's God? I've never heard of these things before.


We all clearly need a Jump to Conclusions mat. Which is all I have to say.


thnk broke mycell phonethngy

t fell n therver and my handsare too bg to work wth t


Sep. 10th, 2013


Theoretical question, in the sense that I'm testing a theory and if it works for others why not me?

How would you defend a city against modern machine-weapons like tanks and mayhap planes if you didn't have any of your own but did have a large army complete with guns and plenty of cavalry?

What would you do? Assume it's past the point of diplomacy and I'm not accepting pray, die or turn traitor as valid answers.

Best workable solution wins a basket of mangoes because Sai Maedhros is a bad influence and I bought far too many.

Sep. 8th, 2013


I've found a time and place for the general orientations for new arrivals. We'll be holding classes twice a week at [address]. Tuesdays and Thursdays, for an hour and a half - 6 to 7:30pm, unless it becomes apparent we need more time for sessions.

The first session will absolutely cover street crossing, ATM machines and the bank for new arrivals, or anyone who still isn't sure how debit/credit cards work. We'll also talk about money and denominations we use in the States. Also, if there's any other issues anyone's having please tell me here.

The subsequent sessions will cover technology like basic computer functions and phones. And then if anyone really wants to learn how to drive, driving. There's also going to be cultural awareness of the 21st century.

We'll repeat as necessary with new arrivals, if anyone wants to volunteer their time.

Okay, the really important part for this to be effective; most of you already figured this stuff out for yourselves and that's good, but please keep an eye out for new arrivals. The city has a tendency to give us our things, the keys and then sets us loose to find our way. We all experienced it. If you notice anyone having difficulty at navigating the streets, looks generally confused, or is entirely out of place help them. That way we don't have more people attacking cars with swords or spears.

Thank you.


Who: Fingon & Maedhros
What: Exploring Madison Valley
Where: ... Around?
When: After their network conversation
Warnings | Status: TBD | in progress

Read more... )

Sep. 7th, 2013


I am told that this thub thubg thing shou;d should be used to communicate with others who are out there i do not understand the purpose

Why would it not be better to communicate whete where i can see the face of nu my pei people

They gabe gave me this thing and placed me at the door of chambers that are not my own
It wpi;d would be better to have explsined explained the place and the metal creatures

Ai iy w\\\

... tch what is this foul thing