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Aug. 29th, 2013


How many of you are from pre-industrial societies? If you read the news there was a man struck by a car and I only assume (maybe that's bad?) he didn't know how to cross the street. And if he didn't know how to cross the street, then maybe you don't know either.

And if you don't know how to cross the street how do you navigate your phones, computers, and other technology.

Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to have some unofficial classes to go over these basic concepts to give you a better handle on things.

Just a thought.

Aug. 20th, 2013



Could anyone direct me to the nearest restaurant? And if anyone mentions the name of that aluminium-sided monstrosity across for the gas station, I may be forced to put you out to pasture, as you're obviously of no use to anyone.


[Filtered: visible to all refugees except those on the Council's magic user list and/or those who have publicly admitted to being magical/supernatural]

Does anyone else here think that the Council might have a point?

Before you shout me down, listen. I'm not saying I condone their methods. I'm utterly against them, particularly when it's children that that they're targeting. That's wrong. What they're doing is wrong.

It's not nearly as clear-cut as us against them though, is it? There are people with dangerous abilities here, and while some of them are just like you and me? Others might mean us harm. Maybe we ought to be less trusting of people just because they've arrived here the same as we have.

Aug. 19th, 2013


[Filtered; women age 21 and over]
Hello, my name's Justine. I'm also a refugee to Madison Valley, and I need your help. My partner Thomas is a vampire from, what in my world we call the White Court. What that means is that he's an incubus so instead of feeding on blood he feeds on lust. Usually through sex.

I'm incapable of providing sustenance to him myself, so I'm searching for one or more partners, who would be willing to become a source of sustenance for him. There are a lot of things you need to understand before you make this decision, so I'd like to talk to anyone even slightly curious about what this will entail, in depth. That said, he or I will answer your questions, but I didn't want to include him on this filter in the event you rather not speak to him immediately. I don't want him to scare you Though I can add him to it if you'd rather talk to him directly.

[Filtered; Thomas, added after the conversation with Jo]
Thomas, love. There's a woman who wants to help, but not by feeding. She suggested that she approach some of the people she knows here about a solution to your hunger, without using your name. I told her I'd ask you if you were okay with that, and that the choice is yours.

If you'd rather not have it spread around I'll tell her you said no. She'll respect that decision, I think.

And another woman who told me there's a vampire here. She wants to speak with him before she agrees to anything..

Aug. 17th, 2013


filtered to Refugees

If people really want ID, I'm sure I could have a crack at it.

Aug. 14th, 2013


[Filtered; Georgia Mason & Sybil Crawley]
My sister's ill. I mentioned previously she's prone to sickness, and she's caught something now. I She needs hel help before it can get worse. I won't have her delivered to a hospital.

Will the muggle illnesses

Can it kill her?

I don't want her to die.

Thank you.

Aug. 13th, 2013


Written about two hours after this. Voice transcription, hence the lack of capital letters, punctuation, etc.

voice ...


fuck shit damn it stupid piece of primitive


i said directions command directions search home

fuck ow


fucking assholes

Aug. 11th, 2013


Now that I'm mostly recovered from my illness, I took Miss Mason's advice and I spent some time at the library.

You've made so many advances. In medicine, in technology, in social policy. Yet in other ways you're worse. More hedonistic and violent and - I'm not sure how to describe it, it's almost as if I've stepped into another culture entirely, and I don't mean because I'm British and you're American. The gap's bigger.

What I will never, ever understand is how you could have allowed a second war. We called ours the War to End All Wars, you know. The last. A generation later and there's another, and it's worse, although maybe you learned from that. I read about your situation with the Soviet Union and I was expecting the outcome to be a lot worse.

Aug. 4th, 2013


[Pollux, Cesare, Cuthbert, Georgia]

I'm beginning to show the first signs of illness.

We've been expecting this to happen; I've made preparations. I should be able to keep making my rounds to you for another day. Maybe two, depending on how fast this progresses.

Miss Mason, after that, will you see to the others for me?

Aug. 2nd, 2013


What happens if we die here?

I'm not afraid not really but it would be inconvenient. I had plans for my summer after graduation, this wasn't it. And the children I've left them at home and Irma will be

I've been thinking about it. I was six years old when influenza swept through our--my? [...] world. It had a certain.. virulence to it. It's rather morbid to think about given the current atmosphere here, but I think I've.. gotten something. Influenza kills the young and old, but that pandemic seemed rather intent to wipe out a different generation altogether.

[Filtered; Sybil]
It's getting worse, Ms. Nurse Crawley.

I am short of breath and there's a chill.

Jul. 31st, 2013


I'd like to make an announcement.

A request, really.

If at any point you should feel yourself developing influenza-type symptoms, would you let me know? This isn't going any further and I urge you to find alternate means of communication should you have any doubts about the integrity of this line - I trust to your inventiveness in that regard.

There's absolutely no cause for alarm, I simply have to be sure. Should I receive no response on this line, any concerns I have will be assuaged.

Jul. 29th, 2013


Who: Sybil, Cesare
What: The 'plague'
Where: Cesare's apartment
When: Now
Warnings: Serious illness? Will update if anything else comes up.

Read more... )


This is an extraordinary dream I'm having. It reminds me of something Mr H.G. Wells might have dreamt up. It's almost as if I could be in another time.