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Nov. 30th, 2016


Who: Jessica Jones & Open
What: Drinking away not holiday blues
Where: Verdant
When: Wednesday Night

Drinking too much again )

Nov. 15th, 2016


I've decided to cook a traditional Thanksgiving dinner this year. It's not a holiday that is typically celebrated in my world, but I am thankful to be here and it seems like a wonderful opportunity to share a meal with family and friends. Anyone is welcome to join us.

What suggestions or resources do you have for me?

[HP Folks]
I know that we're not all terribly close, but James and I would like to invite you all to attend Thanksgiving. We'll be adding some Wizarding touches to make it feel a bit more like home.

Nov. 12th, 2016


I hate Thanksgiving. I hate most holidays, really.

I always liked being at school more than I liked being at home.

Nov. 9th, 2016


It's hard to believe that this semester is almost over. That Halloween is done and Thanksgiving is right around the corner... and of course Christmas. It's a whirlwind.

Nov. 7th, 2016


Who: Jesse Pinkman and OTA (multiples welcome)
What: Jesse drinks.
Where: Verdant, for a change of pace.
When: Monday evening.
Warnings: TBD
Status: OPEN | Incomplete

Here we are now, entertain us. )

Nov. 5th, 2016


So, just out curiosity, who is having the Thanksgiving I can crash?

Oct. 28th, 2016


So I died yesterday. That was fun.

[Possible trigger warning of OD talk in comments]

Oct. 25th, 2016


Someone at school told me about the father who transformed his three year daughter into Wonder Woman. The effects in the photos are amazing, but what's even more amazing is how fierce that girl is.

Oct. 23rd, 2016


Who: OPEN for all
When: Backdated to Saturday night - 22nd October
Where: Verdant
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Open/Ongoing


[ooc: As usual feel free to start little threads for your characters :)]

Oct. 20th, 2016


There's a remake of Rocky Horror Picture Show on at the moment and I have no idea how I feel about that.

Jessica Jones

Come watch this with me. I have booze and Blow Pops.

Oct. 15th, 2016


To the woman who was looking for pregnancy costume ideas, I think your name is Angie.

Here is a ton of ideas.

Oct. 12th, 2016


What are you doing for Halloween?

I might eat all this candy before the kids do.

Oct. 9th, 2016


It's football weather. Who wants to get a game of two hand touch going?

Oct. 4th, 2016


I was going to stay home and watch a movie.

Without alcohol.

Two out of three isn't bad, right?

Anyone care to join me?

Oct. 2nd, 2016


I need a job.

I... need suggestions for a job.

Sep. 25th, 2016


[ooc: pretend this was earlier in the week]

Oh man it's good to have a penis again, and to not wear a bra.

Sep. 24th, 2016


Who: Jessica Jones & Jesse Pinkman
What: Having a few drinks
Where: Lou's
When: After his message on the network
Rating: TBD
Status: Closed; Incomplete

A private investigator walks into a bar... )

Sep. 21st, 2016


( Bruce Wayne )

Yo. Batty. We need to get drinks.

I know you don't know me but still, this needs to be a thing.

( Jessica Jones )



What are you up to?

Sep. 18th, 2016


This is complete and utter bullshit, yo.

Sep. 10th, 2016


Who: Anyone who wants to come
What: Party for Piper and Kristof
Where: Veronica's house
When: Saturday evening
Warnings: Probably not?
Status: Party Post!

~+~+~+~ )

Sep. 5th, 2016


One minute, sunny Los Angeles, the next... sunny Madison Valley. This is a little strange, even for me. And it's Labor Day? Who slipped me something in my drink at the show, because I'm clearly on something. This is not even remotely normal.


Uhhhh, um, okay.

Which Earth is this again?

and how exactly did I get here?


[Public; filtered away from Nick Gant]

Uh. What just happened? Why is Nick looking like the green muscle man who takes his fashion advice from Ariel?

[Text to Nick Gant]

So, I'm going to stay in my room. Unless you want a hug?

Sep. 4th, 2016


Yup. Drinking is the best invention ever.

Sep. 2nd, 2016


What the fuck am I doing? God damn it, Trish. Where are you?

I was under mind control by a man named Kilgrave and I killed someone.

Aug. 27th, 2016


So, Ladies' Night. When are we having one of those again?

Aug. 25th, 2016


Clarke. We need to go register for classes tomorrow or we'll be shit out of luck for this year.

Aug. 24th, 2016


[Public, but blocked from Pansy and Sydney]

Alright people of this place, tell me, where can I get a fake id? I'd like to be able to purchase my own alcohol for a change. Someone told me that there were people here who could help. There aren't many vices to be had in this town so I should at least be allowed to do the ones that there are.

[Private to Sydney]

Did you ever finish that reading? The professor hasn't started talking about anything related to it yet, but I would like to talk to someone prior to the actual class talk.

How are you enjoying your classes?