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Jun. 2nd, 2019


Who: Everyone
What: Impromptu Rainbow/Pride party
Where: The Park
When: starting at 6pm
Warnings: Um... let's at least try to keep it semi family friendly?
Status: party post!

~+~+~+~ )

May. 27th, 2019


Who: Isaac Lahey and Erin Shepard
What: Isaac and Erin explore New Orleans, after dark.
Where: New Orleans (Portal)
When: Friday, May 24th, Sunset [backdated]
Warnings: Violence on creatures is possible.
Status: Incomplete/Closed

~+~+~+~+~ )


Who: Isaac Lahey and Peter Maximoff
What: Isaac and Peter explore New Orleans
Where: New Orleans (Portal)
When: Friday, May 24th, Morning [backdated]
Warnings: nope
Status: Incomplete/Closed

~+~+~+~+~ )

May. 24th, 2019



I'm taking Issac to the cave this weekend to camp.


Wanna go check out New Orleans before we head to the cave?

May. 21st, 2019


Text to Isaac Lahey

>> I stayed away on the full moon
>> All safe and sound in town
>> Did you have a good time?
>> Or I guess
>> Whatever?


Is there a groomer around here? Poor Booker has got to be hot.




A: Your boyfriend annoys me. b: Wanna see my cave sometime? C: How did the full go for you?


We need a girls day or something.

May. 20th, 2019


I got a job! I'm the official FedEx delivery person for the ShipCenter in Microdome Computers. They've got a whole system in place for moving packages, but we've worked out something for me which is a little more flexible.

Who knew they'd be so excited to have a mutant on staff?

May. 18th, 2019


So tonight is the full moon and there are people who that's a big deal for and I totally get that.

Are there any like rules for full moons? I'm not usually good at rules, but I'm working on that since I'm supposed to be trying to do that hero thing back home.

May. 17th, 2019


[Filtered to Students, Faculty, those in Education]

I'll have to start my junior year over, which sucks, but whatever.

Does the high school here have sports? I played Lacrosse back home. I'd like to join the team here if there is one.

[Filtered to Derek & Elena]

Derek, this feels weird asking you, but it is your house—and yours, Elena—so I'm going to ask.

What are your... rules... for like, inviting people over? To hang out?

I never really got the chance to do all this so...

And I saw you guys have a Wii and a Switch but is it okay if I buy an XBOX to keep it in my room?

[Filtered to Peter]

I'm asking my guardians about inviting people over... to hang out. I never really got the chance to do that back home.

If they're cool with it, would you want to hang out at my house?

We can watch movies or I saw a nice XBOX for sale at Walmart I could buy and we could play games...

If you want. From what I know, those are things friends do...

May. 16th, 2019



All of my creations have been delivered! Another successful Prom in the books. I hope you all have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do on a Saturday. ;)

May. 15th, 2019


People of Madison Valley, lend me your ears!

Or at least link up with me so we can play Words/Uno/Yahtzee with Friends.

I thought about Monopoly, but we don't need any riots in the streets.


I can feel the full moon finally. I love this time of the month.

[Derek & Issac]

What are you two doing for this one? It's your first one, right Issac?


I'll treat you to breakfast the next day as a thank you for watching Booker every month for me. It's something I should have done ages ago.

May. 13th, 2019


I'm super anxious for Prom.

Pepper took me out to go dress shopping. I don't know if I can do this, Prom is kind of scary.

May. 12th, 2019


[Text: Isaac L. | Derek H.]

Derek... I've got some werewolf questions.

[Private | Peter M.]

Thank you for breakfast. I had fun. We should... do it again sometime? If you want to, too.

[Owner of the Flower Shop]

I'm sorry about your display. I didn't ask to be thrown into it, obviously, but I still want to offer to help you there for awhile... if you need it.


Who: Peter Maximoff [info]maximoffp & Isaac Lahey [info]icametowin
What: Breakfast
When: Sunday, May 12, 9 AM
Where: Horst's Little Bakery Haus
Rating: Reader Discretion is Advised
Warnings: Peter has terrible boundaries, doesn't know when to shut up, and can be very annoying. Isaac is awkward, star struck, and new in town. They should both be given a little leeway. 
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Isaac? )

May. 11th, 2019


So I just appeared in this town earlier and now I'm being told there are apparently fictional characters running around.

... what the hell?


Who: Isaac Lahey and Derek Hale
What: Isaac’s arrival
Where: Town & Country Florist; then the park
When: Saturday late afternoon
Warnings: nope
Status: complete gdoc

~+~+~+~+~ )