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Sep. 12th, 2016


So, hey, Madison Valley.

I've been reading the network a lot over the past week or so since I got here, and it looks like Kara is totally right - people totally don't hide the fact that they're...well, werewolves or witches or vampires or you know, any of that. Or that they have superpowers. So...I guess there really isn't any point in me hiding it, either, is there?

So, um, here goes.

Hey. I'm Barry Allen. And I can run. Like...really fast. Like, not Olympic sprinter fast, but really fast. I broke Mach 3.3 on my own and they're pretty sure I can go way faster than that.

Here's a video of me I made with my phone running downtown to give you an idea.

So, um, hi?

Sep. 4th, 2016


I betrayed my people and I killed my father.

I know I should feel bad about this, but I don't. I just feel kind of hollow inside. Empty.

The worst part is, I also feel that I did the right thing in both cases.

Aug. 30th, 2016


Been working on the robot that Jasper and I started. I think I need to take it out for some more field testing soon. Walking it all over the apartment is starting to annoy Abby and Rex.


I wonder if the reason that I have trouble understanding how people think isn't because I was a coyote for eight years.

I wonder if it's because my biological mother and father are both psychos who don't care about other people at all. If they're both people who lack...what's the word...you know, feeling what others feel?

Well, maybe they passed that on to me.

Aug. 21st, 2016


Okay and ow. I'm getting used to a lot of things, but hearing someone screaming in my head is not one of those things.

Feb. 16th, 2016


Just out of curiosity, how many people would choose to stay here if given the option of staying or returning home?