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Dec. 10th, 2013


Right, so I think we should incorporate some sort of gift-exchange into Cuthbert and Roland's little party. Doesn't have to be anything big or fancy, just kind of one of those things where you draw names and spend maybe $10 on the other person.

What do you say? Maybe bring a little more Christmas spirit into the town.

Dec. 9th, 2013


Damn dude, I'm about to be returning to my roots and shit. Mi papá is gonna be all sorts of pissed he slaved his ass off just so I could pick fruit and shit when the season starts. Or if I stand out in front of the Home Depot and see if anyone wants to hire cheap labor.

That's all sorts of bullshit.


"You've been here for sixteen hours, go home Vance. Get some sleep in an actual bed. It'll be fine. The world isn't going to stop. Mountains aren't going to fall. And your patients will still be here when you wake up."

Otis. Otis, you fucking liar. You got everything wrong but the buggery bloody goddamn mountains.

I hope whomever is responsible reads this. Do you? Who is taking care of Mr Rebeck when I don't show up for work? It had best not be Glasses Trainee. Have you an ounce of decency you'll remove Glasses Trainee before she's permitted near any ailing patient with wand or vial.

I like Mr Rebeck, his wife brings pies.

Dec. 7th, 2013


[Filtered to Lily]

I found some decent strawberries. At the store. They're not as good as fresh, but they're better than most of the ones you find this time of year. With a little sugar they'll be great.

Thought we could have them while we watch a movie tonight or something?

[Filtered to Shaun Mason]

How's the bike working out?


God, it feels like the sun is never coming up in the morning. What was it, 8:15 this morning? And I nearly fell on my butt when I left the house - someone really needs to scrape the walk a bit better.


I'd like to officially invite all of you folk to attend our Solstice Festival.

It will be held on December 21st, as your calendar tells it. There will be a great many market stalls, music and other entertainments from the early morning, contests including a running race and a riddling contest in the afternoon, and then a great feast after dark.

On the longest night of the year, let us set aside our differences and come together to celebrate and to look ahead through the darkness to the coming spring. I hope to see all of you there!

Dec. 3rd, 2013


Like, how long do you think we'll be here? Will we have time to get used to it?

It's not bad, really, but I kind of miss the angst. It's a lot easier to write depressing angsty romance or poetry in the zombie apocalypse than in this...pre-rising ennui. Although maybe I could use the ennui.

Or maybe I'll just write more porn.


Europeans are crazy, dude. You know the best thing that came out of Europe is us. The United States of America.

Dec. 2nd, 2013


American beer tastes like piss.

I'm going to go vomit now.

Nov. 27th, 2013


I guess this time of year is really one of the best times to be Summer Fae, objectively. I mean, it can get as cold as balls and I'm still nice and warm. One of the things I'll never get tired of, especially living in Chicago.

Not saying I like winter, just trying to look for silver linings, I guess.

[Filtered to Lily]

Are we going to have a Thanksgiving dinner? I'll help.

[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

Hey, man, everything going okay?

Nov. 26th, 2013


I hate cold weather. Like...really, really hate it.

Girls wear way too much, for one thing. It's like we go from a world of beautiful people to a world of bundled up snow bunnies. Not nearly as sexy.

[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

Talk to me. You've been silent lately.


So, I'm really thinking we should have a 'whose timeline sucks most' competition. Pretty sure mine's in the running, but at least we don't entertain ourselves by killin' kids on reality TV. Shit.

Nov. 25th, 2013


So I've been here for just over a week now. I wouldn't say I like the place or that I'm used to it yet, but it isn't the worst place I've been and I'm starting to find my way around pretty well. My brother is here, and my dad and Jo are too and they're both alive. So, silver linings I guess.

I didn't really introduce myself on my last entry so I'm Sam for anyone that's interested. Not much of an introduction really but there isn't a whole lot to tell.

Filtered to Dean )

Nov. 24th, 2013


This is certainly something that I've never seen a case file on: Relocation by Persons Unknown.

I don't think I've ever needed to give blood as part of a job application process, either.

Nov. 23rd, 2013


Who: Carlos Ramirez & Molly Carpenter
What: A Warden and the Rag Lady walk into a bar...
Where: Starbucks
When: Saturday, high noon
Warnings | Status: TBD | in progress

Read more... )

Nov. 22nd, 2013


The medicine here stinks. I feel like a cave person. But I can keep my eyes open for a while, so I'll take it, I guess.

On an unrelated note, I have a 'future person' question:

How do you handle people trying to stop you on the street? We don't walk around, there's no social protocol for it. I'm twitchy.

Nov. 19th, 2013


I have heard much talk lately of the fae, and the dangers people face when they come up against them. If you've a moment, I'd very much like to tell the tale of my own experience with the fae, and the dangers, pleasures, and mysteries that surround them in their land; so close to ours, and yet so far away.

It was not very many months ago, when I went away from University, to the service of Maer Alveron, a particularly powerful Vintish noble. He wished for my skills at tales and music to help him court the woman he loved, which I aided him with very ably and successfully. I shall not go into detail at the moment of how I saved his life from a murderous alchemist, or how I won him the love of his life only to be cast aside by the both of them...

But alas, those are tales for another time.

The Maer sent me, with a motley crew of soldiers, deep into the wilds, to capture a bandit who had been stealing great sums of money from him. Indeed, much is to be told with this tale as well, and perhaps in time I shall tell you of our daring fight, and how I called down the lightning to win the day, but for now, our story goes elsewhere.

On our way back home, we came by a vision of feminine beauty; a woman lovelier than any other, bathing naked in a pool as she sang. Most of the men were enthralled, and had to be held back from rushing to her, and to their certain deaths! For this was Felurian, an insatiable fae seductress from whose arms men have never returned with both their lives and their sanity. We were able to restrain them, but I...enraptured - but not enthralled - by her music, and the beauty of it and of her, made a conscious choice to follow her. And so I did, into the faen realms. I, like others, spent many days in her arms - or was it weeks? or months? or years? Time passes differently in the faerie realms, and I know not how much time I spent with her, drunk with the touch of her, learning all it was she had to teach me about love, and sharing music with her in more ways than one.

But in all my time with Felurian, she was unable to bend me to her will. She tried - oh, what a prize I would have been to her, indeed - as I was far from being one of the hunters or farmers she usually ensnared! But she was unable to control me, as I found her Name, and with it bent her to my will.

In time, my wish to return to my land, to my home, and those I had left behind grew stronger. Felurian had never faced such a thing before, as all men before me had either died or been driven mad in her embrace. But through music, a little bit of trickery, and the power of my magic, I was able to convince her to allow me to leave - on the condition that I would someday return to her. For, I told her, how was I to call her the best of all women at the art of love when I had known the touch of no other women?

And so I, alone of all men, left the faen realm, and escaped the arms of Felurian with my life, and with my mind intact.

And I warn all of you to heed Mr. Dresden's words of their danger; no matter how lovely they may appear. Always remember that there is an alien otherness beneath whatever charmed words they may tell you, and whatever sensual pleasures they may promise.

Nov. 18th, 2013


Hey, everyone.

My name's Peeta Mellark, and I wasn't in the best shape when I got here didn't greet all of you as I should have.

When we introduce ourselves at the games

So, I guess what would be interesting to know, since we're all from different places - what's the thing that's most different between this place and your home?

For me, there's so much food, and everyone has so much money. My father owned the bakery in our town, but I could hardly ever afford cookies or cakes, because the cost of sugar was so high. But here, I see kids coming in the morning before school every day and buying two or three doughnuts. It's crazy.

So, what about everyone else?

Nov. 17th, 2013


Fuck this place and fuck giving me a guardian.

I'm old enough to kill but not old enough to live on my own? What the hell.


I have been told a little about this place. I cannot in Christ's name fathom how I was brought forward eight hundred years - eight hundred! - but I am told that there is nothing to be done for it, and my father always said to me that I ought to make the best of what couldn't be changed.

That said, I have some questions, if one of you might be so kind as to answer.

1. Who is the lord of Indiana? I would speak with him
2. I was asked after magic and I am uncertain: is it herbalism they mean by the word? Or heresy? For they are quite different.
3. The...horseless carts. I admit I'm not sure what my question is, exactly, but - might someone explain them?
4. Could I have directions to the nearest traveler's hospital? I find myself in need of a place to stay for the night.
5. Additionally, I may require the service of a midwife. Is there one to be found here?

Any assistance you might provide will be met with my gratitude.

Mahelt Marshal

Nov. 16th, 2013


Eighty years, and there's nothing left in the world that I recognize.

Nov. 15th, 2013


Whoa, this isn't even America anymore, man. At least not a civilized America because what exists between California and New York? Besides a whole bunch of corn.