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Sep. 1st, 2013


My sister and I are new here. What can people tell us about this place? It feels weird to call her my sister.

Aug. 25th, 2013


Who: Carl Grimes and his baby sister, open to Rick or Daryl if they want.
What: Carl vows to protect Judith from harm
When: Sunday
Warnings: None

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Aug. 17th, 2013


[Filtered; Ramirez]
Yeah, okay. We're done sitting around. Time to make an impression on the city council.

So here's the plan:

1. Dress fancy, El Dorado style (I got that one covered). You probably shouldn't carry grenades though, something about terrorists they'll try to use against you, probably.
2. We go down and have a nice chat with all the people.
3. Make an impression, ask them politely to stop being assholes.

Nobody dies. Got it?


[Filtered; Molly, Michael, Fix & Thomas]
Keep an eye on those kids. Some of them are heading up to St. Michael's, Michael. Ramirez and I are gonna have a chat with some people.

I don't want any of you coming along. If we spark the next witch trials none of you are going to be guilty by association.



This is so frustrating. I with I knew what to do. My supposed guardian made me go down and do all that stuff. What if they find out I'm running away.


((Semi-directed to Justine, in response to their network conversation, but on the public network and open because Leisha totally doesn't mind if others weigh in. It's educational.))

I think I figured it out.

Survival isn't a virtue. Immoral people survive. Animals survive. Survival in itself can't be considered virtuous. What it is, though, is a value, something that people want to keep. You have to live a virtuous life and pursue excellence precisely because you want to get the things that you value, and hold on to them, and survival, except in a few extreme sets of circumstances that aren't so relevant to most of our lives, has got to be the fundamental value. Like I said, if you're dead you can't be virtuous or excellent or really much of anything.

Does that sound right?

Aug. 10th, 2013


She's here! Judith's here. I woke up just now and she was crying.

Aug. 4th, 2013


I don't like this place anymore.

I'd rather go back.

Jul. 24th, 2013


Rick? Your kid told me you're here.

I presume he spoke the truth. You wanna check in?

Jul. 23rd, 2013



The midsummer heat can be tough. Wouldn't you like a nice, cool glass of all-natural lemonade? Or perhaps some refreshing sweet tea?

Stop by Tea By Leisha, at the end of Leisha Camden's driveway.

When you're there, why not pick up an exclusive hand-made bracelet? It's the perfect gift for a friend - or for yourself!

Still thirsty?

Give it a try.

Jul. 21st, 2013


Voice Post

...little squiggly signs and siguls instead of proper letters, what's the point? If I'd wanted a puzzle I'd have asked for one. How is it supposed to work...?



Can any of you folks tell me how far it is to Hambry, in the Barony of Mejis?

Jul. 20th, 2013


Who: Leisha Camden and Carl Grimes
What: Meeting someone around their own age
Where: The park
When: Mid-afternoon, the day after Leisha's arrival
Warnings: None

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Jul. 21st, 2013



What the shit is goin' on now.

I'm getting a signal on this thing.

Jul. 17th, 2013


Oh no, it's happening again.

Jul. 16th, 2013


Voicce Post

Dad? Dad! Maggie? Glenn? Daryl?

I don't know what's happening. Dad!

Where are you? Where am I?