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Dec. 8th, 2013


I'm not working today.

If anyone's passing near the church maybe you could stop in for a visit? I could do with...conversation.

Dec. 7th, 2013


Characters: Amara and Cassie
Setting: Wandering town.
Summary: Amara is very confused and scared.
Status: Open; Incomplete
Rating: Lowish. Possibly becoming higher for self-harm?

It was confusing. )

Dec. 6th, 2013


So, Christmas. It's everywhere. We don't have...religion in Panem so much, but I like the idea of a holiday where people get together and eat special food and celebrate each other. That's pretty universal.

What do you do for Christmas? Should we do something here? Like, among the refugees? A party, maybe?


How are you feeling?


As there have been many new arrivals, I will address this to all of you, instead of contacting you separately.

My name is Marius Black, and I am the physician who has been in charge of the medical care of the vast majority of the refugees. For those of you who are comfortable with the idea, I would request that you stop by my office for a routine, baseline medical exam. This is not required in any way, but it would allow me to better care for you should you fall ill while you are here.

Secondly, I would like to warn any of you who have arrived from a significant time in the past that you may contract an illness rather like a severe respiratory infection in the next few days. While it will certainly be uncomfortable, it will not be fatal, and you may come by the clinic in order to receive drugs that may help alleviate the symptoms.

Also, if you have come from before the late 1970's, I would like you to come receive a series of vaccinations, including the vaccination for smallpox. It would not do to have an outbreak of any illness in so small and confined of a space.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me in person, or via this device.

[Filtered to Hogwarts witches and wizards]

I am well aware that the vast majority of you deny my existence, but I should like to introduce myself to those of you who will allow me to exist.

My name is Marius Black, I am the younger brother of Pollux and Cassiopeia. If you haven't heard of me (as I assume you haven't), it is because I am, indeed, a squib. But I should like to introduce myself to you nonetheless, and I wish you good day.

Dec. 5th, 2013


Nobody gives you money and a place to live for nothing. No one.

So what is this place, how did we get here, and what the hell do they want from us in return?

Dec. 2nd, 2013


Scruffing sounds heard over the speaker of the smart phone. Random mutterings break on and off over the static.

I-I don't understand-

I said stay away from me!