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Aug. 18th, 2017


Werewolves + Presto

What happens when there's a solar eclipse? Will that affect us?

Aug. 13th, 2017


Looks like I missed the deadline to take classes this fall. That's okay, I don't know if I really wanted to anyway.

I kind of think I'd rather just find a job of some sort. I never was very good at school. A job in music would be ideal, but after the stuff I've done back home I don't think there's anything that would disgust me or gross me out. I can do anything, as long as I get to stay here.

Aug. 11th, 2017


The 23rd needs to get here. I'm ready to be 18.

Aug. 7th, 2017


It's starting to get a little cooler at night. I like when you can feel the seasons change. Pretty soon we'll start to see it, too.

Aug. 4th, 2017



Wanna go do the camping thing with everyone else tomorrow then go to the cave for a few days before the full? Gotta enjoy it while we can 'cause school will be starting back soon.

Jul. 24th, 2017


Where is Kate? Bishop. She's supposed to be here. Where is she?

[Annie, Tom]
Thank you. For taking care of Eve. She was with me in the other place.

Jul. 18th, 2017


WHO: Tom McNair and Presto
WHEN: shortly after Mitchell's taken to the clinic
WHERE: Presto's place
WHAT: the two talk about babies, since Eve is in tow.
WARNINGS: probably not
STATUS: comm, in progress

______________ )

Jul. 17th, 2017


Mitchell's at the clinic.

[Annie & Tom]
I wasn't sure where else to take him. Was that an okay thing to do? I didn't know vampires could, you know, have that happen. Is that normal? Is he hungry? Should I have gotten him blood something? Does he have a preference?

Can we reschedule? Are you okay? Please tell me you're not in a coma.

Are you feeling alright? Nothing weird? No comas?

Jul. 9th, 2017


WHO: Tom McNair and OPEN
WHEN: Sunday
WHERE: the bowling alley
WHAT: Tom's bored
STATUS: comm, in progress

I'll come runnin' with a heart on fire )

Jul. 1st, 2017


I hear explosions already. You lot really like your Independence.


I've read a bit about it, but what exactly is Independence Day. We did not have it in my world.

Jun. 24th, 2017



Jun. 18th, 2017


Dad ate me real parents and raised me as his own.

McNair taught me how to survive, how to kill vampires, how to get ready for the change each full moon.

He died back home. Killed by a really old vampire. I wrapped his body up and buried him.

I wish Eve had her dad here. He was a real nice guy.

Jun. 9th, 2017


[Filtered to all Werewolves and Friends of Werewolves]

This is due to a conversation I had with Presto after the campout, but I wanted to address it to everyone. You know, just because.

My mom was killed by a wolf. Wolves. Evil Nordic myth wolves. So yeah, I'm a little against wolves, and werewolves by extension. But it's not personal, and I'd never do anything to hurt any of you unless you attacked me first or something. So I guess what I'm trying to say is live and let live, hey? Just kind of wanted to explain why I reacted like that.

Jun. 8th, 2017


Who: Mercy and Open
What/Where: Lunch in the park
When:lunch time
Why: bc lunch
Rating: Low
Status: Open, Inprogress

Eating outside was nice )

Jun. 6th, 2017


[Werewolves and friends of werewolves]

We're just a few days from the Full Moon. Everyone ready? Anyone need help?

Jun. 4th, 2017


I finally got a job! I'm going to be working at the Circle K starting tomorrow afternoon.

I also signed up to take Trig over the summer. Is anyone else going to summer school or taking any extra classes?

Jun. 3rd, 2017


Tell me, is there any group of people who have found themselves discriminated against here? Supernaturals? Wizards? Mutants? Humans?

This place seems so open minded to me, but I find it hard to believe it's as perfect as it seems in that regard. After all, people are people.

Jun. 2nd, 2017


WHO: Derek Hale and Tom McNair
WHEN: Saturday afternoon
WHERE: Derek's place
WARNINGS: Low, maybe talk about death and werewolves
STATUS: thread, in progress

When the moon is round and full gonna teach you tricks that'll blow your mongrel mind )

Jun. 1st, 2017


Nina's gone.

It's not fair to Eve. It's not fair. She was going to be part of our pack.

May. 20th, 2017


Who: Erin, Tom, Presto
What: Being Human pack moon #1
Where: Their cave/woods
When: Full moon
Warning: Were on were violence possible
Read more... )

May. 18th, 2017


I'll take someone to prom.

Does anyone need a date?

May. 13th, 2017


WHO: Tom and Wil
WHEN: Saturday
WHERE: The woods
WHAT: Matchup! Tom is still out camping.
WARNINGS: TBD? Probably low.
STATUS: thread, in progress

Sun twinkling on the river this evening. The taste of chocolate on my tongue. )

May. 3rd, 2017


WHO: Erin and Tom
WHEN: 5/3, Wednesday
WHERE: WalMart
WHAT: Tent shopping!
WARNINGS: talk about death and werewolf violence, maybe
STATUS: comm, in progress

In a dream I was a werewolf. My soul was filled with crystal light )

May. 2nd, 2017


I have a pack.


Does it happen often here that people disappear and someone keeps them away from their friends and family? I keep reading on the network that people are still missing. Is there help that is needed?


I do not know what kind of "job" I can do here...


So, anyone have any ideas for the job for a former slayer?


Hey, how are you doing so far?



You settling in okay?


Hey, is everything alright?


Hey, big guy. You're nothing like the guy I know. You haven't lost your hammer once in the whole time I've been here.


A bird landed on my head today.

I really wish I wasn't so frightening to small woodland creatures, you know?



How are you feeling? I purchased some more prenatal vitamins for you; this type was said to be exemplary.

Are you resting?


Canadian geese are wholly unpleasant creatures. I believe they may have some demon blood in them.

May. 1st, 2017


[Filtered to the 100, Minus Octavia]

Right. So. Most of you hate me, I get that. And following Pike was a fucking mistake, okay? But I'd like just one of you to look me in the eyes and tell me you haven't totally fucked up at least once in your damned lives.

Isn't that how you got your asses on the dropship in the first place?

I'm so damned tired of this shit, get over it


I need a job. Anyone hiring?


It's been the week for tire changes.

Just for the record, I loathe this part. It's easier than half the stuff I do but something about lifting tires all day is exhausting. But yay spring?


The nights are really getting shorter. I don't think I like it very much.

There's a comfort in the darkness.

Apr. 29th, 2017


So I guess I'm not dead this time round either am I now?