June 2024




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May. 24th, 2024


[Private: Dream]

Hi. How have you been?


WHO: Cole Stewart and Suzume Kimura
WHAT: Cole’s arrival
WHEN: Cole's Arrival
WHERE: Downtown
WARNINGS: TBD, probably none
STATUS: Closed/Completed Gdoc

”-.-.-.-.-.” )


Anyone who knew Eddie Diaz, he's left again. It seems like the Dome only likes him coming here for short stints. My daughter misses him


[Filtered to magic users]


Some of you might know me. My name is Paige Winterbourne and I'm a witch. In my world, witches have covens where we discuss issues in the magic community, share spells, and help each other out. I thought it might be nice to start a coven here, but open it to all magic users. Would anyone be interested?


[Filtered to Demons and Angels and adjacents]

It's going to be AWESOME!!!


Spencer Reid

Would you like to come over for dinner? I'll order takeout. No need to worry about braving my cooking.

I was thinking about inviting a friend over for dinner, too, I want you two to meet each other.

His name is Mickey and he's a little wary about cops and law enforcement but he likes me so I'm sure he'll like you. Or act like it.

Mickey Milkovich

Come over for dinner. Tomorrow. Bring Desire if you want.

Nico di Angelo


You doing okay? Do you need anything?


Bruce Wayne

You moved in with your girlfriend and another kid and you forgot about me.

May. 23rd, 2024


( Thirteen )

Who are River Song's parents? She said I will know eventually.

Which means you know.


WHO: Alastor & Vaggie
WHAT: Checking out the portal
WHEN: Thursday
WHERE: Portal (Cedar Point)
STATUS: Closed/Completed gdoc

* * * * * )


Not the first time I have seen magic, but this is certainly a new place. Is my mom behind this?


I know that this might seem like an odd question, but what exactly is the point of an amusement park?



How about a Friday night date in the portal this time instead of a usual spot since it appears to be an amusement park of sorts and not something terrible for a change?


Who: Hope and Karl (and Nita)
What: visiting one of the amusement parks
Where: Cedar Point
When:during the plot
Rating: low, but talk about pregnancy
Status: Closed; g-doc
Nita’s first amusement park )


Who: Elena and Jenna
What: Jenna needs to talk to her niece.
When: Beginning/Middle-ish of the month [Backdated!]
Where: Elena’s apartment
Rating: Lowish

++++ )


I can't decide what is more incredible, hot water on demand or electric lights.

Or the utter lack of corsets.


And great. Just great. My BFF's gone. Again.

I get really, really sick of this place and its shenanigans sometimes.

Oh, and apparently it was a two for one deal -- the guy that was like a little brother to me is apparently gone, too. Yep, it's official, hate this place right now.

May. 22nd, 2024


Joel Miller

What is an amusement park and can we go?

My Favorite Pocket Size Princess

How is Little Horse?


Friends and Family

Would any of you be willing to watch Rachel for a few hours so I can kidnap my husband and take him to an amusement park?


It's amusing to me how many people go drinking when they go through the portals, then get upset when they come into the bar and I won't allow them to be served because they are staggering drunk.


I'm thinking of going to one of the amusement parks. Would anyone like to go with me?



You want to get out of town for a while? Or just away, in general. Doesn't really matter where we go.


Jordan Kent

I could use a break. Feel like going through the portal with me?


Not used to having this much free time.


[Teen Wolf, Otherworld Pack, Lydia's friends]

Well, it seems as if Theo is gone again. I suppose I should be thankful he never got around to proposing



Would you like to go to the amusement park portal with me?



Since we had an enjoyable time the last time we went through a portal, would you like to try this one?

I am still not clear what an amusement park is, but it does look interesting and not something we have enjoyed before.


Who: John Luther and Remy LeBeau.
What: Random meeting over drinks.
Where: The Electric Lady.
When: Wednesday, May 22, evening.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption for adults?

Some people call me Maurice cause I speak of the pompetous of love. )


Only in Madison Valley would a reindeer come in demanding gelato.


A rather grumpy man with a reindeer came by the shop the other day. They apparently wanted ice cream.

Did you lose Sven?

May. 21st, 2024


Who: Shadow Moon and Legolas.
What: Random encounter.
Where: In the woods. By Yggdrasil, the world tree.
When: Wednesday, May 22. Afternoon.
Warnings: TBD -- likely low.

Home is behind, the world ahead, and there are many paths to tread )


Seeing the smile on the face of a child when they see the butterfly garden is amazing. I'm glad that the museum can supply something like that for the children.

Their happiness means a lot to me.

[ Arthur ]

Would you and the little one care to come over for dinner?


I planted a small garden this spring and I'm already eager for the day I will be able to have some fresh veggies from it. I planted tomato's, peppers and cucumbers along with a few herbs.

Has anyone else done any planting this spring be it vegetables, flowers, herbs or other?

May. 20th, 2024


Why is no one talking about the fact that a PORTAL to AMUSEMENT PARKS is here?

It's just behind Rose Apothecary.

...just don't ask why I was behind the store, please.


TARDIS and TARDIS adjacent folk (both of them)

River and I are going to Asgard in June.

...Magnus, Kimiko, I trust you two not to break my TARDIS.

Don't make me have Ianto or Martha babysit.


My final week of classes and one student has decided that he must eat a clove of garlic in class so I don't snack on him.

Don't know how to tell him I added extra garlic to last night's pasta.

Or why he picked this week to worry.

May. 19th, 2024


Who: Penelope & Eloise
What: Penelope’s Arrival
Where: The Park
When: Sunday
Status: Closed/Complete
Rating: Low
Dearest Gentle Reader )

May. 18th, 2024



Hello Jesper. A certain Grisha told me an interesting little story about you and the casino.

May. 17th, 2024



Hey! So I was talking with Alyssa and made me remember Sara having karaoke night once in a while at Verdant. Figured I'd toss it out to you and see if that was something you'd want to do again. If so, I can work on planning it out for whenever you would want to do it.


Your yearly reminder:

If you see me walking around with blood, it's so mosquitos don't eat you.

Carry on.


>>Jes just told me he's going to the casino.
>>I'm not sure if he just said that
>>and is actually going to see Wylan,
>>but I thought you should know.
>>In case

*[ooc: sent right after Jes mentions the casino]

May. 16th, 2024


Ah...now some of the students that are struggling are now coming to me for extra homework and extra credit before their final. Can I say that I'm ready for summer?


Nina Zenik

I'm going to be home tomorrow late.

Voice to Wylan Van Eck

I'm bringing something called beignets over.


The otters are very friendly. I got to meet them finally. I think we made friends. I gave them scones, they seemed pleased.

May. 15th, 2024


Who: Alex and Clint
What: a matchup/run-in
Where: outside? near the park?
When:Wed after work
Rating:probs low
Status: Closed
Alex did not have the patience for this, especially on an empty stomach )


Who: Karl and Neo
What: chatting at work/matchup
Where: Romanov Crown Jewels
When:backdated to Mon
Rating:probs low
Status: Closed;
so where should we go next? )


I've been told to introduce myself here. Now that I've settled in as much as I can anyway, I figured I should do that. I'm Oda. I'm from the same world as Chuuya, who has explained everything to me and who is also a bit older than I remembered him.

Unfortunately, he had to leave before I could ask him an important question, so I'll ask here. Where can I get some good Japanese curry?


Who: Wylan, Nina & ft. Miriam
What: Wylan’s Arrival
Where: The street outside Hinkles
When: Saturday
Status: Closed
Rating: Low
What am I doing here? )

May. 14th, 2024


Thinking about my mom this week has been hard. We didn't always see eye to eye, but I really do miss her.

May. 12th, 2024


[Mary Campbell]

Happy Mother's Day. I set you flowers because not having one myself or ever celebrating it before means I'm bad at gifts.

For the record, the lady said all mother's would be happy to get the gift I sent you. [He hired a kid's magician to entertain Dawn for an hour]


WHO: Oda & OTA (brief Chuuya appearance in the beginning)
WHAT: Oda's arrival
WHEN: Saturday evening
WHERE: Lou's
WARNINGS: Mentions of death (including child death)

The pleasant recollections of my youthful years had come to an end, it seemed, and some quite new reality had now swung around into position to confront me. )


[Johanna, Kitty]

Yeah, so, guess what is happening in December.

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