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Jul. 11th, 2017


Oh, we are definitely not in Kansas anymore, Toto. Which would be something if we had actually been in Kansas. In fact, we're no where near Kansas.

So maybe I should be saying: We're not in in the time stream anymore, Gideon. Except Gideon's not here, either. How strange would it look if I referred to myself? Too much?

We're not in the time stream anymore, Ray.

You're right, Ray. You're definitely not.

Jul. 10th, 2017


WHO: Rosa Diaz and Barry Allen
WHAT: Meeting and planning a party
WHEN: Recently
WHERE: On the street by the library
STATUS: Closed/Completed Gdoc

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


WHO: Barry Allen and Bucky Barnes
WHAT: Having a chat
WHEN: Before the 4th
WHERE: Bucky's
STATUS: Closed/Completed Gdoc

~+~+~+~+~+~+ )

Jul. 4th, 2017


Who: Pietro and Barry
When: July 3rd Evening
Where: Grocery store
What: Two speedsters hanging out
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Completed gdoc

~*~*~*~*~*~ )

Jul. 1st, 2017


Who: Everyone
What: Canada Day Celebration
Where: Pack House
When: Saturday afternoon/evening
Warnings: TBD
Status: Party Post!
Note: handwave that there was a network invite sent to everyone :)

~+~+~+~ )

Jun. 18th, 2017



What do you say to netflix and Chinese food tonight?


Is there anything I can do to help fight this thing?

Jun. 14th, 2017


Everyone is so uncomfortable and tense! It's really sad.

It's worse because I don't think I can help too much. :(

Jun. 13th, 2017


So it's been a couple of months now, and nobody's done anything bad with my blood yet. That's good, right?


Hey, beautiful. Let's do something tonight. Something fun.

Jun. 2nd, 2017


Right, so delivering pizzas isn't nearly as glamorous as what I did back home, but it does feel pretty awesome to get the kind of tips I get.

Especially when people tell me that the pizzas they get from me are hotter than the ones they get if they eat there.

Have to bite my tongue to keep from telling them that I'm more worried about them catching fire than getting cold.

Jun. 1st, 2017


WHO: Barry Allen and Rosa Diaz
WHAT: Random meeting/Match-up
WHEN: Thursday afternoon
WHERE: Dairy Queen
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing/Match-up

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

May. 27th, 2017


What: Memorial Day BBQ
Where: Darcy & Haymitch's house
When: Monday afternoon & evening (forward dated)
Warnings: Let me know
Status: Party post!

~+~+~+~ )

May. 19th, 2017


WHO: Barry Allen and OPEN
WHAT: Looking for something special for Molly
WHEN: Friday night
WHERE: Walmart Lingerie Department
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

May. 10th, 2017


WHO: Barry Allen and Molly Carpenter
WHAT: Hanging Out
WHEN: Wednesday
WHERE: Molly's place
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

May. 7th, 2017


I'm glad that's over with, but can we cool our tempers a bit? Scared spirits are clingy spirits and I feel like I have a bunch of lemurs hanging on me.

ANYWAY...I bought a house! Back before Genghis went on his rampage. And I'll need help moving things in. The fast that happens the sooner I'll have a house warming party. There's your incentive.

May. 6th, 2017


We need to have a Memorial Day party.

Anna, Weiss, can we throw one?

May. 5th, 2017


With a little help I think we've narrowed down an area to look for Methos and the missing people.

We even have a way to detect him as long as we get the person close enough.

It shouldn't take too long to organize. I think some need to go directly after the prisoners, the rest after Methos. And we have to be careful.

May. 1st, 2017


WHO: Harry Dresden and Barry Allen
WHAT: Barry screwed up.
WHEN: Monday
WHERE: Harry's place
STATUS: Closed/Completed Gdoc

”~+~+~+~” )

Apr. 21st, 2017


WHO: Barry Allen and OPEN
WHAT: Feeling bad
WHEN: Friday night
WHERE: On a bench downtown
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )



When can you look at Molly?


So. The kids are gone. Sure is a lot quieter, but pizza orders and tips have gone down by like half. They sure do eat a lot.

Apr. 17th, 2017


I've gotta say, guys, most of these kids are pretty cute, even if the whole thing is a bit insane.

Apr. 12th, 2017


[Filtered to Magic Users, minus Molly]

So, exactly what can a witch or wizard or...uh, magic user do with a blood sample? I've been told it's bad to give them away, but why exactly?

Apr. 10th, 2017


Who: Pamela Barnes and OPEN
What: Bomb Pops are the bomb
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Park
Warnings: TBD
Status: OPEN

Did she know she was being suggestive with her icy, sugary goodness? )

Apr. 7th, 2017


WHO: Barry Allen and Kara Danvers
WHAT: Talking about how Barry screwed up with Constantine?
WHEN: Friday
WHERE: Kara's place
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Apr. 1st, 2017


WHO: Barry Allen and Molly Carpenter
WHAT: A camping trip?
WHEN: Saturday night
WHERE: Molly's place, then TBD
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+ )

Mar. 31st, 2017



For those of you who interact with Bruce Wayne on a regular basis, he is missing. His things are still in his living quarters.

[Sara L | Diana]

I believe that means he will be returning eventually, but I suspect he will not be at work in the meantime.

[Barry A | Diana]

I need to speak with you regarding your arrangement with John Constantine.

Mar. 24th, 2017



Hey, guess what? I've got a surprise for you.

Mar. 20th, 2017


[Filtered Against Molly]

Yeah, so, does anyone know anything about empathic sensitivity? Or how to fix it?

There's someone I really care about and I wish I could do something to help her. I'd pretty much do anything.

Mar. 18th, 2017


WHO: Malia Tate and EVERYONE
WHAT: Housewarming party/rave
WHEN: Saturday afternoon and evening
WHERE: Malia and Peter's loft
WARNINGS: TBD, let me know!

~+~+~+~ )

Mar. 6th, 2017


Who: Molly Carpenter and Barry Allen
What: Reunion
When: Right after Relationship Confusion Stuff
Where: Barry’s
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/Incompleted gdoc TBC in comments

It's been written in the scars on our hearts/That we're not broken just bent/And we can learn to love again* )

[*Lyrics: Pink – Just Give Me a Reason]

Feb. 25th, 2017


Who: Liz and Barry
What: Attempted mugging
Where: Streets of MV
When: Now
Warnings: None

Read more... )

Feb. 20th, 2017


[Filter to Alex Danvers and Clark Kent]
I have an awkward question for you two. How much do you know about Kryptonian physiology and its compatibility with humans?

[Private to Barry]
Are you okay? I thought I saw something on the network last week about you and Molly splitting up. Was that all part of the dome crazy?

[Private to Bucky] (sent later)
I have good news and bad news.

Feb. 15th, 2017



So...hey, I got a new phone. How are things?

[Clark, Diana, Kara, Bruce W.]

So...we're almost all here now. Any chance of rethinking this Justice League thing? I definitely wouldn't mind getting my mind off of things and being busy.

Feb. 14th, 2017


Who: Clint Barton and Barry Allen
What: Broken Hearted Speedster
When: Tuesday
Where: Starbucks
Warnings: Sad!Barry
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Hurting at the speed of sound. )

Feb. 13th, 2017


Um. Hello?

I'm definitely not supposed to be in Indiana. Is this an alternate dimension?

I guess that I'd better just make the most of it while I'm here. So hi. My name is Clark.


Okay I don't know what is going on, but I woke up in my old apartment this morning. And all my stuff is here.

[Harry Dresden]

Did we have a fight? Did I piss you off? Did you piss ME off? Again? Haha! Anyway, I have to go to work, but if everything's okay I'll be home after.

Feb. 10th, 2017


There's no one here who can control the weather, is there? Just asking... you know, for reasons.

Feb. 7th, 2017


Blocked from Molly Carpenter

So, if you are Barry, could you contact me? I've just a couple of questions.

Feb. 3rd, 2017


WHO: Barry Allen and Molly Carpenter
WHAT: He's had his canon update, she's freaked out, so all the angst and drama
WHEN: This evening
WHERE: Molly's place
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Jan. 11th, 2017


I'm fine, just in case anyone was wondering. All healed up. Good as new.

Well...my butt's still cold, but good as new other than that.

Jan. 9th, 2017


WHO: Barry Allen and Molly Carpenter
WHAT: Barry broke his ankle
WHEN: Backdated to this weekend
WHERE: A snowdrift in an alley
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Jan. 7th, 2017



Alright, we've put our race off long enough. When are you free?


So, just a little fact for those of you who weren't sure...sliding on ice and running into a snow drift at Mach 3 hurts. A lot.

Jan. 1st, 2017


It's New Year's now, and I'm 100% sober.

Where's the fun in that?

Dec. 22nd, 2016


Who: Molly Carpenter and Barry Allen
What: Finding Molly
When: Tuesday Night (backdated)
Where: A Perfectly Filthy Alley
Warnings: PTSD Molly
Status: closed/incomplete/continues in comments

Everything hurt, inside and out.* )

Dec. 13th, 2016


Who: Molly Carpenter and Barry Allen
What: Schmoopiness with Chinese Food
When: Tuesday Night
Where: Molly’s Apartment
Warnings: Cuteness Overload no doubt
Status: closed/incomplete

And as we watched for Christmas ghosts/The fire held the shadows close.* )

[*Lyrics: Trans Siberian Orchestra – The Music Box]

Dec. 10th, 2016


[Justice League People and other Superheroes (MCU, DC, whoever. ;))]

Hey guys! I was thinking that we should have some sort of Christmas party for you know, people with super powers? What do you think? I mean, I know we're all going to other parties, but we could have one for us too, yeah?

Dec. 2nd, 2016


I learned how to make dumplings last night. They turned out pretty awesome if I do say so myself.

Bucky has been giving me a present every day. Today's gift was the Die Hard series on Blu Ray. Wanna come over tomorrow and eat dumplings and watch movies?

I love you. Thank you for the movies. And everything else you've given me. Last night was fun.

Dec. 1st, 2016


WHO: Barry Allen and OPEN
WHAT: Having some Burgers
WHEN: Thursday evening
WHERE: Hinkles
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Nov. 28th, 2016


[Filtered to Bruce and others involved in the group]

Hey, you guys said that there wasn't any crime in town, but did you read that thing about the drunk guy that bothered that girl last night? That's not cool.

We definitely need to make our presence known so that people know that's totally not okay.

Nov. 27th, 2016


Filtered to anyone that had an interest in being on a team or had talked to Diana

So, there's been talk of putting together a team. It has to have a purpose other than just being there and it needs some organization.

Who is still interested and why?


Text to Barry )

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