Daily Scans - August 2009
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12:03 am: [info]arbre_rieur X-Men Forever #4 - 26 comments
12:48 am: [info]zechs27 More Machine Than Man Part I - 26 comments
01:28 am: [info]lipsofpoison (no subject) - 43 comments
01:34 pm: [info]mosellegreen Golden Age Wonder Woman, featuring Paula von Gunther - 5 comments
04:04 pm: [info]04nbod A Kinder Fanboy- M'rissy - 23 comments
04:25 pm: [info]icon_uk It's HAPPY TIME! - 68 comments
08:13 pm: [info]espanolbot Cover and Solicit to Ultimate Avengers 1 - 32 comments
09:45 pm: [info]cyberghostface Ultimatum: Spider-Man Requiem #2 - 26 comments
10:59 pm: [info]sandoz_iscariot Lobster-Man Loves Mary Jane - 55 comments
11:50 pm: [info]unknownscribler What next for Cassandra Cain - 61 comments
01:16 am: [info]starwolf_oakley Michael Morbius isn't a very good superhero - 10 comments
05:23 am: [info]richardak Captain Atom Does Not Have a Near-Death Experience... - 67 comments
09:01 am: [info]sherkahn Preview of Marvel Zombies 4 - 8 comments
12:21 pm: [info]mosellegreen Golden Age Wonder Woman - 7 comments
01:41 pm: [info]04nbod Adventure Comics #2 (#505) Variant Cover - 50 comments
04:58 pm: [info]icon_uk Hubba hubba! Hold on to your hats fellow S_D-er's - 43 comments
06:13 pm: [info]houbanaut The Last Musketeer - 21 comments
06:21 pm: [info]cyberghostface Dark Reign: The Goblin Legacy - 41 comments
08:02 pm: [info]zechs27 More Machine Than Man Part II - 28 comments
10:20 pm: [info]dr_hermes Why didn't Starman win the war? - 88 comments
01:48 am: [info]superfan1 Superman vs Domestic abuse - 58 comments
08:53 am: [info]sherkahn Real Men of Genius Week - Floyd Lawton - 37 comments
11:43 am: [info]thebigapricot Hey, guess what one of James Robinson's fantasies is? - 160 comments
12:14 pm: [info]volksjager The Hulk goes back to college. - 23 comments
12:56 pm: [info]mosellegreen Golden Age Wonder Woman - 6 comments
06:57 pm: [info]xdoop Rachel and Magneto - 75 comments
08:31 pm: [info]starwolf_oakley X-MEN UNLIMITED #11: Uncles and nieces - 26 comments
11:13 pm: [info]espanolbot Amazons vs. Domestic Violence! - 56 comments
12:05 am: [info]perletwo Classic Gotham City Architecture. - 46 comments
06:57 am: [info]sherkahn Real Men of Genius Week - Wade Wilson Part 1 - 14 comments
08:06 am: [info]sir_razorback I had a dream... - 20 comments
12:29 pm: [info]mosellegreen Golden Age Wonder Woman - 11 comments
01:06 pm: [info]fleur_de_liz Blackest Night Teaser! - 20 comments
01:19 pm: [info]domino_blue Time for some obscure manga! The Five Star Stories! - 8 comments
01:55 pm: [info]arbre_rieur One page from Irredeemable #5 - 26 comments
02:06 pm: [info]seriousfic The adventures of Scott Free when he was a boy. - 8 comments
05:10 pm: [info]thokstar He's BAAAAACK (and he has some new toys) - 35 comments
06:17 pm: [info]volksjager Spiderboy and the Legion of Galactic Gaurdians 2099 - 43 comments
06:25 pm: [info]merseybeatler The Corinthian: Death In Venice (plus some junk) - 15 comments
08:23 pm: [info]kingrockwell Wednesday Comics, week 4! - 31 comments
09:35 pm: [info]dr_hermes Light up another one, Tony - 28 comments
10:20 pm: [info]zechs27 More Machine Than Man Part III - 24 comments
12:49 am: [info]cyberghostface Additional preview pages from Amazing Spider-Man #601 - 178 comments
10:05 am: [info]mosellegreen My Golden Age Wonder Woman posts are finished! - 26 comments
11:45 am: [info]sherkahn (no subject) - 26 comments
11:47 am: [info]gargoylekitty Secret Six #12 - 110 comments
02:48 pm: [info]colonel_green Love Among The Nazis, and other stories. - 25 comments
02:49 pm: [info]xdoop Stupidity in the Marvel Universe - 28 comments
03:02 pm: [info]une_croix McFarlane's Man of Miracles - 15 comments
03:31 pm: [info]proteus_lives Scans from War of Kings #6 - 22 comments
03:35 pm: [info]xdoop Be kind to animals, with Captain America - 38 comments
04:30 pm: [info]sherkahn Real Men of Genius Week - Guy Gardner - 18 comments
05:37 pm: [info]starwolf_oakley BOP #68: A canary or a "mock"ing bird? or The Sexual History of Helena Bertinelli - 122 comments
06:01 pm: [info]colonel_green Black Bolt vs. Vulcan - 25 comments
07:49 pm: [info]colonel_green The new Nomad - 32 comments
09:40 pm: [info]xdoop A parade for Doom! - 13 comments
10:42 pm: [info]thanekos 10 Minutes, a Pen, and a Notepad: How To Kill A Demigod - 13 comments
11:06 pm: [info]xdoop The difference between Magneto and Wolverine. - 11 comments
11:23 pm: [info]cyberghostface Future cover for The Walking Dead - 20 comments
11:35 pm: [info]ashtoreth Rock Stars and Comic Books: Eminem - 18 comments
11:44 pm: [info]ashtoreth Rock Stars and Comic Books: Alice Cooper - 17 comments
01:01 am: [info]superfan1 Batman Confidential #32 - 21 comments
01:40 am: [info]espanolbot I Don't THINK Anyone's Posted This Yet - 3 comments
08:33 am: [info]xdoop Amazing Spider-Man #601 - 109 comments
02:34 pm: [info]04nbod Cry For Justice #2 - 78 comments
02:55 pm: [info]seriousfic Hulk is woobiest one there is! - 10 comments
03:19 pm: [info]chocochuy First Time - 19 comments
05:51 pm: [info]domino_blue Starman:what's that on your shirt? - 31 comments
06:11 pm: [info]chocochuy Look,Up in the Sky! - 9 comments
07:59 pm: [info]arbre_rieur More of Wednesday Comics 4 - 13 comments
09:08 pm: [info]colonel_green Olympian Family Values - 20 comments
09:22 pm: [info]jcbaggee Ultimatum X-Men Requiem... - 70 comments
09:23 pm: [info]dr_hermes Winsor McCay, great art and funky balloons - 4 comments
11:36 pm: [info]xdoop Sue tries out some new hairdos. - 55 comments
12:27 am: [info]xdoop Mystique vs. the X-Dicks - 38 comments
12:53 am: [info]starwolf_oakley NIGHTWING #93: A sample of Devin Grayson's work - 138 comments
12:55 am: [info]zechs27 More Machine Than Man Part IV - 16 comments
09:38 am: [info]xdoop Invincible Iron Man #16 - 51 comments
12:01 pm: [info]thokstar GLC 39 Preview - 32 comments
12:50 pm: [info]sherkahn Request: Spider-man/Daredevil #1 "Neighbors" - 8 comments
01:02 pm: [info]cyberghostface Ultimatum: Fantastic Four Requiem - 59 comments
01:09 pm: [info]neuhallidae (no subject) - 88 comments
01:39 pm: [info]sherkahn Real Men of Genius Week - Wade Wilson Part 2 - 21 comments
02:59 pm: [info]freddylloyd Arrr. Everything Is Better with Gorillas. - 1 comment
03:05 pm: [info]04nbod Best Friends Until Retcons! - 41 comments
04:13 pm: [info]unknownscribler (no subject) - 10 comments
05:02 pm: [info]stolisomancer Absolution #1 - 19 comments
06:26 pm: [info]hyaroo Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck, Appendix 2: Scrooge & Family - 30 comments
07:36 pm: [info]sandoz_iscariot (no subject) - 29 comments
07:39 pm: [info]thanekos A Small Measure Of Non-Visceral Victory - 19 comments
08:50 pm: [info]arbre_rieur Irredeemable #5 - 104 comments
09:44 pm: [info]dr_hermes Say, that Demon looks familiar - 12 comments
09:45 pm: [info]sherkahn Real Men of Genius Week - Victor Von Doom - 12 comments
01:49 am: [info]trelas Beacons in the Darkness - 49 comments
06:20 am: [info]superfan1 Earth 2 Anniversary fun. - 30 comments
06:51 am: [info]unknownscribler Is Morrow a stooge? - 9 comments
08:52 am: [info]xdoop Spider-Man vs. Wolverine - 49 comments
10:07 am: [info]thormonger A little insight into the Black Lanterns? - 56 comments
12:02 pm: [info]strannik01 Weird Golden Age Patriotism - Super-American - 33 comments
12:50 pm: [info]stolisomancer Absolution #0 - 23 comments
01:09 pm: [info]xdoop Fill in the blank! - 12 comments
02:41 pm: [info]xdoop More fun with Mary Jane and Wolverine. - 58 comments
03:49 pm: [info]superfan1 Amazing Spider-girl #19 - 31 comments
06:13 pm: [info]colonel_green Together again, for the first time. - 32 comments
08:28 pm: [info]silverzeo Crisis of Infinite Barts - 4 comments
09:43 pm: [info]dr_hermes The secret origin of snakes - 5 comments
10:04 pm: [info]zechs27 More Machine Than Man Part V - 31 comments
01:09 am: [info]long_silence Chicago Comic-Con news - 45 comments
06:41 am: [info]sherkahn Real Men of Genius - Spider-Man - 27 comments
02:26 pm: [info]starwolf_oakley Clea ponders Corazon Aquino - 5 comments
03:52 pm: [info]neuhallidae Nobody does retcons like Immortus does retcons! - 28 comments
04:35 pm: [info]zechs27 Real Men of Genius- Cobra Commander - 21 comments
06:05 pm: [info]jelly_ace Batdickery? - 10 comments
06:41 pm: [info]xdoop Harrummph! - 62 comments
08:18 pm: [info]volksjager The British are coming ! (back) - 36 comments
09:17 pm: [info]sandoz_iscariot Fantomah from Jungle Comics #7. - 78 comments
10:22 pm: [info]xdoop Spongebob Squarepants/Fantastic Four parody - 11 comments
11:00 pm: [info]kingrockwell It's Not About The Answers: Behind The Mask Of Vic Sage, pt 6 - 7 comments
11:17 pm: [info]ashtoreth A Drinking Man's Tour of the Galaxy: Part I - 23 comments
09:51 am: [info]xdoop Ultimate Avengers #1 preview - 24 comments
10:09 am: [info]drsevarius Dark X-Men #1 cover - 45 comments
11:36 am: [info]volksjager Cap /Falcon gay slash ?? - 19 comments
11:50 am: [info]neuhallidae That's not how it went. - 26 comments
01:06 pm: [info]zechs27 Batgirl #1 Preview Is Up - 90 comments
02:08 pm: [info]cyberghostface Superdictionary: Do - 9 comments
02:27 pm: [info]angelophile Pete Wisdom and Kitty Pryde: Romance and socio-politics whilst kicking people in the face - 39 comments
02:47 pm: [info]volksjager Yellow jacket finds something shinny for the Wasp...mayhem ensues. - 39 comments
05:12 pm: [info]ashtoreth A Drinking Man's Tour of the Galaxy: Part II - 8 comments
05:19 pm: [info]dr_hermes Why isn't Popeye rich? - 16 comments
05:27 pm: [info]xdoop One panel from Dark Reign: Zodiac #2 - 39 comments
05:35 pm: [info]rzerox21xx Fan plays prank of Liefeld and Why is Wolverine sleeping here? - 76 comments
06:18 pm: [info]xdoop Superdictionary: Scream - 14 comments
07:32 pm: [info]arbre_rieur When Alan Moore Was Crap (Violator Vs. Badrock, Pt 1.) - 38 comments
08:12 pm: [info]sandoz_iscariot Stardust: "De Structo and the Headhunters" - 25 comments
09:31 pm: [info]angelophile Guess who's back... Back again, yes? - 12 comments
11:26 pm: [info]pyrotwilight JSA vs. Kobra #3 Preview up on Newsarama - 15 comments
11:44 pm: [info]xdoop "A Dream of a Thousand Cats." - 43 comments
01:14 am: [info]superfan1 Action Philosophers #2 - 52 comments
09:57 am: [info]galateus Super-Pica - 19 comments
10:19 am: [info]volksjager Shade the Changing man ...Ditko's most fucked up creation ! - 18 comments
01:08 pm: [info]sir_razorback Five GI Joe unmaskings, and singing Dreadnoks! - 14 comments
03:21 pm: [info]ashtoreth A Drinking Man's Tour of the Galaxy: Part III - 12 comments
06:54 pm: [info]alschroeder EMPOWERED and Webcomic fans.... - 9 comments
06:55 pm: [info]superfan1 Contexts of the weak. - 16 comments
08:14 pm: [info]xdoop Black Panther #7: The return of Everett K. Ross! - 61 comments
08:42 pm: [info]seriousfic This will end terrifically for all involved - 61 comments
09:22 pm: [info]cyberghostface This scene would probably play out a bit differently today... - 50 comments
09:46 pm: [info]une_croix Obama! Liefeld! Madrock! - 67 comments
10:45 pm: [info]jelly_ace Oooh, snap! - 80 comments
11:01 pm: [info]dr_hermes A little corned beef and cabbage wouldn't hurt - 17 comments
12:34 am: [info]icon_uk A couple more model sheets of my favourite acrobatic hero... - 27 comments
12:39 am: [info]cyberghostface Brand New Day is a success with young readers - 62 comments
01:30 am: [info]blake_reitz Some Ghost Rider and some beautiful Dustin Nguyen art - 17 comments
03:05 am: [info]gargoylekitty (no subject) - 27 comments
07:58 am: [info]scottyquick Positive Comics Week - 76 comments
11:25 am: [info]jelly_ace 7 is also the number of deadly sins. - 31 comments
01:07 pm: [info]mizuno_youko Sweet Blue Flowers (Aoi Hana) by Takako Shimura - 20 comments
01:24 pm: [info]xdoop Wednesday Comics: The Adventures of Streaky! - 31 comments
01:39 pm: [info]colonel_green The All-New, All-Different Thor - 29 comments
02:28 pm: [info]colonel_green Blackest Night #2 - 54 comments
02:42 pm: [info]drsevarius Two nonspoilery panels from Blackest Night #2, and a question - 67 comments
03:32 pm: [info]trueredorion GLC #39 - 16 comments
03:47 pm: [info]trueredorion More Black Lantern Recruits - 86 comments
03:53 pm: [info]colonel_green In the beginning... - 44 comments
04:11 pm: [info]schmevil Requests - 71 comments
04:33 pm: [info]sherkahn Blackest Night covers - Batman/Superman - 13 comments
05:15 pm: [info]chocochuy Imagine - 6 comments
05:22 pm: [info]xdoop Adventure Comics #1 - 99 comments
05:36 pm: [info]sir_razorback Megatron and his wild hair - 33 comments
06:11 pm: [info]queenursula X-Men Forever #5 - 67 comments
07:08 pm: [info]superfan1 Batman #689 - 46 comments
07:28 pm: [info]drsevarius Blackest Night: Batman #1 - 69 comments
07:31 pm: [info]neuhallidae Jan's bad luck with stalkers, part three. - 6 comments
08:14 pm: [info]icon_uk Is there NOTHING this guy doesn't make sexy? :) - 69 comments
08:58 pm: [info]arbre_rieur Fables 87 - 19 comments
09:13 pm: [info]arbre_rieur Inside Pat Lee - 27 comments
09:23 pm: [info]team_leader (no subject) - 36 comments
09:29 pm: [info]jkcarrier The Commissioner and The Butler - 11 comments
09:30 pm: [info]cyberghostface Ultimate Spider-Man and the Black Cat - 44 comments
09:54 pm: [info]gargoylekitty Batman Chronicles #1 - 23 comments
10:06 pm: [info]dr_hermes A moment with POGO - 11 comments
11:20 pm: [info]queenursula Red Robin #3 - 83 comments
11:41 pm: [info]kingrockwell Filling my own request! - 40 comments
12:51 am: [info]sir_razorback Ryan Reynolds is Deadpool and Green Lantern - 35 comments
05:29 am: [info]superfan1 Titans #16 - 58 comments
10:09 am: [info]galateus Positive Comics Week, take two - 33 comments
12:34 pm: [info]cyberghostface Amazing Spider-Man #602 - 116 comments
01:21 pm: [info]kingrockwell If you take only one thing from this week's Pet Avengers... - 30 comments
01:21 pm: [info]xdoop (no subject) - 25 comments
01:40 pm: [info]seriousfic Positive Moments Week, you say? - 28 comments
01:51 pm: [info]zechs27 Positive Comic Week- Marvel Adventures Avengers - 60 comments
02:50 pm: [info]sherkahn Blackest Night cover #5 - 65 comments
04:14 pm: [info]starwolf_oakley SAVIOR 28: Confess! You're an impostor! - 34 comments
04:49 pm: [info]angelophile Cyclops Badassery - 32 comments
04:56 pm: [info]leikomgwtfbbq Positive Comics Week - 21 comments
06:41 pm: [info]cyberghostface The Show Must Go On - 21 comments
07:07 pm: [info]04nbod Adventure Comics #504/ #1: Adventures in Bowling - 16 comments
08:02 pm: [info]kingrockwell Bizarro/Grundy, the legend continues... - 12 comments
09:01 pm: [info]superfan1 Green Arrow and Black Canary #23 - 47 comments
09:16 pm: [info]frostedone Justice League Adventures 20 - 16 comments
10:16 pm: [info]galateus Toon Slade fanart - 30 comments
10:25 pm: [info]starwolf_oakley By request: Captain America beats up the Punisher... and lets him leave. - 78 comments
11:31 pm: [info]xdoop Sam Lane: To Death and Back - 20 comments
02:04 am: [info]superfan1 Batman beyond #13 - 58 comments
02:43 am: [info]interrobamf Yet another faction in the Blackest Night - 18 comments
08:53 am: [info]galateus Take THAT, Batman - 29 comments
09:57 am: [info]volksjager Frank Castle's men's beachwear for summer.. - 37 comments
10:58 am: [info]galateus Lois Lane #55: "Superman's Secret Wife!" - 54 comments
11:43 am: [info]xdoop Superman's Watchmen parody - 12 comments
12:59 pm: [info]rzerox21xx Amazing Spider-man 603, - 103 comments
02:11 pm: [info]cyberghostface Superman and Big Barda Make a Porno - 89 comments
03:25 pm: [info]gargoylekitty Power Girl #4 Preview - 80 comments
04:43 pm: [info]leikomgwtfbbq (no subject) - 25 comments
05:28 pm: [info]xdoop Something interesting about Doom and Kristoff - 22 comments
06:07 pm: [info]superfan1 The Crazy Adventures of Terry McGinnis and Etrigan - 19 comments
06:20 pm: [info]xdoop President Evil #1 - 75 comments
06:47 pm: [info]galateus Everyone needs all-knowing Superman to teach them A LESSON once in a while - 14 comments
07:05 pm: [info]arilou_skiff Ben & Kit: Tag-team OF JUSTICE! - 12 comments
09:46 pm: [info]xdoop (no subject) - 17 comments
10:49 pm: [info]dr_hermes Emmy misunderstands that "old cat" remark - 4 comments
11:53 pm: [info]une_croix The end of the TMNT movie adaptation (1990) - 12 comments
01:40 am: [info]arbre_rieur When Alan Moore was crap (Violator Vs. Badrock, Part 2) - 16 comments
02:10 am: [info]superfan1 Batman beyond #14 - 15 comments
07:57 am: [info]sherkahn Preview Blackest Night: Superman - 39 comments
09:51 am: [info]ashtoreth Morrison ships Phantom Stranger/Cassandra Croft - 12 comments
01:04 pm: [info]xdoop Superman: Secret Files 2009 - 11 comments
01:53 pm: [info]thanekos Clarity of thought, or rashness of action? - 6 comments
03:51 pm: [info]colonel_green There's no posting like reposting. - 46 comments
05:20 pm: [info]superfan1 Latest Blue Beetle - 33 comments
07:07 pm: [info]sailorlibra Clois Goodies - 40 comments
07:11 pm: [info]liliaeth Rant about one panel in Marvel Divas - 30 comments
07:42 pm: [info]jelly_ace When Bats was human... - 32 comments
08:05 pm: [info]scottyquick Positive Comics Week - 31 comments
09:02 pm: [info]dr_hermes Coming home in a box - 23 comments
09:38 pm: [info]04nbod DC exists to piss us off S_D - 77 comments
11:20 pm: [info]zechs27 Positive Comic Week- Batgirl and Spoiler First Team Up - 29 comments
01:31 am: [info]04nbod Dream Girl's complex love life and a great letter 'column' - 19 comments
02:10 am: [info]box_in_the_box NuSpidey continuity glitch (yes, yet another one) ... - 65 comments
02:27 am: [info]suzene Positive Comic Week - Stray - 5 comments
03:16 am: [info]jlroberson Two Parodic Views of John Byrne - 19 comments
12:55 pm: [info]hyaroo Positive Comics Week: Stanley and his Monster - 28 comments
02:50 pm: [info]ashtoreth Spider-man drinking continuity - 13 comments
02:51 pm: [info]starwolf_oakley Silver Surfer: If you can't trust the Skrulls... - 15 comments
05:18 pm: [info]superfan1 Wednesday Comics #5: Supergirl - 25 comments
05:31 pm: [info]cyberghostface Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1 - 116 comments
05:51 pm: [info]xdoop Batman and Superman spend the night together. - 100 comments
07:29 pm: [info]zechs27 Positive Comic Week- Batgirl and Spoiler Sparring - 69 comments
01:45 am: [info]perletwo Lockjaw & the Pet Avengers #04 - 26 comments
02:52 am: [info]sir_razorback The secret origin of Wolverine revealed at last! - 11 comments
04:16 am: [info]superfan1 The earth is destory you say? - 22 comments
08:58 am: [info]queenrikki When Black Panther Was Good... - 32 comments
01:00 pm: [info]taggerung301 Who Says the Hulk is Scary? - 20 comments
02:25 pm: [info]trueredorion DC November Solicitations - 71 comments
04:36 pm: [info]bluefall Because nothing is more positive than a talking duck. - 35 comments
05:35 pm: [info]magnetic_regina Positive Comics Week - Clark/Lois edition - 10 comments
05:54 pm: [info]volksjager Black Widow loses memory..remains sexy. - 13 comments
06:05 pm: [info]neuhallidae (no subject) - 26 comments
06:16 pm: [info]cyberghostface Superdictionary: Answer - 29 comments
06:57 pm: [info]xdoop More November solicts for Marvel and DC - 79 comments
07:13 pm: [info]colonel_green Who's on Thor? - 11 comments
07:21 pm: [info]drsevarius Batgirl #4 and Gotham City Sirens #6 - 48 comments
07:50 pm: [info]xdoop T'Challa's new look - 28 comments
09:09 pm: [info]suzene The Love Eaters - 6 comments
10:07 pm: [info]lurkslikefox The Unwritten #3 - 5 comments
10:08 pm: [info]neuhallidae "The Child is Father To..." or, "So many levels of EW." - 52 comments
11:30 pm: [info]booksforlunch Sigh ... - 87 comments
12:17 am: [info]parsimonia November Solicit for Batman - 63 comments
01:00 am: [info]perletwo Avengers Annual #10 - Today, on a Very Special Jerry Springer.... - 35 comments
01:01 am: [info]arbre_rieur When Alan Moore was crap (Deathblow: Byblows, Part 1) - 16 comments
02:16 am: [info]seriousfic Emma has a "positive moment" - 16 comments
03:45 am: [info]domino_blue "My Father was a drinker" - 17 comments
08:47 am: [info]xdoop "Ghosts" - 30 comments
10:37 am: [info]angelophile Colour me surprised this wasn't posted already... - 21 comments
10:43 am: [info]zegas DC & Marvel samples - 23 comments
11:18 am: [info]geoffsebesta Legion of Super-Giffen; Prologue 1 - 58 comments
01:23 pm: [info]colonel_green Marvel in November - 72 comments
01:28 pm: [info]thanekos Xanatos Gambits: not for amateurs. - 14 comments
02:21 pm: [info]volksjager Superboy returns to the Legion/plus Dave Cockrum and Mike Grell on the costume desings - 45 comments
03:04 pm: [info]cyberghostface Dark Avengers #11 cover - 98 comments
03:15 pm: [info]colonel_green Three covers, minimal inspiration. - 25 comments
03:43 pm: [info]xdoop The Stand: Soul Survivors #2 - 8 comments
03:48 pm: [info]starwolf_oakley AVENGERS FINALE: I hate Wanda - 55 comments
07:48 pm: [info]xdoop (no subject) - 20 comments
08:13 pm: [info]thebigapricot By request X-Men/Runways One Shot - 25 comments
09:06 pm: [info]ashtoreth The JLA discusses secret identities versus love - 28 comments
09:29 pm: [info]faile_neume Power Girl Meets Terra - 40 comments
09:46 pm: [info]xdoop World's Finest Comics #295 - 58 comments
09:51 pm: [info]parsimonia Mod Post: Volunteer Recruitment - 11 comments
11:26 pm: [info]nonners Wanda thinks about her children (and doesn't go crazy!) - 56 comments
11:34 pm: [info]superfan1 Gotham Adventures #35 - 20 comments
11:44 pm: [info]galateus Brainiac 5 and Clark - 35 comments
12:20 am: [info]drsevarius Batman and the Joker - 15 comments
12:27 am: [info]dr_hermes SPIRIT Splashes - 9 comments
01:09 am: [info]ashtoreth The time Green Goblin killed Gwen Stacy on national television - 41 comments
01:29 am: [info]ficticons Positive Comics Week: A tale of Batman - 20 comments
10:39 am: [info]jelly_ace Batman is a punk rocker. - 54 comments
11:33 am: [info]faile_neume Wally/Dick: Guy Love - 60 comments
01:09 pm: [info]04nbod Legion of Super-heroes: The Goat Saga!! - 17 comments
02:04 pm: [info]colonel_green Matthew Murdock vs. The Hand - 14 comments
02:55 pm: [info]foxhack The Mysterious Case Of Jane Doe - 27 comments
04:14 pm: [info]colonel_green Who'd have thought so many people would fuss over the Scarlet Witch? - 18 comments
04:38 pm: [info]queenanthai Batgirl Revealed! - 60 comments
04:53 pm: [info]taggerung301 Blind Al - 8 comments
05:33 pm: [info]superfan1 Streets of Gotham #3 - 44 comments
05:53 pm: [info]xdoop Batgirl #1 - 126 comments
06:11 pm: [info]thormonger Blackest Night: Superman #1 - 16 comments
06:28 pm: [info]parsimonia A bit more Batgirl #1 and DC Nation - 108 comments
06:40 pm: [info]schmevil Resources - 29 comments
07:06 pm: [info]zechs27 Batgirl vs Batman - 88 comments
07:45 pm: [info]kingrockwell Marvel Adventures: Avengers #39 - 40 comments
08:01 pm: [info]jelly_ace Who is the best partner of Dick Grayson? - 56 comments
08:10 pm: [info]bluefall Amazon vs Acrobat! - 63 comments
08:59 pm: [info]roguefankc Let's enjoy some beautiful art from "Blacksad: Red Soul" - 50 comments
09:20 pm: [info]dr_hermes Thanks a Heap, Ceres! - 1 comment
10:06 pm: [info]benicio127 Wade finally gets a happy ending - 44 comments
10:23 pm: [info]cyberghostface Well...this is awkward... - 18 comments
10:29 pm: [info]proteus_lives Deadpool doesn't just bump into the 4th Wall. He jumps through head-first! (Plus an Idea!) - 15 comments
10:43 pm: [info]04nbod Blackest Night : Superman RISE!!! - 79 comments
10:01 am: [info]seriousfic These are a few of my favorite things... - 45 comments
12:54 pm: [info]arbre_rieur Jack of Fables 37 - 16 comments
01:13 pm: [info]volksjager Let's take a look back to when Girl-Robin RULED ! - 37 comments
01:35 pm: [info]cyberghostface Amazing Spider-Man #603 - 194 comments
02:10 pm: [info]bunniegrrl Batgirl #1 Reactions - 46 comments
02:24 pm: [info]arbre_rieur Ex Machina 44 - 10 comments
02:59 pm: [info]dr_hermes The origin of Modesty and Willie - 6 comments
03:34 pm: [info]colonel_green Back in the Saddle - 58 comments
03:50 pm: [info]skylands I love the sound of KROOM! - 57 comments
03:52 pm: [info]zechs27 Bryan Q. Miller Talks Batgirl #1 - 74 comments
05:14 pm: [info]xdoop "A suggestion for Manhunter and Blue Beetle" - 14 comments
05:25 pm: [info]04nbod AW YEAH TINY TITANS - 14 comments
05:29 pm: [info]taggerung301 Ultimate Spiderman - 33 comments
05:56 pm: [info]gargoylekitty Upcoming stuff... - 43 comments
06:38 pm: [info]l_arlesienne Black Panther (and Everett K. Ross in a domino mask) - 7 comments
08:08 pm: [info]trueredorion Zircher's Iron Man - 50 comments
08:25 pm: [info]bluefall Apparently Wein got the memo - 68 comments
10:48 pm: [info]colonel_green "Are the wickedest queens always the comeliest?" - 74 comments
12:00 am: [info]xdoop The secret origin of Nuke! - 19 comments
12:04 am: [info]dr_hermes Catching up with Thanagar - 15 comments
08:23 am: [info]jlroberson Blackest Night: Superman--James Robinson and Slang - 38 comments
10:04 am: [info]angelophile Hey! It's the X-men! I haven't seen you guys in YEARS! - 20 comments
10:24 am: [info]thebigapricot "Batgirl: Year One" Motion Comic on iTunes - 88 comments
10:27 am: [info]xdoop The trial of Lex Luthor! - 17 comments
10:33 am: [info]seriousfic Batgirl fights the crime - 6 comments
10:55 am: [info]sherkahn Preview for Beta Ray Bill God Hunter #3 - 12 comments
11:10 am: [info]batgirl11 Superman/Batman #63 - 27 comments
12:08 pm: [info]thanekos The Superhuman Defense: A Moment In Astro City Legal History - 7 comments
01:05 pm: [info]kingrockwell By request: Phantom Stranger! - 14 comments
04:28 pm: [info]cyberghostface The Walking Dead #64 - 10 comments
05:02 pm: [info]geoffsebesta Legion of Super-Giffen, Prologue II - 35 comments
05:16 pm: [info]xdoop (no subject) - 10 comments
07:29 pm: [info]kingrockwell Fill Your Fingers - The 'Free' Lantern Ring Collection - 58 comments
07:41 pm: [info]galateus Cable & Deadpool #31: The godly endowments of Hercules - 9 comments
08:39 pm: [info]neuhallidae Astro City 0.5 - "The Nearness of You" - 16 comments
11:05 pm: [info]dr_hermes Katar and Shayera know ALL your dirty little secrets - 9 comments
01:22 am: [info]kingrockwell It's Not About The Answers: Behind The Mask Of Vic Sage, pt 7 - 11 comments
02:31 am: [info]superfan1 Context what do you see? - 15 comments
02:45 am: [info]jlroberson Golden Age Predecessor to BLACKEST NIGHT... - 27 comments
10:51 am: [info]seriousfic Some days, it just doesn't pay to get out of bed in the morning - 21 comments
01:31 pm: [info]ap0cryphal Marvel Adventures Spider-Man: "It's lonely being the smartest guy around." - 90 comments
02:01 pm: [info]xdoop Power Girl #4 - 65 comments
02:39 pm: [info]volksjager Terrra /PeeGee...I have lost my pants... - 54 comments
05:24 pm: [info]xdoop Aunt May, in "Memory Lane" - 23 comments
09:23 pm: [info]sandoz_iscariot Uncanny X-Men: The Sentinels...LIVE! - 29 comments
09:43 pm: [info]arbre_rieur When Alan Moore was crap (Deathblow: Byblows, Part 2) - 30 comments
09:58 pm: [info]starwolf_oakley X-MEN/WILDC.A.T.S: A look back at crossovers. - 9 comments
10:34 pm: [info]dr_hermes Black, white and gray with Roy Crane - 5 comments
11:18 pm: [info]zechs27 Doctor Doom Loves/Hates Morgana Le Fay Part 3 - 8 comments
11:33 pm: [info]xdoop Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen: After Hours - 16 comments
01:34 am: [info]jelly_ace Batman Does Tartaros - 43 comments
03:37 am: [info]neuhallidae "A beautiful giant!" - 47 comments
04:48 pm: [info]timgueguen Newton Would Not Approve. - 51 comments
05:43 pm: [info]dr_hermes Fine work by Leslie Turner
06:04 pm: [info]perletwo More Fun with Super-Pica - 20 comments
06:12 pm: [info]xdoop Fun with time travel - 29 comments
07:51 pm: [info]thebigapricot Ollie & Bruce: Crush or Competition? You decide. - 49 comments
08:21 pm: [info]his_spiffyness Hey! That's not Bob Hope! - 4 comments
09:47 pm: [info]scottyquick Heh. - 51 comments
10:05 pm: [info]kingrockwell Martial Arts Week: The theme week that'll kick your keister! - 95 comments
11:23 pm: [info]ashtoreth Aunt May and her boyfriends - 49 comments
01:54 am: [info]parsimonia Some Jim Gordon Goodness from Officer Down - 20 comments
04:46 am: [info]jlroberson Lulu: 10 Pages of a Work in Progress - 28 comments
10:07 am: [info]sherkahn Hell hath no fury - 19 comments
10:28 am: [info]seriousfic Supergirl was never the same after she found that Pink Kryptonite... - 32 comments
10:54 am: [info]volksjager Misty Knight , a girl you can count on... - 23 comments
12:34 pm: [info]zechs27 Martial Arts Week: Cassandra vs Slade Round 1 - 27 comments
01:10 pm: [info]drsevarius Savage Dragon #96 - 20 comments
02:02 pm: [info]04nbod Martial Arts Week: Karate Kid and Batman - 41 comments
02:14 pm: [info]sherkahn Previews for Green Lantern #45 - 56 comments
02:51 pm: [info]sherkahn Blackest Night: Titans Preview - 46 comments
03:20 pm: [info]cyberghostface Superdictionary: Please - 28 comments
05:27 pm: [info]the_lassiter Martial Arts Week - 19 comments
07:04 pm: [info]starwolf_oakley INCREDIBLE HULK preview: You wouldn't like me when I'm... smart? - 45 comments
09:05 pm: [info]scottyquick Some Bruce-not-being-mean-to-Steph - 43 comments
10:05 pm: [info]dr_hermes That Al Pratt, what a nut - 19 comments
10:57 pm: [info]seriousfic Hey, if Casstoons can do it... - 6 comments
11:47 pm: [info]zechs27 Martial Arts Week: Crimson Empire Part I - 10 comments
01:19 am: [info]joysweeper The Conquests of Storm - 33 comments
02:25 am: [info]espanolbot Quick Casstoon Reaction: Batgirl 1 and Suprising News - 38 comments
08:17 am: [info]geoffsebesta Legion of Super-Giffen, Prologue III - 19 comments
10:31 am: [info]dreamreaver Flash: Rebirth #4 preview - 47 comments
10:31 am: [info]sherkahn Martial Arts week: When Wolverine was a mere man - 21 comments
02:36 pm: [info]volksjager Captain America vs. Iron Fist in...Kung-fu Killer ( no seriously thats's the name of the story) - 20 comments
03:14 pm: [info]zechs27 Martial Arts Week: Cassandra vs Slade Round 2 with Cassandra vs Rose as a Bonus for Added Flavor - 24 comments
03:19 pm: [info]trelas The Rise and Fall of Prometheus - 64 comments
03:20 pm: [info]stolisomancer Green Lantern #151 - 50 comments
04:07 pm: [info]bluefall Marvel Adventures: always appropriate - 46 comments
05:19 pm: [info]drsevarius Johnny Redbeard's Nixed Men - 20 comments
07:09 pm: [info]starwolf_oakley Martial Arts Week: Daredevil vs. the Punisher - 7 comments
08:07 pm: [info]parsimonia Arrows in BoP - 61 comments
08:55 pm: [info]jkcarrier Shang-Chi vs. Razor-Fist - 21 comments
10:07 pm: [info]carissa_cat Recommendations for a newbie - 63 comments
10:35 pm: [info]dr_hermes Rock Bottom Comics: DOC SAVAGE, 1966 - 2 comments
11:05 pm: [info]colonel_green Martial Arts Week: Daredevil vs. Lady B - 7 comments
12:02 am: [info]kingrockwell It's Not About The Answers: Behind The Mask Of Vic Sage, pt 8 - 8 comments
06:04 am: [info]gargoylekitty Wonder Woman #35 Preview - 106 comments
12:10 pm: [info]gargoylekitty Detective Comics #856 - 74 comments
12:30 pm: [info]drsevarius Wolverine: Origins #39 - 44 comments
12:32 pm: [info]trueredorion The Blackest Night Hits The War of Light - 49 comments
01:19 pm: [info]volksjager Iron Fist shows how focus can overcome raw power ! - 7 comments
01:59 pm: [info]trueredorion Flash: Rebirth #4 - 24 comments
03:02 pm: [info]colonel_green Doom's own private Hell - 74 comments
03:18 pm: [info]queenursula Batman and Robin #3 - 101 comments
04:06 pm: [info]colonel_green Mythapalooza (Part II) - 47 comments
04:31 pm: [info]sandoz_iscariot Peter and Mary Jane's First Date - 37 comments
04:42 pm: [info]xdoop What to do when your man cheats on you. - 64 comments
05:25 pm: [info]colonel_green Dark Avengers/Uncanny X-Men: "Utopia" Part 5 - 93 comments
05:26 pm: [info]proteus_lives What Does Wrecker Like About Carol Danvers? - 22 comments
05:35 pm: [info]proteus_lives I AM GROOT! Translated by Maximus the Mad. - 16 comments
05:39 pm: [info]arbre_rieur 3 pgs. from Batman & Robin 3 - 47 comments
05:43 pm: [info]interrobamf Why can't the Black Lantern Rings resurrect Dove? - 40 comments
05:53 pm: [info]xdoop Blackest Night: Titans #1 - 61 comments
06:19 pm: [info]interrobamf Flash: Rebirth: Max and Eobard dote out exposition. - 50 comments
06:21 pm: [info]zechs27 Martial Arts Week: Wolverine vs X-23 - 16 comments
06:50 pm: [info]xdoop "Batman and Robin" does Shortpacked - 16 comments
09:57 pm: [info]trelas Clothing optional - 16 comments
10:00 pm: [info]skylands Justice Society of America #30 - 63 comments
10:08 pm: [info]sailorlibra Awesome Barda Moments - 21 comments
10:48 pm: [info]thanekos Giant monsters, given the chance, can be rather eloquent. - 11 comments
11:11 pm: [info]arbre_rieur JSA 30: Guess who's back - 46 comments
11:40 pm: [info]kingrockwell More Batman and Robin 3 - 48 comments
11:55 pm: [info]dr_hermes Christmas Daisy - 9 comments
11:59 pm: [info]superfan1 Batman: The Widening Gyre - 56 comments
12:00 am: [info]xdoop Dark X-Men: The Beginning #3 - 29 comments
12:21 am: [info]04nbod More Flash Rebirth #4 - 17 comments
01:08 am: [info]ap0cryphal Blue Beetle #16: WITNESS the MONSTER within BLUE BEETLE! - 33 comments
01:39 am: [info]espanolbot Another quick Casstoon reaction to Batgirl 1, plus Two Videos - 25 comments
01:50 am: [info]proteus_lives What Is Daken's Favorite Game? Gay Chicken. - 59 comments
05:11 am: [info]gargoylekitty Maggie and Toby - 25 comments
10:31 am: [info]thatnickguy 2 Comic Critics strips! - 18 comments
10:59 am: [info]mysteryfan Ick. - 38 comments
11:15 am: [info]xdoop Oh my god, it all makes sense now! - 10 comments
01:18 pm: [info]zechs27 Gotham Sirens #3 - 31 comments
02:01 pm: [info]volksjager Zero Killer finally returns !! - 2 comments
02:08 pm: [info]fleeting_feet When a party isn't a party..... - 18 comments
02:09 pm: [info]schmevil War of the Marvels: Catherine Donovan, Carol Danvers, Karla Sofen and Ms. Marvel - 38 comments
03:00 pm: [info]glprime Martial Arts Week: Kung Fu Nomenclature (with the Immortal Iron Fist) - 15 comments
03:20 pm: [info]sherkahn Someone cue the John Williams music - 22 comments
04:30 pm: [info]xdoop "Sick of Men!" - 24 comments
04:36 pm: [info]arbre_rieur The man the power ring picked before Hal - 22 comments
05:46 pm: [info]thokstar What is the Bizzaro version of a Flash-Superman race? - 16 comments
06:12 pm: [info]volksjager Taskmaster, he's just better at than you... - 40 comments
07:05 pm: [info]starwolf_oakley Aurora is a bad-ass. From a few years back. - 7 comments
09:03 pm: [info]arilou_skiff Aurora is badass - 33 comments
09:05 pm: [info]xdoop "I'll Never Let You Go!" - 40 comments
09:40 pm: [info]superfan1 Superman #691 - 63 comments
11:47 pm: [info]drsevarius New Avengers #56 - 16 comments
12:08 am: [info]zechs27 Martial Arts Week: Cassandra/Shiva - 22 comments
12:45 am: [info]trelas Of course he's single - 28 comments
06:33 am: [info]sherkahn Preview for the conclusion of Old Man Logan - 13 comments
12:04 pm: [info]queenursula The end of Avengers: The Initiative #27 - 23 comments
02:14 pm: [info]trueredorion GotG #17 - 32 comments
02:28 pm: [info]dreamreaver This is now my favorite thing in the history of ever. - 23 comments
02:30 pm: [info]zechs27 Martial Arts Week: Leonardo vs the Foot Clan - 18 comments
02:38 pm: [info]box_in_the_box "If only that Ditko fellow was less subtle and more overt regarding his personal politics ..." - 327 comments
04:04 pm: [info]volksjager "That's why they're called Pawns" - 24 comments
06:35 pm: [info]xdoop Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen Special #2 - 38 comments
08:50 pm: [info]icon_uk Ommm..... Ommm..... Ommm..... - 9 comments
08:57 pm: [info]dr_hermes Who put the magnets in Captain America's shield (bee bop a lu bop) - 15 comments
09:25 pm: [info]galateus Notice Black Canary is the ringleader here - 17 comments
10:31 pm: [info]zechs27 Martial Arts Week: Crimson Empire Part II - 7 comments
11:53 pm: [info]sherkahn Blackest Night: Solomon Grundy - 31 comments
12:56 am: [info]starwolf_oakley How I learned Maggie Sawyer is gay - 7 comments
05:33 am: [info]bluefall In Case You Didn't Know: Colleen and Misty are Awesome - 77 comments
12:54 pm: [info]xdoop "The Dark Side of the Justice League!" - 48 comments
02:13 pm: [info]zechs27 Martial Arts Week: Cassandra Cain vs Lady Shiva - 24 comments
02:41 pm: [info]wonderwomanhero Psylocke's Adventure with the X-Club!!! - 28 comments
02:51 pm: [info]arbre_rieur House of Mystery 16: The Hounds of Titus Roan - 11 comments
03:55 pm: [info]queenanthai The Glory Of Silver Age Filler Part 1 - 16 comments
04:10 pm: [info]tpsreports Martial Arts Week: The Battle of April's Apartment aka When TMNT Was Awesome(r) - 10 comments
04:29 pm: [info]taggerung301 I hate it when this happens . . . - 8 comments
05:38 pm: [info]xdoop World War Hulks - 81 comments
07:32 pm: [info]sherkahn Darkest Night: Batman & Superman, parts 2 - 23 comments
09:00 pm: [info]thebigapricot Behold the wonder of pie! - 13 comments
09:06 pm: [info]volksjager Lashina ! - 27 comments
09:31 pm: [info]dr_hermes A visit with Merlin - 8 comments
11:43 pm: [info]kingrockwell Martial Arts Week: Shitty comic, great fights - 18 comments
12:42 am: [info]espanolbot How Bruce Met Zatanna, plus the casting of the upcoming Going Postal adaption - 61 comments
01:54 am: [info]04nbod Legion. As you've never seen them before - 17 comments
08:55 am: [info]his_spiffyness Frank, what have they done to you? - 24 comments
11:40 am: [info]cyberghostface Jonah Gets Mugged - 22 comments
12:21 pm: [info]chocochuy Can't get away with nothing - 14 comments
03:37 pm: [info]neuhallidae "There Are No Words" - 75 comments
05:03 pm: [info]icon_uk An old Star Wars post from SD 1.0 - 3 comments
05:08 pm: [info]jelly_ace You don't wanna know, Supes. You don't wanna know. - 67 comments
06:38 pm: [info]blake_reitz Bits from Sinister Spider-Man, Dark X-Men, Bright and Light Marvel Adventures, and some Hitler. - 38 comments
08:41 pm: [info]neuhallidae "The Red Zone", parts 5 and 6 - 25 comments
09:10 pm: [info]nonners Why Pietro loves Crystal - 18 comments
09:44 pm: [info]arbre_rieur When Alan Moore was crap (Violator: The World, Part One) - 11 comments
11:55 pm: [info]dr_hermes The shocking truth about Lee and Kirby - 6 comments
11:56 pm: [info]pyrotwilight Power Company Part 2! Bork and Striker Z! - 12 comments
12:13 am: [info]espanolbot Daleks: All you need to Know!, the Deathsmiths of Goth! and Nostalgia Critic's 'Steel' - 37 comments
02:21 am: [info]sandoz_iscariot Mary Jane in Spider-Man: Blue - 33 comments
08:36 am: [info]zegas Walt Simonson Master Post - 29 comments
09:02 am: [info]mysteryfan Batman's Moment of Truth - 28 comments
09:44 am: [info]sherkahn Preview - Hellboy; The Wild Hunt #6 - 10 comments
10:10 am: [info]xdoop Disney to acquire Marvel for $4 billion - 128 comments
10:47 am: [info]volksjager I have wanted the post this for some time now. - 27 comments
11:04 am: [info]seriousfic The problems of being a zombie hunter - 2 comments
11:41 am: [info]xdoop Hercules vs. Galactus! - 18 comments
11:45 am: [info]wonderwomanhero Re-Post - 13 comments
02:08 pm: [info]blake_reitz Flygirl! - 4 comments
02:33 pm: [info]zechs27 Martial Arts Week: Cassandra Cain vs the Mad Dog - 26 comments
05:34 pm: [info]foxhack Something Positive comments on Disney / Marvel - 35 comments
07:22 pm: [info]arilou_skiff Some MA Spider-man cuteness - 35 comments
09:55 pm: [info]zechs27 Martial Arts Week: Cassandra Cain vs Lady Shiva The Rematch - 25 comments
10:11 pm: [info]colonel_green JUSTICE! - 107 comments
10:13 pm: [info]icon_uk Fun instant response to the Disney Marvel acquistion - 47 comments
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