Three scans from Captain America: Reborn #2, and three from Captain America #600.
Lot's going on in Reborn, though, again, a lot of it is setup.
Previously: Steve was lost in time, Sharon is key to it somehow, Norman finds out about all this from Dr. Zola, New Cap and Black Widow face off against Ares and Venom.
In terms of the mechanics of what the Skull did, Reed Richards is called in to investigate further:
Meanwhile, Norman is up to no good on a number of fronts. First, he checks in with Sin and Crossbones, both currently in jail, and says they can leave the room either in his employ or with bullets through their heads, given their crimes.
Elsewhere, unlike how things usually go in comics, pitting two normal humans against a god and a dude wearing in an alien symbiote leads to the humans losing.
"But then, we all die once or twice, right?" Heh.
Osborn releases evidence of Sharon's complicity in Steve's death to the media, transforming her into Public Enemy No. 1, and tells Natasha to go and tell Sharon to turn herself in within 24 hours or New Cap gets it.
Sin and Crossbones' appearance here made me think of their segment in Captain America #600, which was one of my favourites; so here's the highlights of their comemmoration of Steve's death.
Crossbones goes on a love-mad dash through the prison, killin' lots of people along the way, before he makes it to...