Daily Scans - August 4th, 2009
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12:05 am [perletwo]
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Classic Gotham City Architecture. Over on noscans, in a thread about comic book architecture, there was a little talk about the Batman Black & White story about the guy who wanted to do a coffee table book on the Kooky Funky Anthropomorphized Object Buildings of Gotham, and a request to repost. So I give you 2 1/2 pages of an 8 page story, "Urban Renewal," by Will Pfeifer and Brent Anderson.
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, creator: brent anderson, creator: will pfeifer, title: gotham knights
06:57 am [sherkahn]
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Real Men of Genius Week - Wade Wilson Part 1 Scans_Daily presents, Real Men of Genius week. (***with nods to Proteus_Lives***)
Real Men of Genius......

Tags: char: bullseye/hawkeye, char: deadpool/wade wilson, series: real men of genius week
08:06 am [sir_razorback]
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I had a dream... Seriously, I had a real wierd dream last night. I had some bad mexican food and got pretty sick, and what do I dream about? Spider-Man. I was dreaming of an issue that dosen't exist yet, it takes place in between the last two panels of that Ultimate Spidey post where Cap finds him under the rubble and he opens his eyes.
Tags: char: ben parker, char: spider-man/peter parker, title: amazing spider-man
12:29 pm [mosellegreen]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/8462170/399431) [Link] |
Golden Age Wonder Woman Today's scans are about the same Fun Clinics mentioned in yesterday's. They're from "The Malice of the Green Imps", originally published in Sensation Comics #28 in 1944, reprinted in Wonder Woman Archives Volume 4. (Those volumes are indispensable for the Golden Age Wonder Woman geek.)
Tags: char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: william moulton marston, era: golden age, publisher: dc comics, title: sensation
01:06 pm [fleur_de_liz]
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Blackest Night Teaser! DC's blog The Source has released a spoiler image for some undisclosed upcoming Blackest Night book.
( Disappointingly, it's not Zombie Ted Kord. Yet. )
Tags: char: brainiac 2/vril dox, event: blackest night, title: r.e.b.e.l.s.
01:19 pm [domino_blue]
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Time for some obscure manga! The Five Star Stories! I love obscure comics and manga mostly because they are most of time worth the effort to checks out because it's things I've never seen before, and sometimes they are so much better then what's well known. This is one of those but I warn you, your mileage will most likely very.
Current Location: Virgina Current Mood: calm Current Music: The Beatles Tags: creator: nagano mamoru, medium: manga
01:55 pm [arbre_rieur]
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One page from Irredeemable #5 Comic Book Resources has previews up for Irredeemable #5 (as well as a bunch of other upcoming Boom! titles): http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=preview&id=3138&disp=table

Tags: creator: mark waid, creator: peter krause, title: irredeemable
02:06 pm [seriousfic]
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The adventures of Scott Free when he was a boy. Seven pages from Orion 10 by Walt Simonson, with some beautiful drawing by Art Adams.
Tags: char: mr. miracle/scott free, char: orion, creator: walt simonson
05:10 pm [thokstar]
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He's BAAAAACK (and he has some new toys) ( From the DC: Source Blog, the cover for Adventure Comics 4 )
Tags: char: superboy-prime, title: adventure comics
06:17 pm [volksjager]
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Spiderboy and the Legion of Galactic Gaurdians 2099 I thought this was the best of the DC/Marvel books. It has alot of fun with timetravel and the various versions of the Legion...

( Read more... )
Current Music: Galaxie 500 " Blue Thunder" Tags: char: spiderboy, group: the legion of galactic gaurdians, publisher: amalgam
06:25 pm [merseybeatler]
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The Corinthian: Death In Venice (plus some junk) The Corinthian is, well, so fucking creepy. I don't even know where to begin. Seriously, I haven't had that many nightmares about a fictional character since kindergarten (about, er, Captain Hook!). Obviously, though, that was the intention. :P Anyway, I've decided to start reading as many of the Sandman spinoffs as I can find, beginning with Gaiman's Death miniseries which I posted earlier. The Corinthian: Death In Venice is written by Darko Macan and illustrated by Danijel Zezelj (??) and was, frankly, quite disappointing. Not scary at all. It seemed to be trying to channel Ann Rice, but failing. HE EVEN LOOKS LIKE BRAD PITT. Without further ado, scans: AND NOW FOR SOMETHING MARGINALLY DIFFERENT: There.
Current Mood: MY EYES! THE GOGGLES DO NOTHIN Current Music: David Bowie "The Heart's Filthy Lesson" Tags: char: matthew cable, char: matthew the raven, char: the corinthian, publisher: vertigo comics, title: archie, title: sandman, title: the sandman presents
08:23 pm [kingrockwell]
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Wednesday Comics, week 4! Yeah, the .cbr was really late this week...
Current Music: Sonic Youth ~ "Incinerate" Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: jonathan kent, char: martha kent, char: superman/clark kent, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: ben caldwell, creator: brian azzarello, creator: eduardo risso, creator: john arcudi, creator: lee bermejo, publisher: dc comics, title: wednesday comics
09:35 pm [dr_hermes]
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Light up another one, Tony These clips are from THE AVENGERS# 5, May 1964 and #7, August 1964. Script by Stan Lee, art by Jack Kirby. Tony Stark has to wear the Iron Man chestplate all the time, because it keeps a piece of shrapnel from moving into his heart. When he lets the armor's power run down, that piece of metal instantly starts digging deeper, causing pain, dizziness and weakness. (This didn't seem the way such an injury would actually work, but it was great drama.) We got a lot of panels of a tortured Iron Man crawling doggedly toward an outlet to recharge his chestplate; he was quite the suffering hero, having to use up his power in a fight and then pay for it. Despite having a damaged heart that could only be kept functioning with machinery, the idea of quitting cigarettes didn't seem to occur to Tony, though. Steve Rogers and Bruce Wayne and Reed Richards smoked pipes, Nick Fury and Ben Grimm lit up stogies. But Tony was satisfied with a pack of Lucky Strikes. (I would have loved it if Kirby or an inker had added one panel of Iron Man with a cancer stick protruding from the grille of the Iron Man helmet. Just once.)

1964 might as well be another planet if you're in your twenties today. People smoked EVERYWHERE. Airplanes, restaurants, movie theatres, stadiums. Nobody thought anything of it. People smoked in supermarkets and ground out the butts on the floor. Doctors smoked in their offices. Teachers smoked (but students weren't allowed to). After the Surgeon General started hitting the public over the head with a 2X4 about the dangers of tobacco, habits gradually changed and laws were changed. Today, you see the furtive "cigarette outlaws" sullenly huddled outside buildings on their breaks. But it wasn't always today.
Tags: char: iron man/tony stark, creator: jack kirby, creator: stan lee, era: silver age
10:20 pm [zechs27]
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More Machine Than Man Part III Chronicling the Rise and Fall to Rise Again of the Cyborg Superman. You'll find his appearances from Hunter/Prey, Hank and Hal in the Road to Marvel Universe (Silver Surfer/Green Lantern), and Trial of Superman all in here.
Tags: char: cyborg superman/hank henshaw, char: darkseid, char: doomsday, char: green lantern/hal jordan, char: silver surfer/norrin radd, char: superboy/kon-el/conner kent, char: superman/clark kent, creator: dan jurgens, creator: ron marz, publisher: dc comics, publisher: marvel comics, title: superman