Daily Scans - August 29th, 2009
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12:56 am [starwolf_oakley]
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How I learned Maggie Sawyer is gay With gargoylekitty's post about Maggie Sawyer and Toby Raynes, I thought I would post the pages where I learned Maggie Sawyer was gay. It was during the REIGN OF THE SUPERMAN saga, and features great Jackson Guice artwork.
( Well, the only reason she'd mention that is if... oh. )
Tags: char: maggie sawyer, creator: butch guice, creator: roger stern, title: action comics
05:33 am [bluefall]
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In Case You Didn't Know: Colleen and Misty are Awesome It being Martial Arts Week, and all, it seems like an excellent time to finally post a story rather dear to my heart called "Daughters of the Dragon*" first published in Marvel's DEADLY HANDS OF KUNG FU magazine back in 1976.
If you're not familiar with DEADLY HANDS OF KUNG FU, I'll let Wiki explain it, because the editor's use of scare quotes is hilarious:
This magazine was published in the early 1970s amidst the "Kung Fu" or "Chopsocky" movie craze. Bruce Lee movies were scoring huge box-office grosses, and the Kung-Fu television series was being watched by millions. Billy Jack the half-Indian, Green Beret martial arts hero was making his appearance, and people were "shaking their booty" to Carl Douglas's hit "Kung Fu Fighting". Kung-Fu was on many people's lips and the Deadly Hands of Kung Fu was there to capitalize on it. [...] Each issue had various comic stories from the above mentioned characters, both single issues stories and multi-issue arcs. Most of the issues had some kind of martial arts movie review from a recently released film. Other issues had interviews with authentic Martial arts instructors, while others had interviews with movie or television celebrities related to martial arts.
Add Women By Claremont to the mix, and sounds like fun, don't it?

* The first one, that is. Not to be confused with the second one printed later in BIZARRE ADVENTURES and subtitled "Safe Streets." Or the mini that preceded v2 HfH. The title seems to pop up a lot where these two are concerned.
Tags: char: colleen wing, char: misty knight, creator: chris claremont, creator: marshall rogers, nsfw: nudity, series: martial arts week
12:54 pm [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353875/376622) [Link] |
"The Dark Side of the Justice League!"

Tags: char: aquaman/orin/arthur curry, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: black canary/dinah lance, char: flash/barry allen, char: green arrow/oliver queen, char: green lantern/hal jordan, char: hawkman/carter hall, char: lois lane, char: superman/clark kent, creator: robert kanigher, creator: werner roth, group: justice league of america, publisher: dc comics, title: superman's girl friend lois lane
02:13 pm [zechs27]
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Martial Arts Week: Cassandra Cain vs Lady Shiva

Two of the greatest Martial Artists in the DCU go at it.
Tags: char: batgirl/cassandra cain, char: lady shiva/sandra woosan, creator: damion scott, creator: kelley puckett, publisher: dc comics, series: martial arts week, title: batgirl
02:41 pm [wonderwomanhero]
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Psylocke's Adventure with the X-Club!!! Well, you may be wondering what has become of Psylocke since the Sisterhood Of Porn Faced Copyright Infringement Tracing WTFness that was the Sisterhood of Mutants event in Uncanny X-Men. Well, Betts is back, and better than ever.
Tags: char: box/madison jefferies, char: dr. nemesis/james bradley, char: kavita rao, char: psylocke/betsy braddock, creator: david finch, group: x-club, publisher: marvel comics, title: uncanny x-men
02:51 pm [arbre_rieur]
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House of Mystery 16: The Hounds of Titus Roan This is one of the creepier stories the series has put out since the revival.
Tags: creator: bill willingham, creator: matthew sturges, publisher: vertigo comics, title: house of mystery
03:55 pm [queenanthai]
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The Glory Of Silver Age Filler Part 1 While the crack of the Silver Age stories is legendary, one of my favorite things about reading 30- to 40-year-old comics is the ads, the PSAs and the letter columns. It's like a little time warp, and you can actually get a hint of the culture and attitudes of those days.
( Here're three to start you off. )
Anyone else willing to share? I have more where this came from, of course.
Tags: era: silver age, medium: advertisement, medium: letter columns, publisher: dc comics, title: action comics
04:10 pm [tpsreports]
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Martial Arts Week: The Battle of April's Apartment aka When TMNT Was Awesome(r) Following zechs27's awesome post, more awesomeness! 12 pages of a 37 page spectacular.
( Read more... )
Tags: char: shredder/oroku saki, creator: kevin eastman, creator: peter laird, group: teenage mutant ninja turtles, publisher: mirage, series: martial arts week, title: teenage mutant ninja turtles
04:29 pm [taggerung301]
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I hate it when this happens . . .
Current Mood: tired Tags: creator: brian k. vaughan, creator: pia guerra, publisher: vertigo comics, title: y the last man
05:38 pm [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353878/376622) [Link] |
World War Hulks Newsarama has an interview about the upcoming World War Hulks storyline.
Tags: event: fall of the hulks
07:32 pm [sherkahn]
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Darkest Night: Batman & Superman, parts 2 Wordless teaser images are up at the DCU Blog. Batman preview & Superman previews.
Tags: char: blockbuster/roland desmond, char: superboy/kon-el/conner kent, char: superman/clark kent, char: superman/kal-l/clark kent, char: ventriloquist/arnold wesker, event: blackest night, publisher: dc comics, title: blackest night batman, title: blackest night superman
09:00 pm [thebigapricot]
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Behold the wonder of pie!
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: jim gordon, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, publisher: dc comics
09:06 pm [volksjager]
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Lashina ! Okay this is what I hope to be the first of many post from The Suicide Squad (my fav. book that DC is no longer putting out).

Am I the only one who thinks she is having an orgasm riding a big phallic object into a "boom-tube" ????
( Read more... )
Current Music: Clubfoot Kitty "I preffer Cancer" Tags: char: lashina, char: shade the changing man, group: suicide squad, publisher: dc comics, title: suicide squad
09:31 pm [dr_hermes]
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A visit with Merlin Some of these classic strips can't be over-praised. Hal Foster's PRINCE VALIANT is a good example, a perfect blend of great art and great storytelling. Imagine waking up Sunday morning to see this page in your newspaper. Here's an example from 1938.

At this point in the saga, Prince Valiant is still a youth, maybe in his late teens, trying to prove himself to Arthur by deeds of valor (while also tumbling headlong in love as youths do). Val has managed to escape from Dolorous Garde, where Morgan Le Fey (HER again!) is holding Sir Gawain. Merlin promises to free Gawain if he can obtain a personal possession prized by Morgan, and Val returns with her falcon. (I've seen hunting falcons up close and to be honest, stealing one in flight agaiinst its will would not occur to me. I'd bring Merlin one of Morgan's slippers or something..)
Tags: char: prince valiant, creator: hal foster, era: golden age, title: prince valiant
11:43 pm [kingrockwell]
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Martial Arts Week: Shitty comic, great fights

Chuck Dixon's 2004 Richard Dragon series was lousy, to be sure, but it definitely had one thing going for it. Scott McDaniel's art, while no one is accusing it of being pretty, has an energy and flow that fit the series like a glove and made every fight a joy to read. As evidence, I bring you the climactic clash between Richard and Lady Shiva.
Current Music: Elliott Smith ~ "Coming Up Roses" Tags: char: lady shiva/sandra woosan, char: richard dragon, creator: chuck dixon, creator: scott mcdaniel, publisher: dc comics, series: martial arts week