January 31st, 2009

[info]mslane in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to her Clark]

Um... are you okay? Uh... I know you're pretty busy, with all the stuff about the Lazarus Pits, and everything that's going on. Do you... need my help with anything? You know I'm here if you do. And I just might really be missing you. I feel like... I should be doing something. I should be doing something more. More than I have been, that is.

[info]decembervision in [info]paragraffiti

Does anyone here ever dream of home? Last night I dreamed I was back in Smallville. It was weird, because Pete Ross was there, and he moved away at the end of our junior year at Smallville High.

[Isis residents]
I'm sorry to say that I will soon be shutting down the Isis apartments, but don't panic. I'm not throwing all of you out. Cathy Hyatt from the LA Welcoming Center will be contacting you soon to help you find new homes. I will keep this place running for another month to give you plenty of time to move.

I've enjoyed being able to serve all of you, but this just isn't me. Ownership passed to me when my ex-fiance disappeared and I've done my best, but it's time to help the city in my own way instead of trying to fill the shoes of Lex Luthor.

[Cathy Hyatt]
I've notified my people about the shut down. Here is the list of people you'll need to contact. I've listed siblings/roommates together.

Adam and Adina Howard
Alyssa Enrilé
Cameron Phillips and John Connor
Gul Skrain Dukat
Henry Townshend

[info]saintlysimon in [info]paragraffiti

In the merry old town of Los Angeles
The things that go on are quite scandalous
A sinful ubiquity
Of vice and iniquity
And even such outrageous criminal acts as jaywalking which I have personally observed and about which I intend to write a very strongly-worded letter to the editor or something.

(I'm proud enough of Los Angeles/scandalous; I'm certainly not going to find anything else that rhymes with it.)

[info]fracturedtime in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Peter, Nathan, & Sarah Petrelli.

Two weeks. I've got a plan, but there's only so much that two hands and time stopping can do. Sooooo. Just how well can you lot keep a secret?

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to RUBY.

I know you're pissed at me. Nothing new. Got it. Old story. I mean, you screwed my face up. I'd take a picture if it'd make you feel better, but I'm not feeling particularly photogenic at the moment anyway, so you'll have to live without. So. Now that that's out of the way, as I'm about ninety-nine percent certain you'd take the time to make some sort of witty retort about how you punched someone who was mentally unstable in the face, I'm gonna skip straight on over to the "I don't want to argue with you and I don't want to hear your millions of reasons as to why you hate me" speech and move right to the point. Because you know I wouldn't be contacting you if there wasn't some point mixed into all of this.

Faith. You know, one of those fun little Slayers we've got running around? The one I think you might consider a friend? Yeah. She's in trouble. I think you might want to offer her a little assistance on the magic front if you want her to actually survive what's headed her way. I'm not telling you what to do, cause I'm sure, again, you'll have something sarcastic to say about that too. I'm asking you to help her. Because I know that she'd appreciate it a whole hell of a lot if you did. You might have your problems with me and that's fine. I know you wouldn't come to help me if I had two knives at either side of my throat and gun to my back. But if you're gonna hold grudges, make sure that it's all pointed at me, all right? Faith was just being a friend. Don't let her get hurt over this over something that she did for me.

So there it is. Point out. And it only took me two point five paragraphs to do it. Of course, it was all written in a few sentences, which is less than three times what it took just for me to get to said point, but we all know how much I like words so there we are.

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to the Hyperion plus allies and friends]

So, insane vampires. In LA. wanting to kill us

Don't know about you guys but I pretty much want them dead. Anyone else in?

I'm thinking finding out what those tricks of theirs are might be a plan. Anyone ever come across the name Saga Vasuki? I know Sam's looking into it, but this is a all the help we can get sort of thing. Especially as I actually like being alive.

[info]therealcaptjack in [info]paragraffiti

So, I'm wondering. Just how many of you people have stepped into the pits? And I need one of you to see side effects.

I'm ready to show I can handle Firewhiskey if you are.

As Plan A is always a success, how goes that analysing of the Pits?

[info]talbotb in [info]paragraffiti

Oh hell, hell, bloody hell
I feel as though I should remember why--
There's a bloody armoury in here

I've never had to look at myself before. Christ, it's like a before and after of Jekyll and Hyde.

[info]princessazula in [info]paragraffiti

These Lazurus Pits I have heard tell of.

What are they, and why is there such a dreadful fuss being made of them?

[info]itsaliiiiiive in [info]paragraffiti

I haven't seen Mantis in a couple of days. He's been paying really close attention to the stuff going on with the Lazarus Pit, so-- I don't know. Maybe he's down there. I can't say I'd blame him if he was. It's not my place to tell him yes or no on the matter, anyway.

I don't think they'd really work for Dave-- his aging is written into his genetic code.

This place is so frustrating.

[info]herdarkness in [info]paragraffiti

Slayers, the Champion or Pits-those are boring subjects. What about a game, instead? Who is in mood for one?

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

Being out of the loop sucks.

[info]red_crown_man in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Hyperion and other people he knows, except Faith]

I haven't felt like getting wasted drunk in a long time. I guess tonight's the night.

When my friend Bradley used to see me get really drunk, he'd say I was "feeling no pain."

But that part's a lie.

[info]lonestarclaire in [info]paragraffiti

Filter to Family.

I want to try it. The Lazurus pit. I talked to that Talia woman, and Alessa and Sam Winchester have both done it and they're okay now. It could fix what Sylar did..

[Filtered to Nathan

I want you to come with me. Will you?

[info]dracu_vamp in [info]paragraffiti

[posted as Toru]

It's been more than 24 hours since my generous brother made the offer. And yet I see neither Slayers nor Champion. So color me vexed.

But I am generous too! People are going to die for this, but you get to choose who!

Either a nightclub full of teenagers or the night workers of a packing plant?

You have two hours. If you don't choose, both will die!

I vote you don't choose because I'm hungry and armies need feeding.

[info]her_my_oh_knee in [info]paragraffiti

Why is it you crave things that aren't available...

January 2010



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