Feb. 3rd, 2008


I'm awake... and sort of alive.

My head hurts so much... and I woke up with a sock in my mouth, though I can't be sure to whom it belongs to because I tucked it in my pocket when I had to go vomit. At least nothing is written on my forehead (I saw that on television, that this happens sometimes when you pass out drunk around your friends).

Trev/Ratbarf/ZJ - I will be over after I'm finished with the vomiting. With my hair (did I really type that last night? Oh god, I don't remember typing half these things).

Michael - if you remember last night, I am SO SORRY for teasing you about being kinda gay about things. I think the world of you, I would never want to say anything mean to you sober. My mouth just kind of did not connect with my brain due to large amounts of alcohol.

Allison - I think the sock is yours. Unless Michael wears girl socks, or unless there are sock monsters along with all the rest of the monsters in this crazy town Hi. I hope you're having a good day and all that. Sorry I passed out. I think we were having some kind of meaningful moment right before my head hit the keyboard. I promise our date will be better!

LOVE YOU GUYS. Now I know why in English this is called the 'hang over'. Gonna go stick my head over the bowl AGAIN

Feb. 2nd, 2008





Jan. 25th, 2008


Eggs with Bacon

Now that I know I'm allowed to use the kitchen at the hotel, I've made some delicious bacon and eggs.

Did you know that bacon in German is called 'Speck' which is entirely different than the English meaning of that word. Eggs are Eier. In German, we always capitalize nouns -which gave me a lot of trouble with English lessons when I was little. I knew what nouns were in English as well as German - I just used to write my English sentences capitalizing the nouns out of habit.

In German, were I inviting you to breakfast, I would ask - Möchten Sie Eier mit Speck? which means 'Would you like eggs with bacon?' Which, you know- if you're at the Hyperion and you've nothing better to do than to eat breakfast foods at a non breakfast time with a former Nazi with me - come and have some!

Jan. 24th, 2008


Dumpster diving in a kilt is highly unrecommended


I'm rather pleased with pairing off "scandalous" and "handle us," but the meter requires a third rhymed line, and "Candlemas" just won't do...




STupID phOne...



Okay, whoever decided that posting from a cellphone to the internet was a good idea needs to be shot.



[filtered from King Henry VIII;]

For heaven's sake, please don't tell him what he gets up to later in his life. He's already a bit fragile. And show a little respect---he is a king, and he's used to his title. Otherwise, I'll be mean and send you nightmares.


Well, the Lovers' Butterflies have already come in handy once. And Alpha has decided to re-stock the shop alphabetically to practice his English.

While I'm doing this, I may as well also make the rooms above my shop available to anyone who needs a place to sleep for a few days. There's room enough for a few people.


Why hello there beautiful shiny new Los Angeles how are you today

Jan. 23rd, 2008


Once again, the internet makes me speechless


This is absolutely amazing! Can anyone here play this kind of guitar? Hearing classical music on a future-instrument makes me want to learn to play an instrument.

Also, did you know that if you put quarters into the vending machine, it dispenses a cold soda? I learned that today, too!

Anyone else learn something today?

Jan. 22nd, 2008


Jesus Hell, I look like I got hit by a truck. The Pyro's got a goddamn right hook on her.

Jan. 18th, 2008


Greetings from a not quite Deutschebag

This machine is quite amazing - like a typewriter and a radio and a movie screen had some sort of mash-up and came together as this. I'm typing I can see the words and...

Oh, Michael says I should say hello, because other people will see this. He is showing me how to use this.

I'm Frederick Anton Reiker, and I came from about sixty years ago, near as I can figure. I might as well tell you now, that I was a Nazi - but not a Deutschebag as Michael says it.

You can call me Anton though. And I can't think of anything else to say. So... hello people out there on your similar machines, typing into the vastness of wires and waves that makes up this wondrous creation.

January 2010




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