Feb. 20th, 2009


L.A. For Dummies

It's done! Hopefully this will save some of us some time and energy when it comes to retyping the history of this place every time someone new arrives. Lindsey, I hope you don't mind, but I felt that your spiel deserved to be immortalized.

Feb. 18th, 2009


filtered; from evil types
The house seems so empty now that they were all sent home.

filtered; lindsey and cathy
My sister, Alice, has been sent home. I know she was helping you through some things and I would like to assure you both you still have mine if needed. If there is anything I can do, please let me know.

Feb. 10th, 2009


filtered; the cullens
As if this week wasn't bad enough.

filtered; friends
The new person on the boards, I would recommend keeping a distance. She may look cute and sweet but she's one of the deadliest of our kind I've ever come across. Please be careful.

Feb. 9th, 2009


filtered; alice
Do you see her anywhere?

filtered; james
If you have my daughter I will tear Victoria apart in front of your eyes.

ooc: and edward jumps to conclusions, lol


I've had my complete fill of vampires who fit the bill of the kind I use to read about online. Why must they all be insane, or want to 'rule.' They're all nuts. Jake would be in heaven here.

Heads on sticks. Original.

I can't find her. She's gone. Nessie. She'd just gone to get us another book, and she never came back. She went to her room, and then she just vanished.

Jan. 28th, 2009


filtered; his family, lavender, king

ooc: sometime after this

We're all going to Disneyland tomorrow, the park is ours from 8pm on. They'll stay open as late as we want/need. Bella I was going to take your suggestion but there was still the pesky issue of the employees.
Lavender, invite a few friends if you'd like; King the same.


filtered; lavender
How are you holding up?

flitered; bella
I must admit, now that this pit thing is looking more and more to be exactly what they are claimed to be I am tempted.

Jan. 25th, 2009


custom filter.

[ooc: Filter includes Peter, Nathan, Sarah and Heidi Petrelli, Edward and Bella Cullen, and Hunter Niall EDIT: FILTER NOW INCLUDES SAM. CAUSE I FORGOT AND LAVS WOULD SO WANT HIS INPUT TOO *FACEPALM*]

This Lazarus Pool thing? Do you think...

...it's to good to be true isn't it? I'd be an idiot to even think about trying it right? Of course...of course I would...nothing in the world is THAT good...



Jan. 23rd, 2009


Could you all just try to get along for a day or two, all this yelling and anger at each other really hurts. I can hear you all and it's not pleasant. I'd take Mike Newton mentally drooling over Bella any day over this.

What I wouldn't give to have advil work.


With all of the power in this city, there has to be a decent cold remedy, right? The all-mighty Zicam isn't cutting it this time.

Jan. 4th, 2009


Filter; Cullens

I think we should consider moving, if that's alright with all of you. The apartment is only so big, with so many rooms. I'd like a yard, or a back yard, for Nessie. There's only so much room for her to play here and only so much room for her toys.

Not to mention, we only get so many parking places for cars.

And then the neighbors wouldn't be quite as close.


At least one problem's gonna be gone soon. I hope.

[Filtered to Scoobies.]

[OOC: I'm late with this, I know. And I'm sorry! Heather's been taking over like whoa. xD]

Dec. 21st, 2008


filtered; cullens

Bugs, Alice.... really?

Dec. 17th, 2008


King )

Alice )

Edward )

Nessie )

Dec. 12th, 2008


I was at the park with my best friend and I ran to jump on one of the bars and then everything was all wrong and different. I can’t find Jacob and a monster with an ugly face tried to bite my neck. I kicked him and he cried and a man took me to the library with him. I need to go home. My aunt Rosalie and everybody else will break Jake’s neck if he tells them that he lost me.

I don’t know what I should do. I would go with the man who showed me the computer like he asked me to but I’m not supposed to go anywhere alone with strangers. My uncle Emmett says there is always the chance that they’re pedophiles and then he’d have to rip their heads off. I don’t know what that one word means but it doesn’t sound nice. He’s smart and knows what he’s talking about so I’m not going to follow him.

But I can’t live in the library. The Liberian will kick me out when it closes.

Dec. 11th, 2008


Edward, but Jasper and Alice can read and reply if they wish

Um, don't be mad. But my friends having trouble with a vampire from his world. And he's asked for my help.

...and I want to help him.

Nov. 25th, 2008


Uh-oh. Someone is in trouble.

Oct. 12th, 2008


So there is a God afterall…hmm think I lost a bet somewhere

Sep. 2nd, 2008


Well, this place just keeps getting more and more interesting, doesn't it.

Next week?

Aug. 20th, 2008


I just tried to find a pair of sweatpants in my closet. Either they're hiding, or missing. I did, however, find at least ten dresses I'm never going to wear.

I think the salvation army could use some new dresses.

Do you know what she did with my sweat pants?

And, hi. I love you.

Aug. 13th, 2008


[Filtered to Peter Petrelli (future), Hunter Naill, Edward Cullen and Sam Winchester]


Oh Merlin, oh Merlin, oh Merlin!

Jul. 21st, 2008


[Filtered to 'good' Persons]

So who here could be considered 'supernatural?' Werewolf, vampire, demon...whatever.

And were you like that before you got here? Or did the change happen after you got here?


Good day. My hat, no, not just a hat, a very piece of my soul if you will, has been misplaced. As simple as it is in appearance I assure you, that hat is no toy, in the wrong hands it is a most dangerous weapon.

Where are things taken that are lost?

Jul. 8th, 2008


It seems like a long shot since people seem to have a tendancy to disappear without warning here, most likely to go back where they came from maybe that is for the best, but no one has happened to see a brunette girl named Bella?

Jul. 6th, 2008


[Filtered to Hunter Niall and Edward Cullen]

Do either/both of you want to hang out sometime? I really need want to get out of the Hyperion for a bit.

You guys can both invite people (just no one from the Hyperion, or Harry Potter, please), it might be good for me to meet some new people. Who knows, maybe it would make being at the Hyperion a lot easier.

I'm really open when it comes to what we do. Dinner, clubbing, or just sitting around. As long as I'm out of the hotel I'm happy.

It's not that I hate them or anything...I just need to get away for a bit...

Jun. 19th, 2008


Remind me to never again indulge Bella with my human food skills. I feel rather.... odd.

Jun. 5th, 2008


I was told by a man who runs this Internet Cafe that if I asked questions on here, I might get answers.

How does one go from turning out their drive way in Alaska to being in LA? I can't reach Tanya or Irina, my sisters, on their cells either. The call keeps getting dropped. Not to mention, this hideous thing with a twisted face and fangs jumped at me from an ally. Anyone have answers? He looked like he belonged in a Hollywood movie about Vampires, sadly. And then I turned him to dust. What is going on her

May. 22nd, 2008


Vampires were supposed to be going into extinction. Looks like that's a different story here though.

I suggest raids. Find the nests, destroy them, and leave no one alive. That might help.

[Ruby + Dean]
I ran into a demon. That means that there are probably more running around here. Which also means that Lilith could be close by. I'm going to try to track another one down. Get some information. I accidentally killed the demon that I met before, so it'd be hard to ask him questions now. This knife is pretty awesome.

Apr. 22nd, 2008


Okay, something strange is going on. The woods don't turn into a city in the blink of an eye, and Forks hasn't had this much sunshine ever.

Could someone please tell me where I am? Possibly even how I got here? Anything at all would be helpful. Maybe I've hit my head and this is all some sort of hallucination...

Edward, if you're out there somewhere, come find me. Please?

Feb. 4th, 2008


I think..I'm officially scared now..

Feb. 2nd, 2008


This is not right. How did I get to Los Angeles.

...Bella? Please tell me you're here.

January 2010




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