Oct. 5th, 2008


how could they leave me...
they're supposed to take care of me...
I hate this bloody city and it's bloody apocalypse.

Oct. 3rd, 2008


filtered to the Weir residents;

Has anyone seen James Sirius?

Sep. 17th, 2008


[filtered to James and Sirius]

Take care of him, please.

[Backdated to yesterday. Would have posted last night, but I passed out in front of the computer.]


Filtered to the Potters

Lily, Albus, James, I don't want to sound crazy, but I don't want you going anywhere alone. Take someone with you, someone older, each other doesn't count. I'm not trying to be controlling, but there's a very good chance Bellatrix Lestrange is looking in your direction.

I'm not trying to scare you, but warn you. You have to be careful. There's a good chance she's just messing with my head, but I'm not willing to take the chance.

[Filtered to Harry, Lily, and James (the older ones)]
I don't bloody well care if it alters everything. If she goes near any of them, I'll kill her.


[filtered to Moony and Prongs]

Full moon coming.

Night out for us?

Sep. 16th, 2008


I think I've given up on this internet thing too soon. Muggle computers and internets can be very helpful on occasion when you're wondering what sort of sodding evil god brought you back from the dead only to put you next door to the greasy git.


Look! It’s Potter and Weasley as children!

Sep. 14th, 2008


Fiddle dee dee, said Scarlett. Fiddle dee dee indeed.

So, where ARE you all, my adoring fans?


Its just me isn't it, Im the only one here with any loyalty!



[after this exchange on the way to this thread]

You all should be bloody well ashamed of yourselves! The next person to say something terrible to or about Peter will see the business end of my wand, do you understand?

I'm going for a walk.

[edited in after Sirius' is revealed to James and Lily, though Lily isn't saying that part unless others join in the thread, so all the responses to any comments come after that]

[filtered to those living/soon-to-be living in the Potterverse building]
Someone needs to tell me what happened to Sirius Black after James and I died and they need to do so now. Every part anyone knows.


Ridiculous piece of Muggle claptrap.

Perhaps someone can explain to me how I found myself at that cursed shack outside the school in Scotland one moment, and in this... apparent excuse for a proper city, the next? Also if anyone could further explain why I'm very much alive rather than dead as I distinctly remembering becoming before arriving here, that would also be beneficial.

In other words, for those dunderheads incapable of understanding phrases outside of the basic vocabulary of a small child:

How did I come to be here, and how is it I'm once again alive?

Sep. 13th, 2008


I fell out of the sky two hours ago. The ground almost broke my broom. This place is so lucky that it’s in one piece, because you people would never hear the end of it if it wasn’t.

And why didn’t anyone ever buy me one of these? I can do anything on this thing. This is the best Muggle invention ever.

Also, I have a cupcake. It’s strawberry.


Muggles are so clever This message board is very clever. Do all of you spend all day talking to each other on it?

Oh! Perhaps I should introduce myself. Lily Potter, formerly of Godric's Hollow the afterlife? a storybook place England.

January 2010




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