Dec. 3rd, 2008


This is fucking ridiculous. Either I'm dead, or I'm alive. Make up your goddamn mind. I don't appreciate getting dragged out of and then back into the darkness. Once is more than e-fucking-nough.

Oct. 10th, 2008


This isn't right.

This isn't Galactica and the streets are in chaos. Not been on a Civilized planet since, well...really since Caprica.

What in God's name is happening here?

Oct. 7th, 2008


She's gone.

My sweet, lovely Rose is gone.

I'm not sure how or why this happened... but someone's going to pay. And dearly.

[ooc: This is backdated to right after THIS, obviously.]

Oct. 1st, 2008


Filtered to Faith. )

I need another a drink.


I must keep my sanity. …I…I can’t save them…This can’t be happening…everything is falling apart before my eyes and I am for once defenseless to stop it.

Sep. 28th, 2008


Snip, snip, snippity snap.

Blood makes such a pretty sound against metal.

Sep. 15th, 2008


[ooc: following THIS POST]

Hello LA.

Peter? This isn't over.

Sep. 12th, 2008



[ooc: sam post au threads~! this is prolly the first time that he's really talked to anyone as he was insanely out of it when they found him. feel free to confuzzle him with au!sam, as he's still on the loose.]

Sep. 8th, 2008


Well this is weird.

I mean really very weird. I was here for a scientific conference, which happened fine, it was all very lovely even if the hotel was dreadful, but I get to LAX and I'm told my flights of them. I tried busses, trains, even a bloody boat. But nothing,

There some kind of protest against travel no one told me about.

Its like something doesn't want me to leave here.

Anyway till I figure this out I was told this was the best place to ask so, hello. Names Fred Smith, Winifred if we're being particular since its whats on my passport. I'm a Bio Chemist based out of London.

Aug. 26th, 2008


What a terrible night for a curse...

An evening stroll, yes, that sounds nice.

Aug. 25th, 2008


Alcohol = love

It's nice to see I'm not the only one with a fixing for rum.


[OOC: Backdated to the same time as Ten]

He said it! He finally said it! 

True he was drunk...But does that make a difference? He said he wasn't actually that drunk...

Oh god. He said it, though. Could it get any better than that!?


[backdated to the morning after THIS]

Oh bloody hell, my head hurts. I swear, I'm never getting drunk again... unless of course it ends the way it did last night.

I shagged Rose. Finally.

[ooc: The bit in strikes is readable by The Master only. :p]


I never thought I would say this, but I miss watching Oprah.

Aug. 24th, 2008



Aug. 7th, 2008


Hey y'all.

This might sound a little weird but is anybody familiar with time fluxes? I was tryin' to put together this device that could slow down an enemy and it was working just a second ago and the next thing I know I'm standing somewhere that's not my lab, it isn't working anymore, and some nice man just told me it's 2005, which can't possibly be right because it was February 2004 not August 2005 and this thing really shouldn't be working as a time hopper. It's just not designed like that so I can't really get back unless I figure it out.

And the lady at Wolfram and Hart's switchboard isn't forwarding me to Knox's extension. I think she needs a little manners lesson. OH! Angel, Wes, Charles, Lorne, Spike? Any of you guys read this? But not future me. If I'm reading me, don't reply! I don't want to know anything about the future and mess it up because that would just be horrible and I'd feel really bad.

This is a nightmare.

Aug. 4th, 2008


Is it true that my sweet liddle puddin' pop is here?

I do so hope to get my, ah, little signal working soon. And then we'll see if the BAT comes out to play.

Jul. 22nd, 2008


filtered against the baddies

I don't suppose anyone knows where I might be able to find an Orb of Thesulah? I can't find one anywhere, and it's important I do find one, and fast, in that big old 'if I don't find one, a lot of innocent people might end up hurt and a really good guy might go away forever and it'd just be made of all kinds of bad' sort of way.

So... if anyone knows where I might be able to get one, I'd really appreciate a whole, whole, super duper lot.

Jul. 19th, 2008


Why are people so mean?

Jul. 18th, 2008


Ah hello! Oh my I seem to have found myself in quite a situation. This is surely not England. Has the old girl done something silly again? Hmm…this seems to be a fixed point in time and space and I can’t seem to get my Tardis to function. Oh this is not good, not good at all!

January 2010




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