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Jan. 26th, 2009


custom filter.

[ooc: Filter includes Sarah Petrelli and the Weir]

Did you guys see the news? I feel like...oh MERLIN. I HATE THIS.

There has to be a way, to check if this is real. A spell of some form. I think I read about them once back at Hogwarts, but I don't...

There has to be SOMETHING to prove if this is real or not!

Jan. 25th, 2009


What will you muggles think up next? )

Jan. 17th, 2009


filtered away from heather/baddies;

I can't do it.

I can't talk to her, I can't look at myself in the mirror without getting angry, and I can't take care of a damn kid. But I'm not gonna give it away, because what if it's like me? Who's gonna want it? And abortion is out of the question. I was against it before all of this happened. It'd be fucked up if I started to support it now.

I know what everyone is thinking too. If I'm not giving it away and I'm not killing it off, then I don't really have a choice so I should just shut up and deal. I know. I have to deal. I have to support Heather and take care of her and this kid.

I just don't know how. I don't think I'm strong enough.


The only good thing I have to say about this whole experience is that I nailed the bitch with a Bat Bogey Hex, and she was thoroughly disgusted.

I can't believe this.

Dec. 28th, 2008


Fred. George. If this is you putting some potion in my pumpkin juice for a joke I seriously am not happy!

[ooc: I couldn't resist. She's now the tad more annoying 14 year old. And yes she shall be eating more candy and will slowly become the annoying 11 year old]

Dec. 26th, 2008


Dead-ended hunts. Always my favorite.

Thank God they were selling chocolate nearby. Something to snack on later when I get even more annoyed with the way this is all going.

[Filtered to Faith, Dad, and Ruby.]
We need to talk about that exorcising thing.

Dec. 27th, 2008


lots of children at Hyperion.
no Annie. Luke still not here in either way.
His family small, now? umm.. no motherfathersisterniecenephew?

no dark MAN
but dark thing?



Dec. 14th, 2008


This has to stop.

It's going to stop.


Am I using this right? The lovely young lady next to me showed me how to use this and where to go. Apparently I'm not the first.

Arthur? Are you here? Wherever here is. I would like to know why I'm no longer in the Burrow.


I won't lie... even if he's too little to understand what it all means, I can't wait for Christmas to come.

[Filtered to the Weir]
Any plans for a Christmas celebration of sorts?

Dec. 11th, 2008


Oh my gosh... everything around me is on fire.

I want my mom. I want my mom. I want my mom. I'm scared and I don't know what's going on, but if I sleep here I might catch fire and I don't want to stop, drop, and roll!

Dec. 9th, 2008


I can't sleep. I've been trying since I got back home and I just...

I can't stop thinking about what happened. What could have happened.


Filtered to friends

I thought I should let you know, I'm safe. I'm back home now. I'd rather it came from me than from anyone else.

It was thoughts of you which kept me...Well they kept me from giving up the fight. So thank you.

[OOC: If you think you're included in the 'friends' filter then you're probably right :)]

Dec. 8th, 2008


Posted after Hermione is rescued

I think I have a new hate for most vampires. This would be an excellent time for a Quidditch Pitch to appear in the city.

If you need anything at all, let me know. I'll get it. I'm working on some potions to heal anything massive. But try not get out of bed. Get a hold of me, or Ron.

I'm so glad we got to you when we did.

Thanks. I know you would help no matter what, but really, thank you.

Dec. 7th, 2008


Filtered against baddies

This is ridiculous.

I need someone who can track a scent. Anyone. Can someone please help me? It's the last day, and I'm pretty sure we can find Hermione if someone can track her and the smell of people who wrote the note.

Dec. 3rd, 2008


When we find you, I'm going to make you wish you were never born, created, turned, made, or whatever the bloody hell it is that made you, you filthy, disgusting, childish, pathetic excuses for creatures.

[Filtered to Family/Friends/Allies]
...there was a parcel found outside. It's Hermione's wand. I don't know what to do...they're hurting her.

Four days. That's all we have.

Dec. 1st, 2008


Fred, check the kitchen. Don't say I've never done anything for you.

Have you heard anything about Hermione yet? I haven't been able to find anything.


filtered against baddies;

[ooc: this is literally the early a.m. of the 1st, after the conclusion of this. Posting now as this thread won't be done rightthissecond but plot can move forward from here!]

Anyone concerned with or involved with the demon known as Azazel doesn't have to worry about him anymore. He's been taken out and won't bother any of you folks again.

[filtered to family & friends + Ruby & Castiel] )

[filtered to Ruby] )

[filtered to Castiel] )

[filtered to Sam] )

Nov. 29th, 2008


Lily, when was the last time you saw your brother?


I was watching this movie today on TV and all of a sudden there were these people snogging and taking off their clothes and such. I saw bits and pieces of a bloke that I'd usually prefer to avoid looking at, but the bird was all right. Least until they started shagging in all these awkward angles and yeah.

Reminded me a bit of the magazines that Fred and George kept under their beds. Except this was by far more disturbing. And a tad bit entertaining at the same time.

Nov. 28th, 2008


[Filtered to the Weir]

There is very little I can do with many of the problems here. I cannot fight the hell gods or the demons that I don't understand.

But there was one thing I could do.

Bellatrix is dead.

Now I could really do with some medical attention. It was a pretty rough fight.

[Filtered to Lucius and Narcissa]

I am sorry. But it had to be done.

I killed Aunt Bellatrix.

I am so sorry mother.

ETA: [filtered to Pansy]

My parents are coming over to the Weir, could you please let them in for me?

Nov. 27th, 2008


Filtered to the Weir - Lavender can also read and reply

I'm sure I don't have remind any of you to be safe and cautious in this city, but recent events make me think it's a good a time as ever to remind everyone.

There is a demon, his name as Azazel, and he seems to have targeted Tonks and Cian, though I believe it's mostly Cian. I shouldn't have to remind you, but always ask before you bring someone into the Weir. If you want someone to be allowed in, they must be approved before we allow you to show them how to get in. If you see anyone who does not belong here hanging around the area, or someone who does not belong inside, do not engage him, or her. Find Harry, or myself, and if you can't find us, there's Tonks and Remus.

I would suggest you all ask Tonks what this demon looks like, so you are aware of who we are watching for. The key trait to look for is his eyes. They are yellow. He may be trying to get in, so security around here is going to be tighter than before, if that's even possible.

Scorpius, I'm sure I don't need to say this, but in case that demon is still here when Amelia gives birth, you run the opposite direction if someone even mentions a deal of any kind, no matter what it is. Apparently this demon targets children with power.


Filtered to Friends/Family of Sam Winchester, Filtered against Sam.

Is someone going to tell me what he's planning, or do I have to dig that up myself? There's no way he's simply going to just shrug this off.


Filtered to Sam Winchester

I need a favor.

Actually, I just need you to answer a question for me.

I say Azazel, you say....?

Nov. 26th, 2008


It's, what, about a week and a half before the next full moon?

Bloody hell. Maybe I shouldn't have done this.

[Filtered to Remus]
Love, we need to talk. We really need to talk, and you're not home and-- just come home, please.

[Filtered to the Weir, excluding Remus]
So we'll know in a week or so, whether or not I've found a cure for lycanthropy.

I really didn't believe it, but after a week or so of letting it set in... I don't know. Moody would tell me to do something about this feeling in the pit of my stomach.

[ooc: in response to this log]

Nov. 25th, 2008


filtered against baddies.

if anything else life-threatening or severely painful is gonna happen, can we just get it all over with at once? don't string me along here, keep it coming.


Filtered against Bollo/Naboo


A gorilla...that knows how to use a computer...and is a DJ among other things.

I thought I knew a lot...But that I didn't.

Nov. 20th, 2008


Filtered against baddies

...has anyone else noticed the drop in population around the Weir?

Lily, James, Sirius. Even Professor Snape. I think they're gone.



Nov. 18th, 2008


I really am curious about this movie people have made based on the books I've yet to read about friends and I. Curious, but terrified to see it at the same time. It's not every day you see a movie being made about your time at Hogwarts.

I may go at some point. If anyone wants to join me in seeing exactly how accurate it is, that would be great. Or even those from the future where I assume this has been released, tell me what it's like

Nov. 8th, 2008


I don't think I'm ever going to get over these images...The internet is a scary place

People think I should have a relationship with Snape...Lucius Malfoy...Lupin...Harry's Dad...Voldemort!!

I feel sick.

And there seems to be almost an online war between people who want Harry and I together, and those who want Ron and I together.

Nov. 7th, 2008


Oh my GOD. I think I'm gonna be sick. I can't do this.

Daddy. I'm sorry. I didn't want to leave you there. Not like that. Never like THAT.

I should just

Please let it work.

[ooc: posting for the sake of moving things along since there's more fun to come tonight, ahahaha! and also because this thread's end result has already been planned anyway. xD]


filtered AGAINST Hyperion/Wolfram & Hart

Some universe.

So. What do you do when your mortal enemy turns out to be one of your best friends, and one of your best friends turns out to be your mortal enemy?

Nov. 6th, 2008


I got another call. All static and just my name this time.

I wonder if he's okay.


Filtered against Ron


He fancies me.

Ron likes me, it's not just a one way thing!

[OOC: Because clearly, they both need their squee!post]


filtered away from hermione.


Nov. 5th, 2008



Gin, you're bloody amazing. They taste just like I remember. Just like mum used to make.


Filtered to the Weir

I've been asked if another wizard can move here. I understand she is not from our time, or our world, but she has similar powers. I imagine it would be a bit like having a first year raised by Muggles and I know all about that. We've opened this place to Amelia Solo, and others have come to visit, but are we okay with another wizard living with us? She's a young teenager, and she would likely need a bit of guidance.


An owl delivered a letter to me today. A bird. I’ve never been obsessively pecked by an owl before and I was hoping that it would never come to that. But I suppose I can’t have everything, now can I?

Do all of you… who have magic, use birds like that? People stared, you know. They stared and then they stared even more, and I'm fairly certain that one of them was on the verge of going catatonic.


I want to hug everyone.

I love you.

[ooc: and this is what happens when sam winchester takes meds for his leg.]

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