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Jan. 12th, 2010


Filtered to Angel Investigations

As well as Tara, Jack hasn't come back from his patrol either.

One could be explainable, two definitely isn't.

Tenel Ka, could you and Jacen head out on Jack's patrol route, see if you can sense anything?

Can any of the witchy types do a sensey thing on Tara?

Buffy this isn't an order. I guess this is the moment we find out how this is going to work could you swing by my pile of maps and help me work on some strategies?

Jan. 4th, 2010


There was a slayer thousands of years ago, in Greece, I think. She was called at a young age, 12, maybe 13, and died at around 29. She was active for about sixteen or seventeen years before she died.

In two weeks I'll be twenty-seven, and active for twelve years. Still have a while to go to be the longest activated. But damn, watch out, I'm coming to beat your age record.


Filtered to friends

There is something exceptionally satisfying in hunting down a nest of vampires and taking them all out. Even if I did end up spending most of the past week down the sewers and suspect I won't get the smell out of my hair for days.

Dec. 28th, 2009


[Filtered to Sam Winchester]

So, truth spell?

Dec. 27th, 2009


Alright, I am going to follow Angel's example here and make up a list of exactly who is on my team. This is going to...
Put it off for months now.
And now it comes down to...
So Buffy. Where do you even stand?

And a second list of who is interested in joining my team. (either in a primary capacity, or a secondary capacity to Fred's research team- this means you report to her first and then to me if she doesn't need you and I need to make up the numbers.)

For those who don't know, I am Faith and I run the Offensive Team at Angel Investigations. Being on the Offensive Teams is a full time commitment. It's not easy and it's not casual. My team covers every single area of the city every single night without fail. This is regardless of who else is in the city at the time, we at AI make sure we cover the city, every night. We fight demons and vampires and do everything we can to protect the citizens of Los Angeles. Joining my team means three things.
1- Nightly patrols in pairs, on the route I assigned.
2- Training sessions with me, three times a week. This is not optional.
3- Reports after every single patrol. Again, this is not optional. I need to know exactly what was seen in which areas, and take the reports to Fred if more research is needed.

This is the regular routine, in addition there are complications if a new and improved bad guy hits the city. Also, we have the walk in-clients. The files get looked at by the command team and cases get assigned by us according to the relevant skills needed. So, let me know now who you are, so I can make sure this city is as protected as it can be.


Right, Now that we're past the big day and all that I'd like to know what comprises AI right now. Who's on the team, what they do, who wants to be on the team and what they can offer. Who lives in the hotel?

I'm still new at all this with this many people and this seems the best way.


Are you actually ever gonna take this seriously and discuss what we need to do, or do I get to do all the legwork. There might not be conveniant heroic necklaces to wear next time there's a threat

Dec. 22nd, 2009


How is everyone.

The last few days have steadily been getting harder and harder and Buffy can tell you I don't do well with ghosts

But all the same you're all strong. Keep that in mind and they won't ever win.


[Filtered to friends]

If someone could just knock me out until this is all over, that would be great.

Senior Partners? If this was your plan, then well done. Consider me officially beaten.
Between torturing vampires and twisted parental figures....
No more, okay? Just please, no more.

Dec. 19th, 2009


Anyone else think this is getting worse?


Two for two.

Bad guy, definitely dead. Spoke but didn't touch me. In case people are keeping score of these things.

[Filtered to Sam]

There's a problem with Jack.

Dec. 18th, 2009


Anyone who was visited, none of your visitors touched you, right? Like they couldn't grab you and take you somewhere? They just talk?

Dec. 17th, 2009


Has anyone else noticed anything.... weird happening tonight?

[Filtered to Sam]

I know you hate the Hyperion and everything, but could you stay here with me tonight? Please?

Dec. 16th, 2009


[Custom Filter]

[Filtered to everyone involved in her party/birthday]

I just wanted to say thank you, to everyone. Best birthday ever! Alright, so didn't have much in the way of competition, but you guys are fantastic.

You all actually made me kinda speechless, feel smug!

And I'm 25, so I get to feel smug too!

Dec. 14th, 2009


Filtered to Spike, Faith, Fred and Nathan

I could try the whole speech thing but I'm actually just gonna say it.

The Powers called me and Spike to them for tests, they say the city needs a Champion and they've named us...both.

I can only figure cause of the mistakes I made with Wolfram and Hart last time and the fact that Spike's an idiot, saved the world with a necklace not had his soul long

This will take some getting used to and we're not planning to stomp all over what you've done with AI. But thats the situation as it stands and we decided you three should to be the first to know.

Dec. 13th, 2009


This has officially been the most surreal few days of my life. Not saying everything is perfect, but its the first time in months I've felt...vaugely like myself.

I just wish he'd...

Feels kinda strange.

Anyway, how're the new people settling in, I know its a change, I know how much of a change it must seem. But you'll adapt/



I'm teaching Morgana LeFay about her magic. Thats okay right?

She's not yet what history calls her, and she doesn't have to be. Its gonna be okay and I'm not hiding anything. Not anything


How are you?


So historically Morgana LeFay, I know how it looks but...
Its not like...
You're not....
...forget it

Dec. 11th, 2009


[Filtered away from anyone under the age of 10]

Vampire Santa. It's wrong on so many levels. I had to dust a Santa. My inner child is sad. Who turns Santa into a vampire anyway?

Dec. 8th, 2009


[Filtered against bad guys]

Poll #4688 SAM MADE ME DO IT!
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Who has better breasts?

View Answers

9 (81.8%)

2 (18.2%)

See what you made me do, Sam?!

Dec. 4th, 2009


Custom Filters

[Filtered to the Slayers]

We need some serious bonding time. So I'm proposing a night of kicking demon asses, followed by beer and blowing off steam at a club. You know, girly stuff.

[Filtered to Angel]

I've barely seen you since you turned up here you know. I think this should change.

[Filtered to Spike]

So if I decided to earn myself some more cash at your club, how annoyed would you be that I win every fight?

Dec. 3rd, 2009



[ filtered to FAITH; ]
Get back into the swing of things yet?
[ filtered to CLAIRE (ABC); ]
How're you doing today, honey?


I want to hit some stuff. I am way, way too out of practice and that needs to be rectified. Bad guy asskickings are required.

I spent two weeks as a dumb girly girl, it's so wrong. besides, early birthday present to me

And Xander- Not One Word. But, thanks.

Nov. 10th, 2009


One year clean. I want one of those medallion things.

Turns out this bar I used to love going to actually closed down about two months ago. Strange the kinds of things you miss.

Nov. 8th, 2009


filtered to family/close friends;

[ early a.m. 8th ]

We're back now. Yeah, it's earlier than I said, but we couldn't stay away. :)

Ten days to go, so Dresses Or Else is totally a priority, but they just need to be black with silver, so it doesn't have to be one trip if you guys don't want, and since it's not even the 10th, we don't need to go until then.

Nov. 1st, 2009


You know this, the toys, the silly little games.

How long is it gonna be before you AI people let loose what you really can and end this. Or are you getting too used to living the lie around here? I know some of you are really good at that whole living a lie thing but just cause they're in charge doesn't mean you all have to follow like sheep.

The power you people have and you still let this happen?


[Filtered to friends]

Before this kicks off, I want to make sure we're all clear.

What is about to be said between myself and Ruby is being made up. It is. It really, honestly, is. Not old wounds getting opened at all.

She could be our best shot at getting an in with Lilah, we need Lilah to find out what's happened to Cathy.

So don't freak out, okay?


[Filtered against bad guys]

SAM! The teddy bear you got me for Valentines Day just tried to maul me!

Oct. 29th, 2009


With most days like Halloween around here, what's the real day like? Crazy cults trying to resurrect long dead demons, zombies breaking into dance routines?

Oct. 26th, 2009


[Custom Filter]

[Filtered to Sarah and Nathan Petrelli and Fred Burkle]

Not sure how much you've seen, but can we let the security system know to expect a couple more people? Kennedy's back and we've also had Vi arrive. She was one of the Slayers from Sunnydale and definitely one of the good guys.

[Filtered to Claire Bennet (future)]

How's everything with you? Proper answers please, not just the standard 'fine' reply.

You got time for me to be a stupid girl over something? Promise you can hit me over the head and call me dumb over it.

Oct. 25th, 2009


Who dumps someone off in the middle of MacArthur Park in their PJs? If this is over the last bagel, that's just...wrong. I need to be back in New York so if the responsible person could set it right? I'd really appreciate it.

Oct. 22nd, 2009



Hello, the product of complete boredom.

because everyone loves a bandwagon )


I missed the fun last time so I'm gonna jump on this time!

Quiz thingy! )


Look at that, I can't resist a meme...

damn you Claire! )

Oct. 20th, 2009


filtered to Faith.


Oct. 18th, 2009


[Filtered against Bad Guys]

We got them back. Eve is so very very dead. Immortal or not I will find a way

Ruby, thanks for covering my patrol route, it took a load off my mind.

Oct. 17th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

I'll have you all know that I have no intention of ever turning into a deal-making, friend betraying, bastard of a man who I hate with the fury of a thousand suns and wish to do nothing more than drop into the belly of a boiling volcano from hell on a Saturday afternoon. Why Saturday afternoon? Because that is the best moment of the best day of every week ever and it would very much be the most inconvenient time to die. Around five.



Now where the HELL is my boyfriend?

Oct. 14th, 2009


I'm not a bad person you know.

I mean, okay evil. But that doesn't make me bad. And I've been using my show to help real people, people the Slayers totally ignore.

And what do I get in return, insulted, hounded by the paparatzzi, A boyfriend who...

...who obvioulsy doesn't love me.

I think its over blondie bear. You and me. It has to be

Oct. 12th, 2009


So. Apparently leaving isn't an option.

Anyone care to explain to me why everyone was so insistent that I do it if you had any idea I'd only end up right back where I started?

Oct. 11th, 2009


Filtered Against the Baddies

So I adopted this little motion-activated Frankenstein today at the store. When you walk past him, his eyes light up and he moves his arms and makes 'unnnnnh!' sounds. I think he needs to be hung up somewhere because he's pretty adorable.

I also have a pound of candy corn. I kinda like Halloween.


[Filtered against Bad Guys]

I just realized it's been a year since many of us were given a second chance. I felt it was worth noting, amid all the crazy of this city that sometimes things go right too.

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January 2010




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