May. 5th, 2008


Wow! Some people here sure are very grumpy. It'll be O-K!
Has anyone seen Kero? I keep losing him.

Apr. 6th, 2008


I really hate this place. A lot.

[Private to Lavender]
I really hate the fact that you're the only person I can get into contact with about this sort of stuff. And I really hate the fact that I'm hating EVERYTHING about this place. Anyway, Snape has been trying to hang about with Harry's Mum, Lily Evans, and since he's a traitor and a rotten git, I think it'd be in both our interests to protect her from whatever it is that he plans on doing with her. Problem is, I don't think it'll be easy getting her away from him. And, well, you know. There's that saying about two wands being better than one.

Apr. 3rd, 2008


Umm, I know there seems to be a lot of weirdness going on around from what I've seen but umm.. I know this sounds crazy but if you see a little yellow plush toy looking thing with wings and a long tail flying around can you pretty please tell me? I keep losing people! Kero was right here a moment ago and then he went to get some cake or something and now I can't find him!

It's really important that I find him. And um, if you get attacked by a giant monster of any kind that's.. kind of my fault. The cards escaped.

Apr. 2nd, 2008


Hi! I was wondering if um, you've seen two very tall Japanese men one very tall Japanese man and a kind of tall but not taller than me! Japanese kid guy around. I think I've lost them.. Maybe? I can't find them!

It rains too much!!

January 2010




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