Sep. 21st, 2008


I am happy to announce that Cian Sirius Lupin has made his grand entrance into the world yesterday at 10:43 pm.

Ten fingers and ten toes. Mother and son are doing just fine.

Yes, I'm quite the proud father.

...Bloody hell, I'm a father.

Sep. 18th, 2008


Filtered from DEs and evil types

Hello world,

I thought I'd hurry and give a heads up to anyone I know. Specifically, anyone I personally went to school with. Al, James, Dom, Lily.. Rose.. I should probably leave you with a reason if you see anything peculiar, just to explain.. such as.. ohh, I don't know.. seeing me fade away right before your eyes? What that will mean is that I have faded from existence, in the event that my father is killed before I am even conceived. This post might very well never have been made, but.. oh well.

Ohh.. and for the record? I really hate the Dark Lord. I never want to be a Death Eater. I will never join the ranks of those stupid, backward, retarded, fucked-up degenerates. And no future children of mine will do so either, if I have anything to say about it! It's funny how Voldemort said he would erase the Malfoy line 65 years into our past, only to have it turn out that a Gryffindor has managed it right here and now! What the fuck?!!

Seems that somebody forget to filter their goddamn board entry when ranting about Malfoys, and as a result, Bellatrix and that psycho wants to kill my father! So.. yeah. A real big giant Thank You to wiping out my entire life before it even started!! You're such a nice guy!! Really!!!

- Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy

Sep. 16th, 2008


Has everyone here gone completely off their bird?!

Really. If you spend your entire life hating someone, whether they're evil or not, d'you really think that you'd want to hop on a bloody broom and start playing Quidditch with them? No. D'you really think that you'd want to hear your little sister talk about how "oh, well, Ron he's not so bad" and act as though there's absolutely nothing wrong with the bloke who was supposedly working with him and went off and pretty much was supposed to up and off Dumbledore? What about all the tormenting he did? All the years of insulting our family and making us look like the scum of the bloody earth?

I am NOT playing Quidditch. Not if he's going to be there. And d'you know what else? If he's living with us, I'm leaving.

Sep. 17th, 2008


Filtered against Baddies

Harry, Albus, Fred, I've nominated you to play. Hope you don't mind.

So, here's what I've come up with. As requested, James, Sirius and Harry are all on one team. If you want captains, pick them!

Teams )

As you can see we have two open spots. So either we can do some shifting around and each play one man down, or we can recruit some people. There has to be some other magic users who can operate a broom and play.

It's up to you guys. So Sirius, whenever you're ready, let's get a game going. This place is mad enough as it is, I don't see why we can't just play in the part. It isn't like people haven't figured out weird things are going on in this city.

And just in case, there shall be no trying to kill, or cause serious harm to the other team. This isn't Hogwarts, let's not go back to playing completely dirty.

Sep. 16th, 2008


for the HP lot, no Death Eaters

Why are you lot not flying yet? We've got more than enough for a decent game of Quidditch.

And don't start ragging on about the bloody Death Eaters. There's been plenty of matches they haven't bollocksed up. I'm sure not planning on letting them ruin my life anymore than they already have.


I think I've given up on this internet thing too soon. Muggle computers and internets can be very helpful on occasion when you're wondering what sort of sodding evil god brought you back from the dead only to put you next door to the greasy git.


Willow Rosenberg is amazing and wonderful and one of my favorite people in the whole world!


I cried. I cried so much it was embarrassing.

Sep. 15th, 2008


If Baby Malfoy compares me to a filthy, grovelling Death Eater one more time, I hex him into the next century. It won't be pretty and it won't be my fault, because he clearly just asked for it.

So that there is a word of warning for all you who live in this place. Keep him away from me or I do something that will get me into trouble.



Bloody hell. This..what? What happened. This isn't where I was before, not that I'm not grateful I just.. what's going on?Thought that was it. George, Perce, Ron?

Sep. 14th, 2008


Well, I can say I never expected to be here again, of all places. They didn't even let me finish my coverage of the Magpies vs. Bats game! Apparently patience isn't a virtue these 'powers' have. That is going to annoy me. Bloody hell, it's been what? A few hours for you? I've been gone for the better part of fourteen or fifteen years.

...and I think only the kids are home...oh Merlin, that can't be good.

Ron? I see that search party post, call it off, I'm fine.

Harry? James? Albus? Lily, love? You're all still here?


Er, has anyone seen Ginny...?

Strike that. She' Again.


Sitting here and trying to come up with an activity that would keep me stimulated and far away from the clutches of boredom, I have decided to put down in ink (permanent) an official list of people (who currently live here) who should keep their filthy, disgusting hands away from my baby sister.

Come Within a Five Mile Radius and Suffer the Extreme, Embarrassing Consequences.

The list is as follows:

Any member of *NSYNC

This list is subject to change and grow at any given moment.

Sep. 13th, 2008


I'm really getting tired of all the potential murderers/actual murderers popping up here.

Sep. 14th, 2008


[after this exchange on the way to this thread]

You all should be bloody well ashamed of yourselves! The next person to say something terrible to or about Peter will see the business end of my wand, do you understand?

I'm going for a walk.

[edited in after Sirius' is revealed to James and Lily, though Lily isn't saying that part unless others join in the thread, so all the responses to any comments come after that]

[filtered to those living/soon-to-be living in the Potterverse building]
Someone needs to tell me what happened to Sirius Black after James and I died and they need to do so now. Every part anyone knows.


Ridiculous piece of Muggle claptrap.

Perhaps someone can explain to me how I found myself at that cursed shack outside the school in Scotland one moment, and in this... apparent excuse for a proper city, the next? Also if anyone could further explain why I'm very much alive rather than dead as I distinctly remembering becoming before arriving here, that would also be beneficial.

In other words, for those dunderheads incapable of understanding phrases outside of the basic vocabulary of a small child:

How did I come to be here, and how is it I'm once again alive?

Sep. 13th, 2008


Filtered to all Harry's friends and family, but NOT his parents!

Look, everyone...for now, please don't tell my mum and dad can't believe I am writing that! about what Pettigrew did. I want to talk to them about it myself.

If you've already said something...well, they have to find out sometime. I'm just trying to avoid it looking like we're making things up. Just until they trust that they do know us all.


I fell out of the sky two hours ago. The ground almost broke my broom. This place is so lucky that it’s in one piece, because you people would never hear the end of it if it wasn’t.

And why didn’t anyone ever buy me one of these? I can do anything on this thing. This is the best Muggle invention ever.

Also, I have a cupcake. It’s strawberry.

January 2010




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