Oct. 6th, 2008


She took my son.

My son.

It's not enough that she's dead.

It's not enough.

Sep. 21st, 2008


I am happy to announce that Cian Sirius Lupin has made his grand entrance into the world yesterday at 10:43 pm.

Ten fingers and ten toes. Mother and son are doing just fine.

Yes, I'm quite the proud father.

...Bloody hell, I'm a father.

Sep. 20th, 2008


Filtered against Death Eaters.

I'm sorry.

Merlin, I'm so sorry.

Sep. 16th, 2008


Filtered to Lily Evans-Potter

Bellatrix "Nutter Than a Fruitcake" Lestrange seems to be under the impression that I'm pliable to her will and give a damn that He will be displeased with me.

Sep. 17th, 2008


Filtered to Pettigrew


You were a bad little Gryffindor.

I know what you did. I remember it all now...you betrayed my darling cousin...kept the Potters pretty secrets until the Dark Lord asked...made sure they locked dear Siri all away.

And they remember too...and they don't want you, none of them, not my cousin, or James Potter,  or the boy who lived, none of them... They hate you for all the bad little lies you tell...leaving the poor bitty baby an orphan.

Its in your nature to be a coward you know...why fight it?

Its who you are. Deep inside its what you are. He could see it you see and so can I....

Why fight...aren't you tired?

Sep. 15th, 2008


Filtered against Death Eaters.

Bloody hell. Someone please tell me I'm going mad, and that there isn't a Dark Mark in the sky.

They're hurting or killing someone. Right now.

Sep. 14th, 2008


Fiddle dee dee, said Scarlett. Fiddle dee dee indeed.

So, where ARE you all, my adoring fans?


Sitting here and trying to come up with an activity that would keep me stimulated and far away from the clutches of boredom, I have decided to put down in ink (permanent) an official list of people (who currently live here) who should keep their filthy, disgusting hands away from my baby sister.

Come Within a Five Mile Radius and Suffer the Extreme, Embarrassing Consequences.

The list is as follows:

Any member of *NSYNC

This list is subject to change and grow at any given moment.


Its just me isn't it, Im the only one here with any loyalty!



[after this exchange on the way to this thread]

You all should be bloody well ashamed of yourselves! The next person to say something terrible to or about Peter will see the business end of my wand, do you understand?

I'm going for a walk.

[edited in after Sirius' is revealed to James and Lily, though Lily isn't saying that part unless others join in the thread, so all the responses to any comments come after that]

[filtered to those living/soon-to-be living in the Potterverse building]
Someone needs to tell me what happened to Sirius Black after James and I died and they need to do so now. Every part anyone knows.

Sep. 13th, 2008


I fell out of the sky two hours ago. The ground almost broke my broom. This place is so lucky that it’s in one piece, because you people would never hear the end of it if it wasn’t.

And why didn’t anyone ever buy me one of these? I can do anything on this thing. This is the best Muggle invention ever.

Also, I have a cupcake. It’s strawberry.


Muggles are so clever This message board is very clever. Do all of you spend all day talking to each other on it?

Oh! Perhaps I should introduce myself. Lily Potter, formerly of Godric's Hollow the afterlife? a storybook place England.


The phrase Toujours Pur used to mean something. It used to stand for something and now my sister and my cousins have turned it into a joke.

Regulus ask them...ask the others of our world what I do to Black's who betray their line. Ask them how the House of Black ended and then find me. Because I will NOT see the legacy of the Noble House of our Fathers turn to ruin.

Potter, Tell me, did you cry for him at the end?

I will take the revenge that should have been His. And I will do it as I do all things. In his name.

Dora. I cannot stay. Because I would break every single one of our agreements upon first setting eyes on the lying fool of a traitor that DARES to claim my families heritage and name!

Narcissa contact me. We have family honor to restore.

Sep. 12th, 2008


All right. The woman at the front desk said that I should use this thing to ask. That I might be able to find someone who actually knew what was going on. Wow. This is weird. It's like a typewriter only not. Sorry. Tangent.

Can anyone tell me where I am, and how I got here?

January 2010




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