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Mar. 3rd, 2009


filtered against baddies;

You are all children. Grow up.

Have you guys seen that TV show Smallville? Why is Clark Kent going to high school with Lois Lane? That completely ruins the arc.

Feb. 27th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

I'm tired of reading the news. It's supposed to be an educational way for me to learn more about the world, but all I keep hearing about is people who die and I don't wanna read about that anymore.

Feb. 26th, 2009


I recovered a hard drive because someone tried to delete it, saying it was taking up room his golf game needed. I shouldn't be surprised considering he calls the computer "newfangled" and thinks my name is Lynn but seriously. Aren't most people a little tech savvy enough now to know not to delete the damn hard drive?

Feb. 21st, 2009



Okay. I know I’ve been really childish and immature for the past few months and I’m sorry for that. I had a dream. A dream about something that happened back home. Something bad that happened back home. Something bad that was my fault. I know it wasn’t just a dream. It was real.

So yeah, I’m sorry. The dream has been effecting my judgement on everything. I guess I just need to suck it up and get over it. It's not like I can change anything. I've had to learn that the hard way.

[future!Peter, future!Hiro, and Nathan]

Niki died. My Niki.

Because of me.

Feb. 15th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

Some lady who looked a lot like my Mom was in a catsuit.


These books should be a required read.

Feb. 12th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

Do people really have to get on the computer when they're drunk?

Jan. 19th, 2009


I think I'd like to learn how to cook.

Jan. 17th, 2009


[Filtered to the Hyperion]

Thank you, for, you know, everything.

[Filtered to Micah, Molly W, Molly H and Jake]

I'm back. I'm so sorry about everything that happened. Are you all ok?

Jan. 11th, 2009


Is Batman really here?

[Filtered to Batman - in case you are really here like they're saying]
Hi, my name is Micah. And I know that you're really good at saving people, so do you think you could help my Mom? She's really sick and I know that maybe it's not what you do, saving sick people, but I think that you can find out who made her sick and maybe they'll give you a cure or something.

Thanks. Even if you can't. For, um, reading.

- Micah Sanders

Jan. 4th, 2009


filtered to hyperion;

I think we should take her to a doctor. A real doctor.

Dec. 24th, 2008


Do you think...Do you think Santa will remember us? The kids, that is, and even the grownups. He won't forget about us, even if we're in another reality, right?


Dec. 19th, 2008


Has anyone seen my comics? I left them in the front and I can't find them.

Dec. 17th, 2008


filtered against baddies.

It's my fault. I'm supposed to watch out for her.

Dec. 13th, 2008


Oh my gosh! What do you mean SUGAR BOMBS DON'T EXIST HERE?! This is horrible. This is worse than the time with Captain America and Wolverine.

Dec. 12th, 2008


[Filtered to Micah, Molly W and Jake]

A new kid's arrived in town. Her name is Molly too and she's 12 and on her own. At least until Peter's back at the Hyperion and Sarah has some free time I'd like her to come and stay with us if you kids don't mind?

She seems to have some issues trusting adults though, I'm not sure why. Would any of you like to talk to her and try to make her feel more at ease?

Dec. 9th, 2008


filtered to friends.

Does anyone want to play a video game?

Dec. 2nd, 2008



Hey, Micah, thanks for fixing my computer.


So there's rabid dogs out there, huh? Sounds a little too familiar for my tastes. I hope they're not skinless.


Hey, how's it going?

Dec. 1st, 2008


I'm at this cafe, because my damn computer has a bunch of viruses. Anyone know how I can fix this? I'm not going to pay $100 to get it fixed.

Nov. 29th, 2008


I drew a lot today.

I think I prefer being on the computer.

Nov. 25th, 2008


Filtered to Hyperion.

[ooc: Monica has just awoken from a dream where she found out something about her Niki she didn't want to, aka what happened when she (being Monica) decided to use her powers to be a "hero." Insert fear, regret, and 'OMG I AM NEVER GONNA USE MY POWERS AGAIN!' Also Hiro and Peter, she hates you two right now. And could care less what either of you have to say about anything.]

Oh God.



It's all my...



Oh God. Oh God.

What have I done?!

For the record. I am never using my powers again!

Nov. 23rd, 2008


Filtered against Niki.

What do you do when you're scared all the time? How do you make it better?

Nov. 22nd, 2008


I hate this place.

Nov. 21st, 2008


Filtered to Mom!

Where are you?

Nov. 17th, 2008


filtered posts


We have a serious problem.

[Nathan, Heidi, Sarah, Hiro, Claire and Claire, Niki, Monica, Micah, Molly, Angela, Charlie, Claude, and Bennet]

Don't go out alone. Any of you. For those of you living at the Hyperion, that is a direct order. Those of you elsewhere, trust me. Do not go out alone.

[Nathan, Hiro, Niki, Claude, Bennet]

I found a body. Head sliced open, brain removed. At least two days dead.


Need to ask you something. Where were you staying, when you weren't here?

Nov. 13th, 2008


Filtered to Molly.

You were talking about nightmares.

Do you have them a lot?

Nov. 5th, 2008


Filtered against Lilith.

That girl is crazy.

Molly, you shouldn't talk to her.


That old man wasn't very nice to me.

So I fed his liver to my dog, Sammy.

I think she liked it. She's a good girl.

Mommy's upset. Poor thing, she doesn't seem to be having much fun.

Nov. 3rd, 2008


Man, this place really wrote the book when it comes down to dark, creepy, evil and flat out weird.


Hey you! What's up? How are you doing?

And did, did I really turn into Storm on Halloween?


Hey, uh this is weird., how are things?

Oct. 30th, 2008


I was thinking that some of us could go trick-or-treating together? I haven't really gotten to meet too many people my age. It could be fun!

Oct. 28th, 2008


I'm naming my kitty Matt!

[OOC: Totally prentending this is after Nathan takes Molly to the Hyperion, since the thread is almost complete.]


So, what's everyone dressing up as for Halloween? I'm curious.

Also, I'm stuck between this costume or this one. I can't decide.


I want my mom. I want Zack. I want my blanket and I want to be in my own bed. I want to be able to hand in my homework without worrying about failing my class, and I want to freak Mr. Moseby out.

I hate it here. I haven't been this unhappy since.. since I don't know when.

Oct. 20th, 2008


LA is way too foggy for this hour of the morning. It's kind of creepy.

[filtered to the Hyperion]
Um, there's a really huge animal out in the garden. Big, white, shaggy, six legs, kinda looks a little bit like a cow or buffalo or something.

Does it belong to us?

It's not doing anything bad or whatever, and it seems really sweet, like a big dog. I miss Mr Muggles If it doesn't actually belong to us, can we keep it?

Oct. 18th, 2008


[Fi;tered to Hyperion]

Sorry about the hole in the wall of the training room.

I'll fix it up asap! You can blame this one on Quentin Tarantino.


So, St. Joan? Do you still think I might be her?


Superman or Batman? I say both.

I need to build servers for that system we were talking about.


Oct. 15th, 2008


Some guy with an eyepatch randomly gave me twenty dollars today. He said it was because "the world is amazing and who needs Star Wars when you can have sex with a demon" and then he patted me on the head and practically skipped off. It was the weirdest thing ever.

I don't get it.

Oct. 8th, 2008


[Filtered to Micah]

Did you see Peter's post about those Horsemen, War and Famine?

Think you can work your magic over the computers Boy Genius? Peter doesn't know nearly enough, anything you can find would help.

I love you baby.

Oct. 5th, 2008


I'm sorry about all the people that are getting hurt.

Is there anything I can do to help? I helped Gabriel with some stuff the other day. I'm good with technology.

You'd tell me if you were sick, right?

This place is a lot scarier than New Orleans.

Sep. 30th, 2008


Is everyone okay?

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