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Feb. 13th, 2009


Filtered away from the under 12 set

Sooo, Valentine's day is nearly here, huh? Well it just so happens that I have a story to share with everyone. Except for the little children.

Gather around boys and girls! )

Feb. 10th, 2009


L.A.? I can't believe I'm back here..I..The Earth Kingdom is gone..I was go It still feels like just a nightmare. I couldn't stop them How long have I been gone? What have I missed?

Feb. 9th, 2009


Where the hell am I?

This is ludicrous. The papers say this is L.A., and that it's 2006. But that's not possible.

One minute I was in the core of Arsenal Gear, ready to confront an enemy agent. Now I'm here, and I haven't the faintest indication of how I got here.

Thank God my equipment came with me. At least I'm not totally defenseless in this place.

Somehow, the Patriots must be responsible for this...

Feb. 3rd, 2009



Vampire bite. Simple first aid job or bigger problem? Google gave answers both ways.

How was I supposed to know she had a pair of fangs on her?

Feb. 1st, 2009


Filtered from baddies

I did it! I finally killed a vampire!

I was coming out of a club when he was there, looking all creepy. I don't know if he was really thinking of killing me out in the open like that, but I didn't like the way he was leering at me. So I did what I read I should do. I threw some holy water in his face and took out my stake. That didn't seem like enough, burning his face, so I aimed lower and stabbed him in the crotch, and while he was screaming, I stabbed him in the chest several times until I left it in there and he turned to dust. The people around me were amazed!

I haven't fought a monster since Silent Hill. Now, this may not seem like much of an accomplishment, but for a girl who spends her time drinking and...well, you know...killing a vampire's a pretty big deal! I'm not going to become a slayer or anything, but I'm really quite proud of myself.

So take note, you guys out there. I'm not just a pretty face who can demonstrate a few dance moves. I can also defend myself pretty well.

Lady Maria, dancer and killer of scumbags.

Edit: People, I know I got lucky. I was just excited over killing a vampire and my brain kinda died on me for a moment there. Now that I'm back to normal, I've got other things on my mind. Like how pirates taste...

Jan. 23rd, 2009


Filtered from baddies and psychos

I hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass.

Question. What's with all the drama on these boards? It seems like all everybody does is fight with each other about one thing or another.

Jeez, I thought my life was like a soap opera. I've got nothing on you guys.

Okay, on a different topic.

I need a job. I'm not sure exactly what I want to do. The last 'real' job I had was in an office, and I haven't been a part-time secretary in a very long time. Actually, Mary was that, but who the hell cares. I need a job, though. I can't exactly go around in my one outfit from Silent Hill and the few I've acquired stolen So, do you have any suggestions?

No sarcastic suggestions please, unless you think they're really amusing or racy. Racy is good. We could use a bit of lightening up.

Seriously, any help?


All these what would you do 'if' questions got me to thinking, so heres one for the masses.

If you could save people from death. Murder Victims, say, If there was a way to have the murderer give his life  so they could live. Would you do it?

Would it be justifiable to you?

Jan. 19th, 2009


...Where am I?

One moment I was in one place. Then I was here. I don't understand.

Why am I in the middle of a city? What's happened to me?

It feels cold. I'm trying, but I can't stop trembling.

I'm scared...

...Someone, please help me...


Well, this is an unusual situation. I knew Silent Hill was screwed up, but not this screwed up, to transport me to another city.

Has anyone seemed a man named James Sunderland around here? I have some unfinished business with him.

Alternatively, a man with a pyramid-shaped head on his shoulders?

Jan. 13th, 2009


Uhh.. how'd Foster's get here? How'd I get here? Where's here exactly, anyway? ARRGH, this is so confusing! Where are Frankie and Madame Foster and Mr. Herriman? Everybody else is here, but they're not, and Eduardo's panicking, and Bloo keeps trying to run out and explore, and Coco's REALLY LOUD and Wilt's trying to be helpful and he's only IN THE WAY and now I'm confused and frustrated and the spell-check on this thing isn't very good!

Mom's gonna be really mad if I'm not home for dinner.

Oh, hey, Coco found a newspaper. I guess we're in Los Angeles.

WHY ARE WE IN LOS ANGELES? Oh my gosh! I'm gonna get grounded!

Jan. 12th, 2009


They say life is full of surprises, but when you're in one part of the country one minute and all the way across it the next... don't you think that's a bit much—even for life's crazy standards?

But since I'm here, I might as well make the best of it. I've been looking for an excuse to get out of Gotham, anyway.

[ OOC: Posted as Selina. ]

Jan. 10th, 2009


I really need to meet more people here. It's just that I'm so shy.

Anybody want to go out for coffee?

Dec. 23rd, 2008


I’ve never had a Christmas before. I am sort of looking forward to it.

Filtered to God
Hello God. I was wondering if I am counted as one of your creations.

Dec. 14th, 2008


[ooc: Because of Hermione. xD]


Dec. 15th, 2008


[Filtered against the bad guys]

Given that it would appear that most of my family have vanished from this place, I feel the need to almost start again here.

For those who don't know me, my name is Mara Jade Skywalker, Jedi Master. I appreciate that there are many issues plaguing this city and as such I would like to offer my services in helping to get rid of them.

To start with there is Alema Ra, one from my world, and her talk of the Dark Nest arriving. Given that she is someone I am familiar with, she may be a good beginning. Has anyone encountered her?

Dec. 10th, 2008


Who the hell sent me these pictures? They're disgusting. And not much disgusts me in photography -- but I can tell they aren't fake. I feel like I'm back in South Ashfield Heights again.

...Actually, I think I know who's responsible for dead bodies lately. Damn it.

Dec. 4th, 2008


I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged.



Filtered from god and the angels.

So....god actually admitting being jealous of me.

Aside from the blinding terror it brings its nice to be prooved right about your long held belief that s/he is in fact nothing more than a vindictive self absorbed diva.

Hey, at least I can officially say 'god hates me' without sounding like an over emotional teenager

Nov. 21st, 2008


Ugh. I feel like I'm dying. From the inside out. I haven't been to work in two days, haven't eaten in one, and haven't really been out of bed since this morning. This isn't exactly good, is it? *curls up and contemplates writing out her last will and testament*

I miss him so much, I think I've made myself sick.

[ooc: Strike can be hackable by friends.]

Nov. 17th, 2008


I miss racing. I was just starting to get into it before I turned up here and something reminded me how much I love cars. Not just stock cars. Cars in general. I think I just saw a 1967 Chevy Impala in someones driveway today. It inspired me. I think I'm going to try to find a race track soon.

Nov. 16th, 2008


I've never been to a wedding, what do people do at weddings? What happens? Aside from getting married I mean.

Are we going to continue training soon?


Everyone has heroes growing up, right? Tell me who yours was, and why. Was it someone like a character in a comic book? Or maybe your Dad? Or a Superhero from your world? What made you look up to them? I'm curious.

Nov. 13th, 2008


filtered against lilith & azazel. [that's all she's bothering with atm.]

Might get plastered a little drunk tonight. Hope no one minds.

I'll lock myself in Sam's room the bathroom or something until I'm sober again.


filtered to Peter; against baddies; Elaine & Peter;

[filtered to Peter]
You're not very attached to the idea of a Catholic wedding, are you?

[ooc: consider their initial exchange private to them, I wasn't going to double post. :D]

[ETA filter: against baddies]
We are getting married in three weeks. THREE WEEKS EXACTLY. So long sleep.

Mary Jane, Heidi, Cathy, Charlie, older Claire - planning party ASAP, say tomorrow?

Nathan - you owe me fifty bucks.

[ETA filter: Elaine & Peter]
Peter and I would like to come see you to discuss something.

Nov. 7th, 2008


This Age of Men is quite fascinating and strange! There are no horses of which to ride but these strange metal devices….Cars? Isn’t that correct? But I find I greatly enjoy these massive beasts of metal that transported you through his city. If only had those in Middle-Earth travel would be easier.

Nov. 5th, 2008


I never knew Los Angeles had so many nice buildings. There's a lot of old ones downtown -- some are really run-down but that makes for good photography too.

And there's the Pacific Design Center... all that glass, it's fascinating.

I thought back East was the best for photography but I keep finding more places to take pictures of here. I even sold a few.


Private )

A wise person once said, 'To err is human, to forgive divine.' I'd really like to meet this person. And hurt them a little.

[filtered away from Dahlia]

I also want to meet whoever stated that all children view their mothers as God, and I want to tell them that's a load of complete bullshit.


Find someplace to stay yet?


filtered against baddies.

I'm not gonna say anything about the sudden lapse of bullshit around here.

I will say, however, that I think I passed the 'meet your boyfriend's dad' test with flying colors.

Nov. 4th, 2008


A little girl gave me a little teddy bear today. She was with her family, and she looked so happy.

I think Mother will bless her.


You're a hilarious woman.

Nov. 24th, 2008


[Filtered to Heather, Sam Winchester, Peter Petrelli, Amy Pierce, Henry Townsend, and Lucien LaCroix.]

Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill HER.

[Filtered to Heather, Sam, and Peter]

But, now I know where I got my abilities from.

[Filtered to good guys]

The new woman, Dahlia that just came into this city? Please, be very careful of her. She likes power, a lot, and she'll do what ever she can to get power. She's also very well versed in black magic.

So be careful of her.

Nov. 1st, 2008


Something really strange happened today.

I was out walking, downtown where there are a bunch of interesting buildings to take pictures of. And suddenly I felt this... emotional drain. Like nothing could be good or happy anymore.

I know, it sounds like depression but it was more extreme than that. Just sudden, and then it seemed to pass. It felt... like when the ghosts were in my apartment and I had to light holy candles to get rid of them before they killed me.

Oct. 30th, 2008


Whether you like Halloween or not, this should definitely make you smile. I know I did, at least for two minutes and forty-nine seconds out of the day.

Sam, this is especially for you. )

Oct. 27th, 2008


If anyone wants to see a video of Sam and Dean running around naked while a big crowd watches as they try to collect their clothes again...well. It'll have to be a private showing. Youtube has terms of service, after all.

Oct. 26th, 2008


This Halloween thing sounds interesting! I think I want to be ....I don't know yet but what is everyone else dressing up as?

[Filtered to Hyperion]

We should have a festival for this Halloween. I miss them, there can be food and..decorations and things!

[Filtered to Katara]
Theres a girl from the Fire Nation here..she wants to meet us. Katara, she said the Fire Lord threw her out because she wanted to stop the war. I think we should go meet her.


Anyone planning to go to some Halloween party?

Oct. 21st, 2008


Don't worry.
Stay inside.

Oct. 20th, 2008


Can this city ever stay only slightly weird for longer than two weeks?

The smell is all through my apartment.

Oct. 19th, 2008


filtered against villains

I'd like to go to the costume party, but I don't have the slightest clue what to wear.


Redeeming point to this place. When your favorite hobby becomes a paycheck.

Oct. 17th, 2008


Filtered against bad guys.

So, I get to go to a Halloween party, and bring a guest.

I don't even know anyone to bring. Eileen liked parties, but she's back home...

Well, I'll probably be spending most of my time taking pictures anyway. I'm better at that than am at... party stuff.

OOC: Strikethroughs are deleted.

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