Oct. 14th, 2008


It's not often that I am incapable of coming up with a reason for a certain contextual situation but I am not an egotistical maniac and I can admit that this time, I am completely at a non-plus for answers. If anyone can explain what is going on with hard evidence then I am willing to be appreciative. Thank you.

Sep. 29th, 2008


[Filtered to the Firehouse Crew]

Anyone else feel like keeling over?

There's something wrong with the water so cease and desist from...anything involving it.

And if anyone escaped gastrointenstinal wrath, Tums and a bottle of water? I'll owe a big favor. Main floor bathroom.

Sep. 14th, 2008


Did I get drunk again? Funny, I don't remember drinking that bottle of vodka on Hodgins' table..

Right... I don't know where on earth I am. In another person's house....

Oh bleeping bleep.

Sep. 12th, 2008


It's come to my attention that King and Whistler have roommates. Yes, that's right, I know about the two of you. However, I'm interested not in the male. He's of little consequence. I've come to realize that possibly, this doctor living at their fire house would make a much better vampire than Whistler. She interests me.

Oh and King. I've come to realize, Danica didn't quite understand the potential in you. Then again why would she, doesn't exactly use her head for much more than somewhere to place those ridiculous hairstyles of hers. That's neither here nor there. However, I see the potential in you, to be great, powerful, lead armies. I might even let you keep Whistler as a pet. We'll be in touch.

Ah and Selene, don't think I've forgotten about you my sweet. Your dog amuses me. Does he really believe he can stop me? He's merely a mongrel that needs to be put to sleep. I'll be seeing you soon. The taste of you is rather.. addicting.

Sep. 11th, 2008


Dancing kings and queens....this is research for work. What sort of music makes you wanna get up and dance?

January 2010




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