Sep. 12th, 2008


It's come to my attention that King and Whistler have roommates. Yes, that's right, I know about the two of you. However, I'm interested not in the male. He's of little consequence. I've come to realize that possibly, this doctor living at their fire house would make a much better vampire than Whistler. She interests me.

Oh and King. I've come to realize, Danica didn't quite understand the potential in you. Then again why would she, doesn't exactly use her head for much more than somewhere to place those ridiculous hairstyles of hers. That's neither here nor there. However, I see the potential in you, to be great, powerful, lead armies. I might even let you keep Whistler as a pet. We'll be in touch.

Ah and Selene, don't think I've forgotten about you my sweet. Your dog amuses me. Does he really believe he can stop me? He's merely a mongrel that needs to be put to sleep. I'll be seeing you soon. The taste of you is rather.. addicting.

Aug. 29th, 2008


Vampires have a sick sense of humor

Not funny.

Aug. 22nd, 2008


I'm searching for a science type that specializes in the... paranormal elements. Help please.

Aug. 20th, 2008


Filtered to the fire house residents

Drake's attacked someone, I won't explain to you how she survived, it's too complicated. Problem is, I only have a limited amount of weapons on me and I don't feel comfortable leaving where I am without back up.

I'm at St. Vibianas. Someone come get me, we'll get back to the house and start planning. I'm safe where I am, I'm assure you. But we can't waste anymore time.

Jul. 29th, 2008


Filtered to Faith

Hey Faith, Got sort of a proposition for ya. Well, not so much a proposition more of an offer.

Jul. 22nd, 2008


Filtered from the bad guys

So, are there any other paranormal monster hunters out there? I'm thinking I need to make some new friends.

[filtered to Booth]Um yeah, remember how I was saying that I was beginning to think that wasn't King. Guess what.

Jul. 12th, 2008


So, Los Angeles... didja miss me?

Jul. 9th, 2008


Is there a Demonology for Dummies? Not an actual book but something for a newbie to this supernatural to catch up on? Probably a stupid question but since I can't help talking back to creatures three times my age, better safe then sorry.

[Filtered to Abby]

Who is Drake?


Jun. 9th, 2008


I'm seriously sick of this crap. I know they're out there. Know what I think? I think they're afraid. Yup, they're hiding away somewhere, probably in sewers pissing themselves. They need to grow a set and come out of hiding. Because I'm bored. Buncha sissy, blood sucking jerks.

Apr. 21st, 2008


Well look at that, King. I knew it was supposed to be sunny in LA.

January 2010




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