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Jun. 18th, 2009


Extra-secure filtered post to AI and allies

I'm very, very close to narrowing down the area the people who have your friend are posting from. I'm assuming they're keeping her in the same area.

I'll be in the lobby as soon as I have a searchable area.

And I'm guessing now's a good time to mention the whole walking through walls thing. I can do that, and I can bring people with me when I do it. Might come in handy, if you want help on the rescue mission. I've got experience with this sort of thing. Way too much experience, to be honest.

[OOC: Will find location/start lobby thread when Buffy-player gives me the all clear. Feel free to add me on AIM for info-sharing - AerieOnePilot]

Jul. 21st, 2008


People that disappear they come back right?

They don't go back to where they came from do they? To go through whatever was happening before they got here?

Oh god this is not happening is it? Please, someone tell me I'm still asleep or something and that Chris is still here.


I have a sudden urge to something really fucking stupid

Jul. 20th, 2008


locked from the Master

Okay, I cannot believe I'm asking this but...oh Rassilon! I need to go clothes shopping, for, well, feminine items, only it's never exactly been a priority before and I'd hate to get it wrong so...would anyone care to accompany me? I ideally someone that knows what they're doing so I don't come across as being completely useless with this kind of thing?

Jul. 18th, 2008


Ah hello! Oh my I seem to have found myself in quite a situation. This is surely not England. Has the old girl done something silly again? Hmm…this seems to be a fixed point in time and space and I can’t seem to get my Tardis to function. Oh this is not good, not good at all!


Oy, eh? Well, it is new, ain't it? Not that I ain't ever been to LA before, but I didn't expect to end up here when I'm supposed be in the middle of a war. And now the blooming thing is busted, and I can't even get it to work. Might as well make the best of a bad situation, though, right? Someone wanna tell me what you lot do around here for fun?

Jul. 16th, 2008


Since it probably sounds less ominous coming from me, I'm fine. Sorry if I had anyone worried.

Jul. 15th, 2008


Filtered to the Doctor )

Jun. 5th, 2008


Susan has gone. Her TARDIS is missing, so I'm assuming it was intentional. At least when I abandoned her I said goodbye first! Please, come back for me.

May. 21st, 2008


filtered from the bad type people

Anyone have information on travelling between dimensions, specifically looking for people while doing so?

Private Xander, Buffy

I think I might have an idea. The execution part is still a little fuzzy though. But if I can find Mom, I should be able to find Willow, our Willow.

May. 20th, 2008


So it would seem rumours of our demise were greatly exaggerated, yes?

Oh dear Rassilon I'm accidentally quoting humans already!

May. 18th, 2008


This wait is becoming bloody irritating. Down below this network are posts of people who claim to have traveled elsewhere outside Los Angeles. I was informed we aren't able to leave the city. Evidently one of the sources is lying. Can we depart or not?


Gone, gone, gone.

He left me with the drums, but they'll go away soon too. They won't stay without him.

Too quiet...I'll go mad without anything to distract me from thinking.

He said it was always. Always his.

So much lies. Gone now. And only the drums remain.

May. 17th, 2008


A new world!

Sure, I crashed here more than landed but it's a new world none the less. I think I did a good job hiding my shuttle behind some big letters on the hillside above the city. Why the have writing on the hill I don't know but they do. Anyways, I'm looking forward to exploring!

May. 11th, 2008


Does anyone care to inform me where I've ended up? I'm not quite sure myself, but I can certainly say that this was not where I expected to be.

May. 8th, 2008


Thing may or may not sound completely insane, but I figure with this place as crazy as it is, maybe this is normal, maybe I haven’t gone insane.

Do Doppelgangers exist? Because there is someone running around who looks and sounds exactly like me but isn’t me. And I know I don't have some secret twin, like in the Parent Trap or something.

Has anyone else had this problem this happen, or did I - I mean we get the short straw here?


I must say, this is a bit odd. Still, it seems to be the custom, and when in Rome...

Hello, I'm the Doctor, and I appear to have mis-navigated somewhere along the way and lost Peri. That's troubling. Would somebody be so kind as to tell me what year it is?

May. 6th, 2008


Seriously? I always did hate war movies.

May. 4th, 2008


Ohmigod I'm back in LA!!! This is totally wonderful! I can't believe that after four heinous yet highly successful years at Harvard Law, that I'm back in sunny LA! I can't wait to ride down PCH with the top down and hello- lunch at the Ivy! Who's up for some retail therapy?

May. 2nd, 2008


Okay I don't have a headache or any of the pain associated with it, so I guessing I've not been teleported without my knowledge so can someone please explain to me how the hell I'm in L.A 2005 rather than just outside my flat in London, 2008?

I kind of have places to be.

Apr. 30th, 2008


A question, please humour me and tell me in your opinion: What is the hardest thing to do?

Thanks. That's all.


I don't have to explain you what I'll do with the hedgehogs, do I? You must have guessed what the Plan is.

Any idea in how Wonder Woman knows me? Forget it.

Apr. 28th, 2008


[Filtered to those with something against Harold Saxon/the Master]

Uh... OK. I know Ianto Jones is Torchwood's responsibility and all that, and yeah... I was going to let you lot take the lead on this one. But the Master (Saxon) is my responsibility, and as such.. I feel like if he hurts Ianto, that's sort of my fault in a way. So, what I mean is... since no one seems to actually be working on a plan here, I'm either going to get Ianto back with you or on my own.

Rose, Susan, Romana? I'm going to take it for granted that you're in. Donna? Fancy an extremely dangerous mission? Gwen? Come on, Gwen Cooper, I know you're in, right?

Right. Owen? Jack? I know we have our differences, but we're better as a somewhat united front.

Meet at the Venice Beach Suites and Hotel, room 301, anytime from 7pm. If you're not there, I'll assume you're not interested.

Apr. 27th, 2008


I'd like a medium coke and an order of nachos. 3.37? Sure. I've got a 5 in here somewhere...Whoa, talk about creepy darkness swirleys...And now I'm nowhere I'm used to being.

I suppose if I sit here and think real long, and real hard...Oh wait, I don't have to. I'm pretty sure that if something is out of the ordinary, Veronica or Weevil is to blame.

Sweet, I still have my bag. I'm glad I didn't leave this at the table!

Apr. 25th, 2008


This Mysterious Doctor Bloke. )

Apr. 23rd, 2008


Does anyone else know wormhole physics? I've got a few holes in my current working theory to fill in, and I don't think half thought through and very vaguely explained science fiction is going to help much.


Filtered to Torchwood Staff + Anyone With Anything Against Harold Saxon

Harold Saxon has Ianto held captive.

Ianto sent me an address that he was going to, but it's hard to say whether they're still there.

We're going to have to construct some sort of plan of attack. That means NOT just charging in there blindly, Jack. And we're going to need as many people as possible since I'm not sure exactly what breed of insanity we're dealing with. Everyone meet at [address of Tosh & Owen's hotel].

Tosh, see if his mobile is on and if you can triangulate a position for him to see if the information he sent the first time through is still good. (The message is on my mobile, left hand jacket pocket.)

Suzie, you're our weapons expert. Wind up anything and everything you can find.

Gwen. I know you just got here, and this is probably the last thing you need to deal with right now, but I need to you do what you do best. Canvas the neighborhoods near the address that Ianto sent to see if anyone has seen either him or Saxon.

And Jack, wherever you are, you'd better get your arse down here because I don't want you pulling some sort of fancy boy heroics.

Anyone else that can see this, if you're willing to act as a partner to any of our agents, you can find us at the address above.

Apr. 22nd, 2008


... Doctor?




And everyone else on the internet? If you think going off into space and time with a man in a bluebox is a good idea, let me tell you it's not. Well, maybe a little, but mostly not.


"Busy old fool, unruly Sun,
Why dost thou thus,
Through windows, and through curtains, call on us?
Must to thy motions lovers' seasons run?"

My, my... so much rejoice in one side! So much woe in the other! Isn't this city just a jewel shining for this humble jester's eyes? Ahhh, weep not, those who feel crestfallen, take Mad Hatter's hand and join the mad tea party. Every day except your birthday is worth to celebrate~♪

Why so sour, o forces of wickedness? The sun is not an enemy of yours. Listen to this humble jester utter old truths that the one who is known as the Morning Star was the Father of the suns. The same Morning Star that fathered Hell.

Light. Darkness. Sun. Moon. One and the same. Forget one's advice. Who would listen to a fool, a mere jester that is here for the Court's amusement?

In conclusion, one is feeling lonely and searches for animal company. Are there any good pet stores the ladies and lords would recommend? One was thinking in purchasing a good snake. Such wise creatures, those. The sssssecrets they know how to keep from the entire world.

Apr. 21st, 2008


The sun must be destroyed.


I never thought I would be so happy to see the sun again.

Apr. 19th, 2008


Oh my God. This isn't.. this is impossible. How can I- Oh my God...


Scooby Doo, where are you?!


Well hello LA. It's taken me a long time to get here but I finally made it. I'm looking for someone. He's not to tall speaks with what to most of you would call a 'british accent' and he looks like he's just turned up your door to tell you about Jesus. Only he's much more dangerous and completely insane. He answers to Harry and the Master. Oh dear it sounds like I'm looking for a lost puppy doesn't it? Not much difference sometimes. If you see him let me know.

Harry if you're out there I miss you darling, please come meet me. Oh, and I'm sorry for shooting you. I promise it'll never happen again.

Apr. 17th, 2008


Filtered to blokes.

I'm surrounded by women and they are driving me insane.

How is it that they are always right? What's that all about?

Apr. 13th, 2008



This form confuses me. Why am I in this human shell?

Apr. 11th, 2008


My sister and my best mate are destined to get married. They have kids. Some of those kids are here. They're calling me uncle.

So here's what I want to know: am I allowed to be freaking out right now? Even a little? Raise of hands? Or, you know, comments.


You know, this looks amazingly like somewhere that is not my bedroom. In fact, it doesn't even look like my city. I've been in strange places before, but usually I have at least a tad bit of forewarning, first. At least enough warning for me to change out of my jim-jams.

I'd love an explanation for this.

Apr. 8th, 2008


Really now. Is there not a single one of you do-gooders that can pose an actual threat against me? This is becoming something of a bore...

Apr. 7th, 2008


A little old to be playing hide-and-go-seek, aren't we, Doctor? Over a thousand years old, the both of us, and we're still stuck in this cliché little routine of ours. So, let me get this straight, and- feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but: you disappear, you come back, you disappear, you come back, again- sort of like a puppy. Am I right? Because, God, I have always wanted a puppy! Though, I will admit, I may just find them a bit more enjoyable when they're Doctor-shaped.

Oh- so sorry, I've done all this wittering away, and left all of you mindless little pawns in anticipation, haven't I?

I'll give you all a little hint as to just who I am, shall I? Starts with a "Lord" and ends with a "and Master Over All".

Oh! And, try your best not to frown, ickle Captain and crew, I'm quite sure you'll all get there someday.


Toto, I don't think we're in Cardiff anymore.

Not that it matters because this is brilliant! The rains is freezing, the wind isn't helping one ruddy bit, and I'd really like to know where the goddamn sun has buggered off to at 3 in the afternoon, but I don't think I've ever been so happy to be miserable in my whole life.

Yes. Life. Because, ladies and gentleman, Dr. Owen Harper is alive!

Living-breathing-eating-drinking-fucking alive!

Tosh? Ianto? Gwen? Jack? Hell, I'd be happy to see Rhys right now!

God. I'm dying (without any irony!) for a curry. Anyone know where there's an Indian takeout around here? Wherever here is.

Apr. 6th, 2008


At least it's over now. So much damage everywhere...Is everyone all right?

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