Aug. 27th, 2008


[Filtered to all Jedi and Associates]

I think it's time we all met. It seems to me that we are fractured and this cannot continue. We may be from different points in time, but we are from the same galaxy and as such should be united. We need to resolve these issues between us or they will consume us all.

Jacen I want to see you especially.

[Filtered to Padme]

I confess to some nervousness at meeting you. I don't know if you know who I am, but I am Mara Jade Skywalker, your son's wife. I'd be honored if we could meet, perhaps before meeting with the others to allow us the chance to get to know one another.

Jun. 18th, 2008


Obi-Wan. If you're interested, there's a room at the Hyperion with your name on it. (Well, not literally, as I haven't actually put a name-tape up or anything, but there is a room.) Lady Aayla might perhaps be interested, as well?

[ filtered to Hyperion residents ; ]

Mantis thinks the baby food is sort of funny, but he's indulged me so far on the issue. He said to tell you thank you, Miss Littleton.

If anyone needs me, I think I'm going to be out in the garden getting in some lightsaber practice. (Don't worry, your garden will still be there when I'm done.) I need to expel some of this manic energy.

Jun. 16th, 2008


Truth, is it? A time for tale-telling and soul-baring. Well, then, far be it for me to be uncooperative. I'll tell you a story. Listen well, Jedi, and learn.

I, too, was once a Jedi. Before the Order became clerical and sterilised, when there was still some passion. How things come full circle, hm, Luke?

I was a Jedi. And curiousity and ambition have ever been my most defining sins. Curiousity about forbidden things. If one is taught to avoid a thing without ever truly knowing what that thing is, desire to see it begins to eat at you.

There were no Sith in those days. They'd died with the great Lords-- Freedon Nadd, Naga Sadow.

He came to me, on Onderon, on Korriban. On Yavin IV, I was given a choice: use the Dark or die in that place. Instinct to survive was stronger than honour at that moment, surrounded and crushed as I was beneath such evil.

And so I embraced the Dark. I took it into myself so fully that any part of me that had been good and merciful died screaming.

Then I destroyed Freedon Nadd, I destroyed Sadow's creatures, and I learned all I could. Never enough knowledge, never enough pain and suffering. I could devour the whole galaxy and never be satisfied.

That is true darkness. That is the darkness that rips worlds apart, that destroyed the Republic twice, thrice, and which tore the Jedi from their very foundations. That is darkness that your Palpatine housed also within his soul, as pathetic as he may have been in the end.

And why does it continue to rise, each time you think it could be gone for good? Because there is no balance without it. The brightest flames cast the deepest shadows. Skywalkers understand that. Don't you, Lord Vader? You had to learn it through fire and agony, but you learned it. Luke. You learned it at Palpatine's hands, trying so desperately to understand. A pet, a pretty jewel wrapped up in black to set off its shine. With his slimy hands on your face, wanting to take that brightness away.

Skywalkers shine, no matter what path they take. It may be the bright glimmer of the sun on gold and sand, or it could be the dull gleam of spilled blood, but you are yourselves the embodiment of that gray light.

Guard yourselves well.


Okay, I don't know what the kriff is going on, but it needs to stop. Someone just asked me where I got my lightsaber from and I told them the truth. Telling strangers "I made it myself when I was training to be a Jedi. My uncle, Luke Skywalker, taught me how" is not a good way to blend in around this city.

I need a place to stay. Jacen and Allana are in my hotel room, and I can't stay on the Falcon because I need to avoid my father until I can avoid the truth again.

I know things that would hurt them both deeply, and I can't ask Uncle Luke for the same reason. Help?

Jun. 15th, 2008


Is everyone very high?

Jun. 16th, 2008


Somehow….I don’t think being a Rutian Twi'lek is going to be easy on this planet.

My commlink is not working. I am hoping this way of communication does.

January 2010




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