Jun. 10th, 2008


It's not fucking fair. I can't get away from any of it. Why do I have to keep remembering something like that?

Someone's making an effort to create onryou, and I don't appreciate it, okay? Stop. I don't know what you're doing to those people before you kill them, but you're making them really, really, really mad. And that annoys me.

Jun. 1st, 2008


I just wanted you all to know that there's more than one option around here when it comes down to exorcising demons and taking care of monsters. I'm a hunter and it's what I do. If you have a problem, particularly with demons, don't hesitate to come straight to me. It would be a better thing for both yourself and me in the long run because I need to face off as many demons as possible within the next few days before Dean.

My contact informtion is as follows: [insert email and phone number].

Don't know what a demon is? Most people don't. It's hard to tell. But if you see a friend that's suddenly acting completely out of character then that might be your first clue. Your second would be the smoke rising from the demons flesh after you douse it with holy water. I usually don't suggest that you hit them hard with the holy water though, since that generally means that they can't pull their little stunt over you anymore and will probably attempt to murder you right on the spot. So just call me if you have any suspicions. If there's a demon around, I'll figure it out. And if not? It's better to be safe, don't you think?


Kay, so. Can't believe I'm fuckin doing this. I've noticed you people have a serious youkai problem. Not too many vengeful spirits or anything, but whatever, I can work with youkai. Anyone need an exorcist? Fucking.. LA. Send me the fuck home so I can get back to life pretending I'm normal around other people, thanks. My rates are cheap. Mostly because I've never actually charged before. What the hell. I should be making money for all the crap I have to do because of a past life I can't even remember.

I'm also good with ghosts, souls in general, tengu, household gods, local gods, Buddhist crap thank you, Naoe, spirit-beasts, kicking ass, dealing with morons, and not getting killed. I'm pretty resilient.

And if anyone sees a tall, shifty-looking monk with a penchant for suits and sunglasses, fucking tell him that Takaya's going to kick his ass. He should be here, with me. Goddamnit! Not a freaking girl, I am not fucking missing him.

May. 30th, 2008


.. What the hell. How did I end up in the United States?

If fucking Naoe had something to do with this, I'm gonna kill him. Swear to freaking God.

January 2010




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