Nov. 26th, 2008


multiple filters

Caleb )

Glory )

Hyperion )

Nov. 21st, 2008


[Filtered against the bad guys]

I don't know about the rest of you, but I need a distraction. There's too much insanity going on around here.

So I'm putting together a Pyramid game. Frak it, if I could build a court of Caprica after the genocide, I can build one here. I've even found a space and it'll be done by tomorrow morning. If you want to come down and join in I'll be grateful forever. [ADDRESS]

Here's the basic Rules

Nov. 16th, 2008


filtered to Angel Investigations

Okay, so since apparently there seems to be some sort of breakdown in communication here, I think it's time that everyone realizes something.

If you are a member of this team, if you are staying in this hotel, then you are expected to be a member of this team. This means no rushing off, half-cocked, to handle anything on your own. This also means listening to those who know what they're talking about and actually following their advice.

For those of you who have a problem working as a team and listening to those who have been doing this for a very long time and therefore know what they're doing in the first place?

The door is in the lobby. I'll help you carry your things out myself.

So, now that we're all on the same page about that, let's try this again.

NO ONE, I do not care WHO YOU ARE, is to go anywhere near Caleb. In fact, if anyone even so much as catches what might pass as a glimpse of the guy, you are to run away as fast as is humanly possible.

We're going to get him, guys. We are. But if you run off on your own on this, there's no guarantee that we're going to be able to save you. In fact, there's a good chance we won't.


Is it just me or have the arrivals in this place started to slow down some? I wonder if it means anything...

{filtered to Peter and Sarah}
Thank you very much for the wedding invitation and definitely congratulations. I just have one question.

Do I have to wear shoes?

{filtered to Anakin}
So, looks like we're going to a wedding. Don't suppose you have any idea what an Earth wedding is supposed to be like? Are we expected to bring a gift or anything?

Nov. 1st, 2008


[Filtered to Hyperion]

While, I'm not in a position of authority here, you all better listen up!

I don't care how powerful you are, I don't want to hear about any of you going outside without chocolate.

It may sound ridiculous, but if there really are Dementors out there, this is the only thing that will make you feel better. And having someone else with you might save your life! But really if you don't have to leave the hotel, then for the love of Merlin, don't!

Remember the cliche? Think happy thoughts.

Oct. 30th, 2008


Who wants to go trick-or-treating tomorrow?!

Oct. 27th, 2008


[Filtered to Prank Team Not-the-Winchesters]

If anyone had any doubts over the genius of Plan Foil check this out.

Plus think of the music opening that, consider we have a Jedi on side...

It's destiny. No two ways about it.


Filtered to Mara.

I'm asking you cause you're the only Jedi Master in LA who won't make that face when I ask this...

Is...using Jedi Persuasion wrong if its purely in the interest of a really impressive Prank War?

Its for a good cause.


[Filtered to Heather, Ruby, Jessica, f!Claire]

[Filter EDITED to now add Xander Harris, Nathan Petrelli, Peter Petrelli, Heidi Petrelli, Sarah Almost-Petrelli and Anakin Solo ETA2: and now Angela Montenegro] [ooc: yes, she's recruiting as many as she can!]

Ok, it's war!

So Sam and Dean clearly didn't appreciate the joke. And now it seems that Kira had a loss of sense of humor as well for some reason.

Therefore I propose more pranking on all three of them. And I am offering myself up to be blamed as the mastermind of all of this. Since I'm all locked away in the Hyperion for the next few days it's not like they can get in to prank me back right?!

Claire, I know you have expertise in the pranking arena so your experience will be appreciated. Also, want you firmly on our side as you could prank me back if you wanted to!

Ruby, I am suspecting you have a devious mind and want to make full use of that.

Jessica, welcome to LA. This is how we entertain ourselves.

Heather, you brought us all together, and first came up with the idea of pranking them both. I worship and adore you!

Oct. 17th, 2008


filtered to Anakin Solo

Okay, I just had a vision and I think it'd be a good one for you to handle. Well, you, and your girlfriend. No one goes out alone to deal with something sent to me by the PTB.

Anyway. You want to be here {address} before six o'clock tonight. You're looking for a man with glasses, and what looks like a really bad hairpiece.

Some kind of demon-y looking, scaled... thing is going to try to eat him. I'm looking through the database now to see if I can find a weakness. As of right now, just go for its head. As in, remove it from its body.

Check in when you get back. Not all of us have that spiffy connection to the Force and can tell when something happens to someone.

Oct. 12th, 2008


Well, that was certainly interesting.

It's good to be back.

Private to Jacen Solo )

Private to Anakin Solo )

Private to Anakin Skywalker )

Private to Darth Caedus )

Private to Alema Rar )


So what did I miss?

Oct. 5th, 2008


I'm sorry about all the people that are getting hurt.

Is there anything I can do to help? I helped Gabriel with some stuff the other day. I'm good with technology.

You'd tell me if you were sick, right?

This place is a lot scarier than New Orleans.

Sep. 30th, 2008


I never thought the day would come when I'd miss the insanity that happens on Coruscant but, well, apparently that day has officially arrived. At least there we didn't have to worry about our own elements turning completely against us. Not anymore than they already had, at least.

Peter Petrelli )

Anakin Skywalker )

Jacen Solo )

Anakin Solo )


[ooc:backdated to Monday morning]

[Filtered to Jedi and associates]

I thought it might be wise for us to check in and give an update as to our situations give the current circumstances. Has anyone been drinking the water? Or noticed anything else to do with this... Apocalypse they seem to be talking about?

[Filtered to Luke]

You ok right? Not sick or anything? please don't be sick

This may be selfish of me but I'm glad you're here.

Sep. 28th, 2008


Filtered to Hyperion Residents

Okay everyone, we need to pull together right now. Things are getting bad, and if the information we're putting together is right, then this is the Apocalypse. The one from the Bible.

As of now, the Hyperion is on lockdown, code Yellow. Only authorized comings and goings. Those of you who are regularly on patrol, check in every hour. No one is to go out on their own.

Second, the water has been shut off. Tap water, and showers. We've got toilets, but until we get some way to make sure the water is clean, that's all we've got. There's a lot of bottled water on hand, so that's what we'll be using for all drinking/cooking/coffee purposes. And believe me, I'm going to figure something out for the showers ASAP.

MOVING ON. APOCALYPSE. I need people reading up on Revelation. I want to know what we should be expecting. Horsemen, white, red, black, and pale. If there are horses in the city, I want to know. If there are people dressed in these colors, I want to know. To all you with computer and technology skills: That spill from the tanker a couple of weeks ago contaminated the water at the beach. I want details of what happened there. Crew manifests, video surveillence, whatever. I want to know what happened. Same for the water treatment plants lining the aqueducts. If those aren't working, I want to know, and I want to know why.

That's the only lead we've got right now. Water spills and contamination. The Horsemen are supposed to be Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death. Some people are having issues with malnutrition - why? What's the cause?

Let's get talking, everyone. We need answers if we're going to stop this. Let's get everything out.



Did none of you learn from the last time?

[Filtered to the Hyperion]

Noone, and I mean absolutely noone, touch the pitcher of Kool-Aid in the fridge. Simon made it this morning, and it's contaminated.

Sep. 25th, 2008


I swear to the Force, it is never a dull moment around this karking place. What did you idiots do to piss him off this time?

{filtered to Anakin Skywalker}
What's going on? I'm giving you five minutes to reply and I'm coming to find you.

Sep. 19th, 2008


filtered to good!Jedi and any of their family members

So since people can just disappear here without any warning, I thought it might be a good idea if we all checked in. I know we can pretty much sense each other through the Force, but this place seems able to play tricks on others, so it could always play tricks on us too. And with Darth Caedus running around... well, better safe than sorry, right?

That being said, if everyone who is a Jedi or who is the family member of a Jedi, if you could please reply here? That way we know for a fact who all is still around and who might have gone home.

Oh, and please don't reply for anyone else unless they're sitting in the room right beside you when you do, or something.

And with that, I'll start. I'm Tahiri Veila, for anyone who doesn't know me or hasn't met me yet in your own time. And obviously, I'm here.

Sep. 16th, 2008


Filtered to Peter Petrelli

Can you come up with some reason why Tahiri needs to be in the lobby at 10 tomorrow? Nothing to do with me at all obviously!

Sep. 11th, 2008


Filtered to the Hyperion except Tahiri Veila

Ok so, I want to bring Tahiri somewhere special. We never really got to date before things made it so we never would so I'm not wasting anymore time.

Thing is I have no clue where in LA to bring her, or whats normal for a date here.

Now its Tahiri, she hates anything stuffy, so no, formal dinner plans or anything. She likes being outside. But I want it to be special for her?

So...any ideas??

Aug. 28th, 2008


Pryozz nikk remaga?!?**

What's going on? What is this place? More importantly, where is everyone else?

Anakin? I know you're here, I can sense you. Please answer me. Now isn't the time for you to practice that silence you're so good at...

{Translation: Where am I?!?}

Aug. 27th, 2008


[Filtered to all Jedi and Associates]

I think it's time we all met. It seems to me that we are fractured and this cannot continue. We may be from different points in time, but we are from the same galaxy and as such should be united. We need to resolve these issues between us or they will consume us all.

Jacen I want to see you especially.

[Filtered to Padme]

I confess to some nervousness at meeting you. I don't know if you know who I am, but I am Mara Jade Skywalker, your son's wife. I'd be honored if we could meet, perhaps before meeting with the others to allow us the chance to get to know one another.

Aug. 19th, 2008


I...don't even know what to think or do anymore.

Aug. 14th, 2008


So it appears I've been brought here by some power beyond my control. Thankfully some of my family seem to be here as well which makes things slightly less disconcerting. Still, I probably should introduce myself, and more perspectives on the situation here would be greatly appreciated.

My name is Mara Jade Skywalker, Jedi Master and not entirely sure why I'm here.

Aug. 13th, 2008


I'm beginnin' to think this is some kinda paradox, what with all kindsa people showin' up from different times and places for a theoretical war between good and evil. Though I can't figure out which one because the Grandfather clause applies to the ones that came from the future, preventin' somethin' bad to save their world but then there's the predestination paradox where those of us from the past were meant to share some kinda knowledge to help out.


As much as I like a challenge, I feel a little over my head about this one. Supernaural forces and physics go together a little like oil and water sometimes.

...anyone else notice the traffic lights are out?

Aug. 12th, 2008


What the hell is going on?

Is this some kind of frakking cylon trick?

Where am I? And where is Galactica?

Aug. 8th, 2008


Okay hey..

turns out I don't need to do the big confused what is this place intro. Had it all explained to me and discovered half my family are here, including some of it I never thought I'd meet and some of it I didn't even know existed. And apparently my folks were...but now aren't, or something...

So yeah, My names Anakin Solo, Younger brother of Jaina and Jacen, even more younger now since they got older and I...very much didn't. So who else do we have stuck in this place and what exactly are we meant to have been brought here for.

Also, am I gonna need credits and stuff, cause I'm pretty okay at working with technology.

Filtered to Jacen

You gonna meet me big bro? Talked to Jaina and, well I know what she says and I know its what she believes cause she wouldn't lie to me. But I want to hear it from you? Cause I can't kriffing believe you of all people would end up like that

Filtered to Amelia Solo

Hi, I'm your seventeen year old Uncle Anakin that should be dead.

We probably should talk

January 2010




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