Nov. 21st, 2008


The Weir )

OOC: Thought it might be time for Scorpius to break the news, since it's not really a secret anymore. Plus it'd be cool to see the reactions of some HP pups.

Nov. 14th, 2008


It's official, even not at Hogwarts, History of Magic is boring. Very, very boring.


Filtered to Good HP People

We need to be prepared to fight more than just Dementors. I got attacked by one of those Demon things, and they move fast. Almost too fast. Or at least the one which attacked me did.

We all need to be ready to defend ourselves.

Nov. 6th, 2008


filtered away from hermione.


Oct. 23rd, 2008


I guess Los Angeles is going to be my stop for now. I just came from the northeast, a small town called Shepherd's Glenn, next to Silent Hill.

If anyone can give me directions to a decent hotel you will have my fullest gratitude.

Nov. 1st, 2008


filtered to HP!wizards and witches (and their friends) - excluding Voldemort and Bellatrix

The news was just on. They were talking about some family that was killed last night. They said there was what looked like a skull, hovering overtop the building.

A young couple and their infant son. The woman had red hair...

{filtered to Harry}
Is this what it's like, just sitting around waiting for him to strike next? Can't you do someth

I wish he'd just go away. D'you think maybe one of the vengeance demons could do that for me without bollixing it all up?


And that's why I hate Halloween.

Oct. 12th, 2008


Mum? Dad? Lils?

Bloody hell, I'd settle for Malfoy right now. Someone just tell me what's going on!

Sep. 16th, 2008


filtered against anyone from his reality

I'm really starting to wonder if my family, both by blood and extended, have all gone completely barmy. If they have, which is entirely possible given how most of them have been acting lately, I blame this place. Not the people in it, but this place itself. It's making them all well and truly mad.

That being said, and while I realize there are very dangerous creatures that roam these streets, there are also now two extremely dangerous people from my home that are on the loose. They're even more mad than my family full of nutters, and will not hesitate to torture then kill most everyone here.

So please, be careful. Their names are Bellatrix Lestrange and Barty Crouch, Jr. and they were a part of a group where I'm from who took great fun in bringing harm to anyone who doesn't share in their extremist views.

And I would likely give my wand for a bottle of firewhiskey right now.


I need to get out of this place, I can't take this.

Sep. 15th, 2008


What's going on?

Someone better give me some answers before I start hexing people.

Sep. 14th, 2008


Er, has anyone seen Ginny...?

Strike that. She' Again.

Sep. 13th, 2008


filtered to Scorpius Malfoy and Lily Potter (Jr.)

Is it just me, or do we suddenly have a lot of people here from the Wizarding World who have no idea who any of us are?

Sep. 4th, 2008



Has anyone seen him? He can't be gone.

Aug. 16th, 2008


{Filtered to, the Potters, the Weasleys Remus, Nymphadora}

Who is Merope Gaunt?

Aug. 15th, 2008


this is not little hangleton. this is not home. i do not know where i am. i do not know how this machine is working. it is so loud here. why are there no plants/ where are all the trees/ how do i get the question mark to work/ i can see it, it cannot work it. what kind of demon muggle contraption is this/

i want to know i need will someone help i demand as the heir of salazar slytherin that someone tell me what is going on1


Aug. 5th, 2008


So, it would seem I'm back. I'm not exactly thrilled with this fact. There's something very wrong with this place.

Mum, Dad, are you still here?

May. 31st, 2008


Er... I know I'm fairly new here, and not wholly familiar with this place, but... wasn't there a very large sign entitled "HOLLYWOOD" that was viewable from most every place in this city?

May. 13th, 2008


Filtered to Potterverse people he knows (sorry, no Tom!)

We've been trying to get on the same page (bloody hell, literally it looks like), but we're all from different times. We need to meet up, ALL of us, so we can figure out a way to fix this. Honestly, I'd like to see my kids grow up. It's reassuring to see they turned out rather decent, I have to say, but that's besides the point.

I heard that Sirius might have been seen?

(Private to Snape)
I'd like you to come as well, if you would. You're a hero, and everyone needs to know that, once and for all. she gone? From what I heard in the hotel here, another wave of travelers disappeared back to whereever they came from. Did you warn her?

Apr. 30th, 2008


I finally got a broom to fly correctly, it looks like. It still needs some testing. Ron? Ginny? Come test this thing. I think I've gotten it right this time, though. I sort of tried testing it myself, and I think I have a slight concussion. I'll duplicate the spell on other brooms as soon as I'm sure this one came out right.

Apr. 28th, 2008


Harry Potter.

It’s so nice to know that you’re here and well. I hope you enjoy the city while you still have the chance. You and I, we’ll see one another soon I suppose. Bring your friends along if you’d like. The more the merrier. We’ll see how many of them I can kill before I get my hands on you. It will be an unforgettable time. I’m sure of that, just as I’m sure of the fact that you won’t be able to stay away.

And here's a small warning: You might want to keep those brats of yours close. Who knows what they could get into. Los Angeles is a dangerous place.

[Private to Damien]

I gave you something and now I want something in return. I know that, being who you are, you won’t find this all that difficult.

As you might have read, Potter is now among us. Although I personally have done nothing to him, he’ll find it necessary to try to get rid of me. If and when he shows his face, I might be in need of your assistance, especially if he doesn’t come alone.


You know what I like? I like Quidditch. I like food, and family. I'm a big fan of the Great Halls ceiling. I'm a fan of hexes, and the Harpies. I also like the colours red, brown and green. I like the smell of my mothers cooking, and the Burrow. Shell Cottage is good too. Know what else I like? My boyfriend/future husband who is apparenty around here somewhere and yet I, personally, haven't heard from him at all (did he reply to you Ron?), and I can't take the suspense anymore. Harry, you may be from a different time than me but if I don't hear something from you soon, you are so dead.

Apr. 26th, 2008


Harry! Everyone is saying that you're here! And that you're an old man!


There was this demon thing, it was green, and smelled rank, with massive horns and I swear to Merlin those teeth could have cut through steel. My left side is a massive bruise. Note to self, stop going outside when it gets dark. They never fully taught us how to deal with those things in school. Though it's definitely not going to be attacking anyone else any time soon.

Her Hermione, have you had any luck with those brooms yet?

Apr. 21st, 2008


Bloody hell! About time!

I don't believe it. The sun just finally rose, and I think the rain may even be stopping...


Good morning,

I wonder if someone could be so kind as to direct me to the nearest connection to the Floo Network? I appear to have had some sort apparating mishap, and it's probably safer for me to use the Network until I can figure out what exactly went wrong.

Many thanks,
R.J Lupin.

Apr. 19th, 2008


I just watched a musical. On Thing. And I have to say, it makes me feel very depressed. People just randomly bursting into song like it's the thing to do. What in the bloody hell is that all about? Who does that?

You muggles are very odd - what with your musicals and angry rap music. I mean, Merlin, I thought that Death Eaters were bad. But you 'gangster' folk really just know how to top it all, don't you? Very angry, you lot. And for some reason they always get the women. And that is shocking enough since they seem so bloody well terrifying.

What does 'bust a cap' mean, anyhow?


Why isn't Lorcan here, yet? It's scary without Lorcan. And why do people keep trying to run me over? What did I ever do to them?! I was just crossing the road. People here need to be nicer. They need to be in Hufflepuff!

Apr. 13th, 2008



That's right. Be jealous.

Apr. 12th, 2008


Filtered to the HP people

So, this is one bloody confusing situation and I don't know about you but I am all for figuring this out. Where is everyone exactly? We should pick somewhere for us all to go and figure it out from there.


Ok...explanation please? Where am I? Because this place doesn't look at all familiar.

And secondly, how exactly did I get here? Because all I remember doing was walking through a door. And if the answer is prank portkey, someone is going down. Painfully.

Apr. 11th, 2008


Okay, I'm definitely pissed off now! Seriously.. what the fuck? Did someone turn my bag into a portkey? I shouldn't even be here.

Not in this place, not in this time. Someone better give me answers! I demand an explanation for this bullshit. Immediately.


My sister and my best mate are destined to get married. They have kids. Some of those kids are here. They're calling me uncle.

So here's what I want to know: am I allowed to be freaking out right now? Even a little? Raise of hands? Or, you know, comments.


Bloody hell....

James Sirius Potter!!!
I don't know how... I don't know why... but I'm certain this is your fault somehow and you FIX IT RIGHT NOW!!!!

Apr. 12th, 2008



Apr. 11th, 2008


... know i was on my way to the burrow with harry a few minutes ago. i came home after work, then went to harry's. then we both left for dinner with mum, dad, ron and i'm here? in america? on one of these things...what are they called again?

george? if this is your idea of a joke? it's not funny, and i'm going to get you.

Apr. 10th, 2008


Erm... can anyone explain to me what's going on? I was on my way to visit my grandparents and I know I didn't Apparate get all the way from The Burrow to America on my own. That's not even possible, I don't think. Especially since I seem to have somehow traveled back in time as well...

Oh, I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Al Potter. Yes, I'm his son. Any help that can be offered would be really great.

January 2010




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